Senin, 31 Desember 2012
How to Get Rid Of a Fever Naturally
When you or your children have a fever, you will soon find a way to get rid of it. Fever is usually a sign that something has gone wrong in your body. For adults fever will feel uncomfortable, but usually not dangerous even though the temperature reached 39.4 Celsius or higher. For children and teenagers fever may indicate a serious infection.
The high temperature did not indicate how
Minggu, 30 Desember 2012
10 Health Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar For Your Body
Apple cider vinegar is a brown liquid made from fermented apples. Apple cider vinegar has been used since thousands of years ago because of the benefits that can cure various diseases and infections, such as sinusitis, fever, and flu. Drinking apple cider vinegar every day will help improve digestion and cure many chronic illnesses, such as depression, fatigue, arthritis, and can lower blood
Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012
How To Get Rid Of Dry Mouth
There are many ways to get rid of dry mouth. Dry mouth is a condition where there is decreased secretion of saliva in the mouth by the salivary glands. This condition can cause symptoms such as constant thirst, increased susceptibility of contracting oral opportunistic disease, increase the risk of gingivitis (gum disease), tooth decay, and mouth infections. Dry mouth also makes it difficult to
Health Benefits Of Oatmeal
There are many health benefits of oatmeal. Currently, many nutritionists and health experts advise oatmeal consumption in our daily lives. oatmeal is an appropriate alternative in maintaining a healthy life. Oatmeal is high in fiber, oatmeal provides magnesium, protein, phosphorus and vitamin B1 (thiamin), which plays an important role in producing energy.
Oats have a high nutrient
How To Get Rid Of Blackheads With Natural Ways
There are many natural ways to get rid of blackheads. Blackheads (open comedones), looks like enlarged pores and blackened. Blackheads has a blackish color due to oxidation by air. Blackheads is skin problems that occur as a result of excessive accumulation of dead skin cells and oily pores open. Blackheads are commonly seen on the nose, back, chest, neck and forehead.
Blackhead Causes:
Jumat, 28 Desember 2012
Health Benefits Of Melon
Melon fruit contains a lot of water (about 95% of the fruit) also rich in vitamins and minerals, so it has many benefits for our health. From the side of water content, melons can give sense of cool and soothing effect, so it can relieve heartburn and cleanse the kidneys from the remnants of metabolism.
Benefits of melon fruit itself has been tested to treat various types of diseases
11 Health Benefits Of Lemon Water
There are many health benefits of lemon water. Lemon contains about 5 percent citric acid and is a rich source of vitamin C. Lemon also contains many vitamins like vitamin B, riboflavin and minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and protein and carbohydrates. There are so many food menu that use lemon as a conduit of flavor, ranging from cakes, dishes made from chicken, a variety of
Kamis, 27 Desember 2012
Menyimpan foto dari Instagram
Bagi anda yang ingin menyimpan foto yang ada di feeds dari instagram melalui PC/Laptop, caranya adalah sebagai berikut:
- Syaratnya anda harus memiliki akun instagram (tentunya pengguna android dan iOS).
- Gunakan browser Google Chrome. (jika belum ada, anda bisa mendownloadnya terlebih dahulu)
- Unduh Instagram for Chrome di sini. Akan muncul extension icon instagram di bawah tombol min, max, close windows.
- Klik icon tersebut, kemudian browser akan menuju ke situs instagram untuk login ke akun anda.
- Masukkan id dan password akun instagram anda, kemudian klik Log in.
- Syaratnya anda harus memiliki akun instagram (tentunya pengguna android dan iOS).
- Gunakan browser Google Chrome. (jika belum ada, anda bisa mendownloadnya terlebih dahulu)
- Unduh Instagram for Chrome di sini. Akan muncul extension icon instagram di bawah tombol min, max, close windows.
- Masukkan id dan password akun instagram anda, kemudian klik Log in.
- Tab situs instagram akan tertutup otomatis, klik kembali icon instagram, maka akan langsung menuju ke halaman feeds orang-orang yang anda follow.
- Jika ingin lebih nyaman, klik icon setting lalu Pop-Out, agar jendelanya terpisah dengan browser.
- Kemudian jika anda ingin menyimpan fotonya, anda tinggal mengklik tombol zoom.
- Akan muncul jendela baru lagi yang memuat gambar yang anda pilih, lalu klik kanan dan pilih Save image as... Pilih lokasi anda ingin menyimpan gambar tersebut.
- Foto telah tersimpan di hard disk anda. Ukuran gambar yg tersimpan adalah 612x612 pixel.
- Selamat mencoba!
Kita bisa membuka profil instagram seseorang di browser dengan mengetikkan:[username] yang langsung akan menuju ke koleksi foto profil orang tersebut.
Cara ini hanya untuk melihat-lihat profil orangnya saja, tidak bisa menyimpan gambarnya
How To Get Rid Of Leg Cramps
Leg cramps is a very disturbing and certainly painless, can occur at any time, either in the middle of exercise, in the middle of the night and so on. Cramps usually last less than a minute, but it could be more than 15 minutes.
Causes of leg cramps
Cramps can be caused by many things, such as:
The muscle fatigue
The use of excessive muscle
Lack of body electrolytes (Ca and K) due
How To Increase Metabolism Properly
Increase metabolism can increase calorie burning in our bodies. With good metabolism you will have the energy, more fit, and keep the weight. The term metabolism, derived from Greek, means change or transformation. It is associated with a variety of processes in the body that convert food and other substances into energy and other metabolic byproducts that are used by the body. This is a
Selasa, 25 Desember 2012
How To Get Rid Of Anxiety Naturally
Many ways to get rid of anxiety. Each person surely have experienced anxiety. If the feelings of anxiety that arise occasionally it is reasonable (normal). However, if anxiety is excessive, causing panic attacks and occurs repeatedly, too frequent or intense and even appeared unexpectedly before, it means it's time for you to seek help, treatment or therapy of anxiety.
The most common anxiety
The most common anxiety
Oregano Health Benefits And Nutrition Fact
Benefits of Oregano Leaves for health is very much. Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is a plant which is used as a spice, especially in Italian cuisine. Not only has a distinctive aroma, but reversed usefulness in cooking, oregano also offer health benefits. In ancient Greece, oregano is used for the symbol of joy. This plant was first grown on the plantation of Mount Olympus. Long oregano plants
How To Treat And Choose Best Moisturizer For Dry Skin
Dry skin usually looks dull, feels tight because it has a low level of sebum and cracked due to lack of moisture level. Sebum is the natural oil glands produced by our bodies. Sebum keep your skin retain moisture.
Tips for Caring for Dry Skin
1. Dry skin should be treated better than other skin types. Dry skin needs moisturizer and gentle massage regularly to improve blood
Senin, 24 Desember 2012
How To Get Rid Of Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis)
There are several tips to get rid of Pink Eye. Pink eye, which is often also called conjunctivitis, is an inflammation of the membranes of red and nodes that covers the white part of the eyes and the membranes on the inner eyelid. Pink eye is often caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Not only that, pink eye can also be caused by allergies, toxic substances, and certain other diseases.
Guava Health Benefits and Nutrition Fact
Guava, the familiar magical fruit in our life, have multiple health benefits. The fruit is very rich in vitamin C and some minerals that can counteract many degenerative diseases, as well as maintaining physical fitness. The leaves and bark contains antibacterial substances that can cure several diseases.
Guava tree is branched plant shrubs. Parts of this plant are often used for various
The twelve days of Christmas
"For many people around the world, A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, from the candlelit chapel of King’s College, Cambridge, marks the beginning of Christmas." |
The tune should be obvious.
On the twelfth day of Christmas, my research gave to me…
Twelve stressed PhD’ers
Eleven hours of transcripts (and counting)
Ten ethics form errors (only!)
Nine analysis methods
Eight journal rejections (argh)
Seven policy outcomes (zzz)
Six backs are aching
Five sleepless nights
Four logic models
Three degrees of freedom
Two frozen shoulders
And a cluster analysis tree!!!
Twelve stressed PhD’ers
Eleven hours of transcripts (and counting)
Ten ethics form errors (only!)
Nine analysis methods
Eight journal rejections (argh)
Seven policy outcomes (zzz)
Six backs are aching
Five sleepless nights
Four logic models
Three degrees of freedom
Two frozen shoulders
And a cluster analysis tree!!!
Minggu, 23 Desember 2012
Health Benefits And Nutrient Content Of Mint Leaves
Mint has a lot of health benefits. Mint leaves is a herb that is well known throughout the world, especially since is used for a variety of products such as breath fresheners, chewing gum, toothpaste, mouthwash. However, Only a few people realize that mint also has many other health benefits.
Mint is a plant that has been used in a variety of cultures, such as India, the Middle East, and
How To Get Rid Of Large Pores Naturally
Before trying to get rid of large pores, you should first learn what causes the enlarged pores. Many people are not really able to shrink the size of the pores, but could only make it look smaller. With age, the pores will generally be bigger because of the decrease in skin elasticity.
Large pore size of the face must be quite disturbing. Beside reducing the perfection appearance, the
Sabtu, 22 Desember 2012
MSG Allergy, Symptoms And How To Treat It
MSG can cause allergies. Monosodium glutamate or MSG is commonly used as a flavoring various dishes. However, the use of MSG as a food additive has the potential to cause health problems. The problem is complicated because not all foods to be labeled MSG content accurately. This is exacerbated by the almost impossibility of knowing the levels of MSG in food sold in shops or restaurants.
Nutrient Content And Health Benefits of Parsley
Parsley has many benefits for our health. Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) is a type of green plants that contain a lot of iron. Apparently this plant is also able to stop breast cancer cells in a particular tumor type and prevent cancer cells from multiplying and growing.
Parsley can be used as effective home remedies for heart health, as it contains elements that help keep the blood
How To Get Rid Of Body Odor With Natural Ways
Many ways people do to get rid of body odor. Start by using talcum powder, deodorant or alum. Body odor is often a problem that makes confidence down. Cause of body odor is variety. Some are caused by the body's hormonal factors, there are also caused by circumstances (such as food or weather).
Generally, body odor caused by perspiration. Sweat mixed with bacteria that can make the
Kamis, 20 Desember 2012
Causes Of Diabetes And How To Prevent Diabetes
Almost 25% of people with diabetes do not realize if they are suffering from the disease. Everyone aged over 45 years, overweight, or have a family history with diabetes have an increased risk of type-2 diabetes.
Causes of Diabetes
There are many causes why a person suffers from diabetes. Some are due to infection of the pancreas, obesity, stress, age, family history, race, high blood
Benefits of Rose Water For Health And Beauty
Rose water has many benefits. Rose water was first taken by the Persians around the 10th century. Currently, the majority of rose water and rose essential oil still comes from this area.
Although it takes a lot of rose petals to make rose water, but a lot of benefits can be obtained from the rosewater. These include antibacterial, soothing, healing and antiseptic properties. The water is
A Christmas Blogpost
Posted by Heather Yoeli
And so, it’s That Season again. The time of year to do everything with alcohol and food which Public Health Guidelines say you shouldn’t, the time of year to tie-dye six multi-packs of Primark socks as Christmas and/or Hannukah presents for your ever-burgeoning brood of nephews and nieces, the time of year to argue with one’s partner about whose should come to fix your perennially inept combi-boiler. Happy times. Well, maybe; maybe not. This year, things do feel different.
The time of year to think about Those Less Fortunate Than Ourselves |
And so, it’s That Season again. The time of the year to think about Those Less Fortunate Than Ourselves, the time of year to try and decide whether to donate to That Charity or to get angry about the need for That Charity even to exist, the time of year to give an extra few quid to the Big Issue seller and to awkwardly wish him a merrier Christmas than he’ll probably be having. And so, I’m now going to propose that we in Public Health research do need to invest some more thought about what we’re doing to address this new sort of poverty and hunger we’re seeing across Britain. Do we organise collections and donations for our local homeless charity, or do we set up evaluations of cookery classes for vulnerable families, do we invite Osborne round to tea for a chat about the bankers and their bonuses, or do we set up a protest camp and get radical?
I don’t know what the answer is, I really don’t. But let’s talk about it, anyway...
Rabu, 19 Desember 2012
How To Get Rid Of Peanut Allergy
Peanuts is one of the causes of the most common food allergies. Unfortunately, many food products containing peanuts, making it difficult for people with peanut allergy to avoid it. In fact, peanut allergies have no cure so the only way to get rid of allergies is to avoid peanut products.
Some people have allergies, while eating peanuts, but others will show an allergic reaction just by
Selasa, 18 Desember 2012
How To Cure Amoxicillin Allergy
Although generally is considered safe, amoxicillin can trigger allergic reactions in some individuals. Allergy occurs when the body can not receive this drug or when amoxicillin interact with other drugs.
Antibiotics such as amoxicillin (amoxicillin) is given to stop the growth of bacteria that cause a number of infections. Included in the class of penicillin, the drug is prescribed to
Amoxicillin Usage and Side Effects
Amoxicillin is an antibiotic from the penicillin group commonly used to treat a variety of bacterial infections. Amoxicillin prevents the formation of the outer wall of the bacteria at the same time blocking the bacteria from dividing. Like most antibiotics, amoxicillin is only effective against bacterial infections and showed no effect in case of a virus or other infection.
General Use
How To Get Rid of Head Lice Naturally
Head lice is a terrible problem for your hair. If you have problems with head lice, surely you will find a way to get rid of it immediately. Because lice can not only make your hair is not healthy but it makes your scalp itchy and want to scratch it, because lice are one of the insects that suck the blood of your head skin. Serious problem is when you're having head lice, you will not be able to
Benefits of Tomato For Health And Beauty
Tomatoes are rich in nutrients and has many benefits for health and beauty. In the outer layer contained lycopene, an antioxidant that can prevent many types of cancer. Can also be processed into a variety of refreshing beverages and foods that can shake up the tongue.
The shape, color, flavor, and texture of tomatoes is very diverse. There is a round, flat round, curly, or like a light
Time management
Posted by Lynne Forrest
I constantly worry that I’m not spending enough time on my PhD. When I hear of other people who work weekends and do 60-hour weeks then I definitely feel that I’m not putting enough hours in. I struggle with fitting a full-time PhD around all my other life-commitments. And I worry that this makes me look like I’m not taking it seriously, when I definitely am.
I’m lucky enough to be a full-time, fully-funded PhD student and I’m totally in awe of those people who are fitting in a PhD around working. I really don’t know how they do it. It’s hard enough to find enough hours in the day without having to juggle a job as well.
Prior to the PhD I worked part-time whilst my children were little. So the switch to a full-time PhD commitment was initially a bit of a culture shock to everyone. I was no longer able to attend all the school plays, concerts and sports events I used to and my children did guilt-trip me with this. Once everyone had adjusted their expectations it became manageable.
When I started the PhD I decided to give up my gym membership as I couldn’t find the time to go. However, as I spend most of my working day sitting down analysing data I found that the weight was creeping on, so this was probably not the best idea. So I’ve decided I need to fit exercise back into my life – I’m just not quite sure how I’m going to manage this. I’m currently experimenting with going running and am in the early, enthused stage of taking up an exercise regime. So when this wears off it can give me something else to feel guilty about. When I’m exercising I can worry about not doing enough hours on the PhD and when I don’t get round to exercising I can feel bad about that too….
A couple of days a week I finish at 4pm to do the school pick-up and encounter the usual guilt as I furtively sneak off early out of the office. I do a further hour or so when I get home but this can be regularly interrupted and so isn’t ideal. I actually find working from home really difficult as it’s too easy to become distracted by all the domestic drudgery that needs done. I prefer to work in the office and, even though I have to factor in travel time, I’m definitely much more productive. To maximise work time I just eat a quick lunch at my desk and do sometimes feel I’m missing out on being more sociable, but I really can’t spare the time.
I constantly worry that I’m not spending enough time on my PhD. When I hear of other people who work weekends and do 60-hour weeks then I definitely feel that I’m not putting enough hours in. I struggle with fitting a full-time PhD around all my other life-commitments. And I worry that this makes me look like I’m not taking it seriously, when I definitely am.
I’m lucky enough to be a full-time, fully-funded PhD student and I’m totally in awe of those people who are fitting in a PhD around working. I really don’t know how they do it. It’s hard enough to find enough hours in the day without having to juggle a job as well.
I presume that if my supervisors thought I was skiving off, they'd have said something by now |
When I started the PhD I decided to give up my gym membership as I couldn’t find the time to go. However, as I spend most of my working day sitting down analysing data I found that the weight was creeping on, so this was probably not the best idea. So I’ve decided I need to fit exercise back into my life – I’m just not quite sure how I’m going to manage this. I’m currently experimenting with going running and am in the early, enthused stage of taking up an exercise regime. So when this wears off it can give me something else to feel guilty about. When I’m exercising I can worry about not doing enough hours on the PhD and when I don’t get round to exercising I can feel bad about that too….
A couple of days a week I finish at 4pm to do the school pick-up and encounter the usual guilt as I furtively sneak off early out of the office. I do a further hour or so when I get home but this can be regularly interrupted and so isn’t ideal. I actually find working from home really difficult as it’s too easy to become distracted by all the domestic drudgery that needs done. I prefer to work in the office and, even though I have to factor in travel time, I’m definitely much more productive. To maximise work time I just eat a quick lunch at my desk and do sometimes feel I’m missing out on being more sociable, but I really can’t spare the time.
I am aware how lucky I am to be able to work this flexibly and I know how much more difficult it is outside academia. In one of my (many!) previous jobs I worked as a computer programmer for a large Scottish bank. All staff had to clock in and out and, although there was some flexibility, a core 7 hour day had to be worked. All time spent on a project also had to be logged weekly under different headings and I really hated having to account for every hour in this way. I love the flexibility of academia where, within reason, you can spend as long as you need on a task without your every action being scrutinised.
Anyway, I presume that if my supervisors thought that I was skiving off then they’d have said something by now. As it is, my PhD does seem to be going pretty well. As much as possible I’ve attended conferences, done external training courses that have meant staying away for days at a time and have also tried to get involved with other aspects of the Institute where I work. But I’m aware that other people are in earlier and work later. I just have to keep reminding myself that it’s quality not quantity that counts. And that I’d be worried if I didn’t have something to worry about…
Anyway, I presume that if my supervisors thought that I was skiving off then they’d have said something by now. As it is, my PhD does seem to be going pretty well. As much as possible I’ve attended conferences, done external training courses that have meant staying away for days at a time and have also tried to get involved with other aspects of the Institute where I work. But I’m aware that other people are in earlier and work later. I just have to keep reminding myself that it’s quality not quantity that counts. And that I’d be worried if I didn’t have something to worry about…
Senin, 17 Desember 2012
How To Use Aloe Vera To Get Rid Of Constipation
Aloe vera juice is known to facilitate bowel movement launched defecation thereby reducing constipation. And also Aloe vera is a herb that has been used for centuries to treat a variety of diseases. Anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties owned aloe vera help treat a variety of internal and external problems.
Aloe vera is commonly used to soothe burns and cuts. The plant is also proven
Minggu, 16 Desember 2012
How To Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids Naturally
Many people are looking for ways to get rid of hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are swollen and inflamed veins in the anus and lower rectum. Hemorrhoids may result from straining when defecating or from the increased pressure on the veins during pregnancy. Hemorrhoids may be located in the rectum (internal hemorrhoids), or may develop under the skin around the anus (external hemorrhoids)
Causes of
Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012
9 Healthy Diet Tips for Women Age 20's
Age of 20 your body is in a building mode, apply a balanced diet will keep maintained healthy weight and improve health. The young lady in her 20s with lifestyle and solid activity certainly has different needs from a woman who is older. So also with the provisions of her diet.
If you are in their 20s and want to get the ideal body weight, it is necessary to follow these tips:
Jumat, 14 Desember 2012
Tips for Beginner Treadmill Use
Treadmill is usually a favorite of beginners who are interested in exercise at the fitness center. Anyone can use it without the need for special skills. However, as easy as any kind of sport, you still need to know the correct guidelines.
The following will be discussed on the use of your treadmill especially for beginners, in order exercise more effective and enjoyable:
1. Know your
How To Get Rid Of Canker Sores Naturally
There are many ways to get rid of canker sores naturally. Canker sores is not a serious illness and life-threatening, but the condition is very disturbing and annoying because difficult to eat and talk. Canker sores is a mouth disorder of the mucous membrane, which is characterized by patches of white sores in the mouth or lips wall. Although small and lying hidden in the oral cavity but canker
Health Benefits of Lemongrass
Lemongrass is a plant commonly used as a spice in the kitchen or herb to get rid of mosquitoes. But did you know that behind the fragrant smell, this plant also have a variety of medical and health benefits. Essential oils in lemongrass is usually used in the cosmetic industry for the manufacture of perfumes and soaps.
Research shows, lemongrass leaves contains anti-microbial and
Kamis, 13 Desember 2012
6 Natural Drinks To Lower High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
There are two risk factors related to the advent of high blood pressure (hypertension), which can not be controlled that is age and family history of the disease (genetics). However, you can still intervene to other risk factors by making smarter choices, such as being physically active, reduce sodium intake, and eating a healthy and balanced menu.
In addition, you can also lower the risk
How To Get Rid Of Mosquito Bites The Natural Way
Avoid scratching to get rid of mosquito bites. Scratching mosquito bites will damage the skin, especially if your fingers dirty, thus increasing the risk of infection, says Dr. Neal B. Schultz, a dermatologist practicing in New York City. Scratching actually create more inflammation, increase the desire to scratch more and give worse pain.
Mosquito bites can make our skin becomes itchy and
10 Food Sources of Iron for Anemia
Insufficient number of red blood cells or the amount of hemoglobin in the blood is called anemia. The most common symptoms of anemia include fatigue or lack of energy, tired, and susceptible to colds and other infections.
There are many different causes of anemia. Anemia may be caused by illness or loss of blood. In this article we will discuss only the anemia caused by iron deficiency.
5 Healthy Diet That Appropriate For Men
Men and women have different body postures, as well as their metabolic systems. Therefore, a diet that women do not always succeed if applied by men. Here's a healthy diet and appropriate for men:
1. Heart healthy diet
Men are prone to heart attacks. Because more fat in their bodies much accumulates in the blood vessels. Therefore, a healthy heart diet best suited men do. Foods such as
On tea, and what is normal
Posted by Heather Yoeli
There were two things which drew me to Northumbria University in seeking a Fuse studentship. The first was the refreshingly sociological and social justice based ethos within the health improvement focus of public health within the department. The second was the invigorating friendliness of its Coach Lane East canteen staff. And I’m writing this not to ingratiate myself to my supervisor nor wrangle another cuppa off my Go Catering loyalty card. I’m going somewhere with this, I promise…
One of the greatest contributions which the social sciences have made to the practice of health care has been their critique of fixed notions of norms and deviance. Whereas both conventional biomedicine and the biopsychosocial model assert the existence of an objective, positivist distinction between normality as healthy and abnormality as pathological or deviant, the social sciences tend to adhere to the structuralist or poststructuralist view that what constitutes the ‘normal’ is merely a social construction and thereby likely to change in response to a number of social, cultural or economic processes.
Nevertheless, it is my observation that academics from a range of disciplines of social sciences and health studying and working at a range of institutions possess a disturbing tendency to overlook this vital insight whilst operating a crucial instrument of research equipment: namely, the kettle. Even amongst academics with a resolute and impassioned commitment to language and terminology that is respectful, empowering, enlightened and anti-oppressive, there exists a tendency to express a preference for ‘normal tea’ (or sometimes ‘ordinary tea’). I would even contend that, were tea leaves to possess sufficient consciousness to comprehend the concept of prejudice, such a careless deployment of language would leave bags of Assam, Ceylon, Darjeeling, Earl Grey, green teas, redbush, peppermint, camomile, ginger, rosehip, lemon and numerous other blends feeling seriously discriminated against.
Certainly, such an unreflexively-assumed norm accords very closely with the way in which the UK beverage industry regards tea. Whereas Twinings and Clipper sell ‘English breakfast tea’ and Twinings also sells a cheaper ‘Everyday tea’, all other leading brands (Typhoo, Tetley, PG Tips, Yorkshire Tea, Cafedirect) simply market their product as ‘tea’. It is with Tesco own-brand basic of ‘Quality tea’ that the semiotics of this becomes clearest. However, I’d argue that social researchers possess a responsibility not to allow their attitudes to be determined by the global multinationals in control of the marketing industry. Peppermint tea must not be relegated to the deviant or abnormal.
The idea that the language we are given to use will insidiously determine our thoughts and attitudes is generally attributed to the polemic and scare-mongering of the literature of George Orwell. However, the idea has a rigorous and respected evidence base established through the ‘linguistic relativity’ research of Sapir and Whorf and more recently developed by Lakoff and Fairclough. Therefore, if academics within the social sciences can be manipulated by the tea manufacturers into talking about ‘normal tea’, it may only be a matter of time before they revert once more to talking about ‘normal people’.
Rabu, 12 Desember 2012
Best Foods For Healthy Eyes
Keeping eye health is important. Just as other parts of the body, eyes may be affected by the disorder or health problems. The disorder can be caused by air that is not clean or polluted, solar radiation, radiation from too long in front of computers, and more.
Here are some foods that are very good for healthy eyes:
1. Salmon, Tuna and Sardines
Fish oil from salmon, tuna, and
Selasa, 11 Desember 2012
Oh, you’ve been playing in the Sandpit again?
Posted by Avril Rhodes
When you mention to colleagues or to your nearest and dearest that you’ve spent your working day going around country hotels trying to find the best venue for the Fuse Sandpit residential training event some really sceptical looks are forthcoming. They don’t say it, but each is thinking “What a waste of time – hasn’t she anything better to do?” But, honestly, it really is hard work.
When M’Lord was building his country seat, he thought about creating spectacular grounds, rooms for an army of servants, stable blocks, fine dining rooms and a grand entrance. Strangely, he did not think about the post-aristocratic world of conferencing, or even imagine electricity and internet access. Consequently, whilst ambience, embossed wallpaper, log fires, wonderful views, and curtains that could be turned into seven man (sorry, person) tents are there in abundance, they do not necessarily make for suitable workshop or break out rooms. Country house eccentricity, whilst good for life-size Cluedo (was it Professor Plum in the drawing room with the digital projector or Research Assistant Scarlett in the library with the flip chart?), doesn’t always readily adapt to one’s conference needs.
When you mention to colleagues or to your nearest and dearest that you’ve spent your working day going around country hotels trying to find the best venue for the Fuse Sandpit residential training event some really sceptical looks are forthcoming. They don’t say it, but each is thinking “What a waste of time – hasn’t she anything better to do?” But, honestly, it really is hard work.
When M’Lord was building his country seat, he thought about creating spectacular grounds, rooms for an army of servants, stable blocks, fine dining rooms and a grand entrance. Strangely, he did not think about the post-aristocratic world of conferencing, or even imagine electricity and internet access. Consequently, whilst ambience, embossed wallpaper, log fires, wonderful views, and curtains that could be turned into seven man (sorry, person) tents are there in abundance, they do not necessarily make for suitable workshop or break out rooms. Country house eccentricity, whilst good for life-size Cluedo (was it Professor Plum in the drawing room with the digital projector or Research Assistant Scarlett in the library with the flip chart?), doesn’t always readily adapt to one’s conference needs.
The final decision: Linden Hall |
Some of the country hotels adapted for conference purposes seem to have lost their individuality. The brochure might show a glorious Adam frontage or Palladian columns, but your event mysteriously turns out to be in a windowless, purpose-built block with polystyrene roof tiles, refreshment points (read rubbish coffee machines) or in a wing that separates you from other patrons as if you were somehow infectious.
Never mind, these monstrosities shouldered aside, we have a lovely venue which oozes individuality and charm. Now to envision our use of the space… Yes - the lounge makes a good plenary room, until you realise the public are going to troop through to the dining room. Yes – the library makes a good workshop, until you realise that it only has one socket. Yes – the so-and-so suite would be good until you realise that it’s the wrong shape or size, or might be cold, or doesn’t have enough clear wall space, or is miles away from the other workshop rooms. Debates break out like, “Well, if we use room A for B and space D for C, then we could use room E for G and that will still leave the informal seating area F untouched”, only for someone else to undermine everything you’ve said.
In the end if we’re going to invest properly in the Sandpit style of training, it is worth the effort to get things as right as possible, even if that involves some of us sinking, once again, into the period sofas, or forcing ourselves into yet another lunch in the conservatory. Get the venue right - then the creative juices will flow. The incisive ideas for responding to real problems out there in public health will come, and, everyone will be guaranteed a fun experience that truly beats your average university seminar room and is memorable for years to come!
Ahh… I think it’s time for afternoon tea. Earl Grey, Professor?
Never mind, these monstrosities shouldered aside, we have a lovely venue which oozes individuality and charm. Now to envision our use of the space… Yes - the lounge makes a good plenary room, until you realise the public are going to troop through to the dining room. Yes – the library makes a good workshop, until you realise that it only has one socket. Yes – the so-and-so suite would be good until you realise that it’s the wrong shape or size, or might be cold, or doesn’t have enough clear wall space, or is miles away from the other workshop rooms. Debates break out like, “Well, if we use room A for B and space D for C, then we could use room E for G and that will still leave the informal seating area F untouched”, only for someone else to undermine everything you’ve said.
In the end if we’re going to invest properly in the Sandpit style of training, it is worth the effort to get things as right as possible, even if that involves some of us sinking, once again, into the period sofas, or forcing ourselves into yet another lunch in the conservatory. Get the venue right - then the creative juices will flow. The incisive ideas for responding to real problems out there in public health will come, and, everyone will be guaranteed a fun experience that truly beats your average university seminar room and is memorable for years to come!
Ahh… I think it’s time for afternoon tea. Earl Grey, Professor?
Senin, 10 Desember 2012
How To Get Rid Of A Yeast Infection
There are many ways to get rid of vaginal yeast infection. 75% of women will experience a vaginal yeast infection in their lifetime and more than 40% of women experience it more than once. And this condition always make women feel uncomfortable.
Cause of a yeast infection
Vagina actually contains healthy bacteria that serves to keep the acidity of intimate areas. However, if the
Good Foods And Bad Foods For Digestion
In choosing the best foods for digestive health, perhaps the most important is that the food does not cause any symptoms or complaints. In other words, good food can make digestion easier. The development of science proves a healthy digestive system will strengthen the immune system, which ultimately protects the body from various diseases.
Good food, and the foods that should be avoided
Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012
How To Get Rid Of Sunburn Naturally
Experienced sunburn, it is uncomfortable. Then how to get rid of it? Everyone knows that applying lots of sunscreen, and be in shady places is the best way to avoid sunburn. Scientists have also recently discovered a protein in the body that triggers pain from sunburn.
But what should we do if the sunburn is already happening? According to dermatologist, taking pain relievers such as
Jumat, 07 Desember 2012
9 Benefits of Pilates for Pregnant Women
Pilates can be a safe alternative exercise during pregnancy, in order pregnant women are always active and overcome some of the complaints during pregnancy such as fatigue, leg swelling, or pain in the waist, to the body easily tired.
Pilates, body building methods that focus on strength training (especially in the abdomen) and respiratory, safely performed by pregnant women. Only the
Fruits That Help Burn Fat
There are some fruits that help burn fat in your body. Fruits and vegetables are considered as the most healthy diet because it contains no fat or cholesterol. Even some fruit can act as a fat burner.
Some fruits are known as negative calorie foods, which means it has fewer calories than the body needs to digest. When the negative calorie foods paired with fatty foods, these foods can burn
Kamis, 06 Desember 2012
Foods That Can Control Blood Sugar Levels For Diabetics
Patients with diabetes or who have unstable blood sugar levels often have to be aware of the foods that they eat. Vegetables and fruits are always so excellent for diabetics. High fiber to control blood sugar spikes in your body.
Some of these foods can help diabetics to keep their blood sugar levels remain stable.
1. Oatmeal
Oatmeal can help keep blood sugar levels. However you must
Benefits Of Playing Soccer For Our Health
Many health benefits of playing soccer. Researchers say that soccer is a sport that effective for controlling high blood pressure. And some research shows, playing soccer can build self-esteem for children and improve fitness.
Here are 5 physical health benefits you can get from playing soccer, which can also improve your quality of life.
1. Cardiovascular health
Run and chase the
How To Get Rid Of Scars Naturally
There are many natural ways to get rid of scars. Scars can reduce our confidence. Because these scars can sometimes make us look less attractive. There are so many people who want to remove their scars in various ways, even perform surgery. Before you use the products made from certain chemicals, you better try the natural way that safe.
Here are tips on how to get rid of scars
Reaching for the blue rubber chicken
Posted by Peter Tennant
UK Prime Minister David Cameron once quipped, 'too many tweets… make a twit'. OK, so he didn't actually say twit, he said something far ruder. But you get the idea: man says rude things about Twitter, outcry follows. Trouble is, he was only repeating something that many people already think about the world's most famous 'micro-blogging' service; that it's full of the self-absorbed wittering on about what they'd had for breakfast. So a bit like Facebook, only more celebs and less baby photos.
Which is why it was so surprising when David Cameron suddenly joined Twitter last month. No doubt, he had expected the ensuing torrent of abuse. His opening tweet promising not to make 'too many tweets' was almost certainly an attempt to placate the predictable cries of 'U-turn'. But I guess he felt that the benefits of joining now outweighed the risks of looking like a twit.
For a politician, the argument seems pretty clear. Over 10 million UK residents now use Twitter. Worldwide that figure has been estimated as high as half a billion. If, by sending out a few brief messages, a politician can communicate with just a fraction of that number, then the proceeds are palpable. Twitter provides a person, or an organisation, with a direct line to the public. Why waste your time being misquoted by journalists when you can mis-tweet all by yourself?
I (@Peter_Tennant) joined Twitter back in Summer 2011 to explore how it could be used for 'work'. And when I say work, remember I'm not something useful like a public health practitioner wanting to find new ways to get people to take their flu jab; I'm an Epidemiologist who spends most of his day staring blankly at a computer screen. So my interests were purely in Twitter as a networking tool, information feed, and broadcasting service.
I started out pretty cynical, spending the first few weeks mumbling about how rubbish it was. But as my followers increased, and I got myself involved in more and more conversations, my view began to change. Until, without noticing, I'd converted into one of those boring Twitter evangelists. The sort of person who I'd ordinarily want to slap across the face with an oversized rubber chicken (painted blue, of course, to resemble the twitter logo).
But the annoying truth is, Twitter can be useful. Almost everyone I follow is interested in some aspect of my professional interests. Which means my 'feed' is full of news about higher education, life as a PhD student, or articles about obesity, diabetes and/or pregnancy. I've lost count of the number of relevant articles I've discovered purely through Twitter, and there's not a tweet from Steven Fry in sight. On the flip side, this means that my followers will hopefully be interested when I tweet the results from my latest publication. At least, that's what I like to believe…
But neither of these benefits really compare to Twitter's strength as a networking tool. Not only have I made some new friends in my own building, but I've had several conversations with people at conferences purely on the back of Twitter. In fact, it was probably only when I went to my first academic conference as a Twitter user that I was truly sold.
But it's not all positive. First, there's the spam, which consists either of messages from friendly users who've clicked on a phishing link or, worse, from 'spam-bots' (the giveaway being the scantily clad profile picture). They're easy to deal with, but they’re also rather boring.
My main challenge, however, has been the scope for misinterpretation. Like when I tweeted about a colleague having a giant red nose and for some reason they were offended* It can be difficult getting the balance right on Twitter. If you don't have a personality, no-one will follow you, but if that personality is too open or opinionated, get ready for trouble. After one memorable incident, I had the words 'libel' and 'defamation' thrown in my direction. And that was despite my strict adherence to Peter's Rule:
"Never say anything on Twitter that you wouldn't be willing to say in person, out loud, to a room of your colleagues."
I have since realised that the perceived prominence and permanence of Twitter make even this rule a bit weak. Even when I say things completely consistent with my character, people have still accused me of overstepping the mark. Until I can work out a solution, I've decided to retreat to making bland statements and asking obscure statistical questions. So if you're on Twitter, I really wouldn't bother following me…
And I haven't even touched on the really big issues about power and privacy. Twitter has been simultaneously praised and damned for its roles in the Egyptian Revolution and the London riots respectively. Several people have been arrested following ill-conceived or distasteful tweets. And what about Twitter's unchallenged authority to block someone's account at will (a power that took on a darker twist when one journalist was blocked for attacking one of Twitter Inc's commercial partners)? Does any of this effect Twitter as a research tool? I don't think so. But I'm willing to change my mind if I ever get arrested for tweeting something libellous about Bayes.
*May not have happened. Thank goodness.
UK Prime Minister David Cameron once quipped, 'too many tweets… make a twit'. OK, so he didn't actually say twit, he said something far ruder. But you get the idea: man says rude things about Twitter, outcry follows. Trouble is, he was only repeating something that many people already think about the world's most famous 'micro-blogging' service; that it's full of the self-absorbed wittering on about what they'd had for breakfast. So a bit like Facebook, only more celebs and less baby photos.
Which is why it was so surprising when David Cameron suddenly joined Twitter last month. No doubt, he had expected the ensuing torrent of abuse. His opening tweet promising not to make 'too many tweets' was almost certainly an attempt to placate the predictable cries of 'U-turn'. But I guess he felt that the benefits of joining now outweighed the risks of looking like a twit.
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Twitter evangelists: Ever feel like slapping them with a blue rubber chicken? |
I (@Peter_Tennant) joined Twitter back in Summer 2011 to explore how it could be used for 'work'. And when I say work, remember I'm not something useful like a public health practitioner wanting to find new ways to get people to take their flu jab; I'm an Epidemiologist who spends most of his day staring blankly at a computer screen. So my interests were purely in Twitter as a networking tool, information feed, and broadcasting service.
I started out pretty cynical, spending the first few weeks mumbling about how rubbish it was. But as my followers increased, and I got myself involved in more and more conversations, my view began to change. Until, without noticing, I'd converted into one of those boring Twitter evangelists. The sort of person who I'd ordinarily want to slap across the face with an oversized rubber chicken (painted blue, of course, to resemble the twitter logo).
But the annoying truth is, Twitter can be useful. Almost everyone I follow is interested in some aspect of my professional interests. Which means my 'feed' is full of news about higher education, life as a PhD student, or articles about obesity, diabetes and/or pregnancy. I've lost count of the number of relevant articles I've discovered purely through Twitter, and there's not a tweet from Steven Fry in sight. On the flip side, this means that my followers will hopefully be interested when I tweet the results from my latest publication. At least, that's what I like to believe…
But neither of these benefits really compare to Twitter's strength as a networking tool. Not only have I made some new friends in my own building, but I've had several conversations with people at conferences purely on the back of Twitter. In fact, it was probably only when I went to my first academic conference as a Twitter user that I was truly sold.
But it's not all positive. First, there's the spam, which consists either of messages from friendly users who've clicked on a phishing link or, worse, from 'spam-bots' (the giveaway being the scantily clad profile picture). They're easy to deal with, but they’re also rather boring.
My main challenge, however, has been the scope for misinterpretation. Like when I tweeted about a colleague having a giant red nose and for some reason they were offended* It can be difficult getting the balance right on Twitter. If you don't have a personality, no-one will follow you, but if that personality is too open or opinionated, get ready for trouble. After one memorable incident, I had the words 'libel' and 'defamation' thrown in my direction. And that was despite my strict adherence to Peter's Rule:
"Never say anything on Twitter that you wouldn't be willing to say in person, out loud, to a room of your colleagues."
I have since realised that the perceived prominence and permanence of Twitter make even this rule a bit weak. Even when I say things completely consistent with my character, people have still accused me of overstepping the mark. Until I can work out a solution, I've decided to retreat to making bland statements and asking obscure statistical questions. So if you're on Twitter, I really wouldn't bother following me…
And I haven't even touched on the really big issues about power and privacy. Twitter has been simultaneously praised and damned for its roles in the Egyptian Revolution and the London riots respectively. Several people have been arrested following ill-conceived or distasteful tweets. And what about Twitter's unchallenged authority to block someone's account at will (a power that took on a darker twist when one journalist was blocked for attacking one of Twitter Inc's commercial partners)? Does any of this effect Twitter as a research tool? I don't think so. But I'm willing to change my mind if I ever get arrested for tweeting something libellous about Bayes.
*May not have happened. Thank goodness.
Rabu, 05 Desember 2012
Benefits Of Aloe vera For Our Health
Aloe vera has a wide range of benefits. Aloe vera is a succulent tropical plant that has a shape like a fleshy leaves. This leaf has many benefits, either as medicine or for cosmetics.
Aloe vera is unique plant, because it contains many biologically active compounds, such as mannans acetate, polymannans, anthraquinones, and various lectins. Aloe vera also contains about 75 types of
Selasa, 04 Desember 2012
Natural Detoxification That You Can Do
In fact, there is a more natural, easy, and inexpensive to perform detoxification. Detoxification is the process of removing toxins from the body. Naturally this process is carried out by the body through defecation and urination. However, sometimes the process is interrupted, thus disrupting the body's health.
Detoxification or better known as detox can provide numerous benefits to your
How to Do a Healthy Detox and Effectively
Detoxification is the action of removing toxins from the body due to alcohol, drugs, or other toxic substances. But the benefits of detox is more extensive. You can do a detox to get rid of all the negative effects on our body from environmental influences, such as for industrial chemicals, pesticides, addictive substances in food, cigarette smoke secondhand smoke, or pollution.
When you
3 Flowers To Get Rid of Insomnia
Many natural ways that you can do to get rid of insomnia, one of them by wearing floral fragrances. Nobody likes having insomnia, but for those who suffer from hypertension, sleeplessness condition will worsen high blood pressure.
Aromatherapy is not just a fragrance that smells soothing thoughts spread around the room. Besides inhaled as aromatherapy essential oils can also be massaged into
Some memorable participants
Posted by Rachel Stocker
During the last year (which comprised the second year of my PhD) I have embarked upon a roller-coaster of emotions. Not only as a consequence of the usual trials of a PhD journey, but through data collection. I’m primarily a qualitative researcher, and my study involves interviewing people with heart failure, and their carers, to discuss their prognosis.
OK, I thought, no problem. The only issue I would need to consider would be if they found the topic upsetting, and I prepared myself for that possibility and the resources I would need to access. What I wasn’t prepared for was the sheer diversity of participants, and the depth which I would see their lives.
Another memorable participant told me about her life, her late husband, and her parents (mother French, father English – she spoke in a perfect French accent despite living in England all her life). She lived with her son, a very personable, jolly fella who joked about her stubbornness. She visited the local hospice regularly to socialise with “other people my own age”, play dominos, and enjoy lunch. (Her son interjected at this point to say that she comes back three sheets to the wind as they all have an ‘aperitif’ beforehand). She did not offer any other reason for attending the hospice and did not think it was related to her health at all. She died three months later, peacefully in her sleep.
I’m conducting six-month follow-up interviews with participants (where possible, however heart failure is a cruel disease), so I get to return to their homes and speak to them again. I noticed one lady was looking much better than when I saw her six months ago, and told her. Her husband said that she had been looking forward to my visit for the past few days and seeing me perked her up. I re-interviewed them like old friends, with their dog sat on my knee – turning my black trousers white with his fur but I didn’t mind at all - whilst I supped my tea and ate two of the five assorted biscuits arranged on the plate.
Interviewing my participants has illustrated to me that there’s much more to life than research (and indeed, living with heart failure) and reminded me of the fine line between living and dying.
During the last year (which comprised the second year of my PhD) I have embarked upon a roller-coaster of emotions. Not only as a consequence of the usual trials of a PhD journey, but through data collection. I’m primarily a qualitative researcher, and my study involves interviewing people with heart failure, and their carers, to discuss their prognosis.
OK, I thought, no problem. The only issue I would need to consider would be if they found the topic upsetting, and I prepared myself for that possibility and the resources I would need to access. What I wasn’t prepared for was the sheer diversity of participants, and the depth which I would see their lives.
I have been welcomed into all my participant’s homes and shown, with open arms, how they live. One particular interview which remains firmly in my memory was with a gentleman who I had been advised had severe (physical) difficulties with verbal communication and whose wife could not participate due to similar, cognitive communication, difficulties.
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A nice cup of tea and a biscuit |
Oh dear – this is going to be challenging, I thought. I wasn’t really looking forward to the interview. I knew there would be issues with communication, and I wondered how best to sensitively conduct the interview. Upon arrival, I was welcomed as an old friend and given endless cups of tea and home-made scones (fruit AND cheese!). I was taken by the hand and shown round the couple’s quaint bungalow, containing endless self-made paintings and artwork. I was told about their families and their service in WWII. The interview went well and I left feeling happy, with a twinge of sadness at the parts of their lives they had lost.
Another memorable participant told me about her life, her late husband, and her parents (mother French, father English – she spoke in a perfect French accent despite living in England all her life). She lived with her son, a very personable, jolly fella who joked about her stubbornness. She visited the local hospice regularly to socialise with “other people my own age”, play dominos, and enjoy lunch. (Her son interjected at this point to say that she comes back three sheets to the wind as they all have an ‘aperitif’ beforehand). She did not offer any other reason for attending the hospice and did not think it was related to her health at all. She died three months later, peacefully in her sleep.
I’m conducting six-month follow-up interviews with participants (where possible, however heart failure is a cruel disease), so I get to return to their homes and speak to them again. I noticed one lady was looking much better than when I saw her six months ago, and told her. Her husband said that she had been looking forward to my visit for the past few days and seeing me perked her up. I re-interviewed them like old friends, with their dog sat on my knee – turning my black trousers white with his fur but I didn’t mind at all - whilst I supped my tea and ate two of the five assorted biscuits arranged on the plate.
Interviewing my participants has illustrated to me that there’s much more to life than research (and indeed, living with heart failure) and reminded me of the fine line between living and dying.
Senin, 03 Desember 2012
How To Get Rid Of Insomnia Naturally
Difficulty sleeping can be very annoying when it happens constantly, or what we call insomnia. Natural way is the best option to get rid of insomnia. Insomnia seems to have become 'best friends' for many people today. The more we are busy, the more often it is difficult for us to sleep. But it must not be taking sleeping pills to overcome this. Side effects because sleeping pills can be
4 Best Calorie Burning Exercise
Choosing the right exercise is one way to lose weight efficiently. To get the ideal body shape, regular exercise is important. The right type of exercise to burn calories and fat are aerobic and cardio exercise. Besides helping the effectiveness of your diet program, cardio exercise is also beneficial for heart health
And the best choice of exercise can burn 200 calories in less than 30
How To Get Rid Of Diarrhea Naturally
Diarrhea can cause discomfort and are often accompanied by fatigue, dehydration, bloating, cramps, weight loss, and fever. But do not worry, there are natural ways to get rid of diarrhea. Diarrhea is characterized by increased frequency of bowel movements, and changes in feces consistency. Diarrhea occurs when feces contain water too much.
Causes of diarrhea
Here are some of the most
Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012
Seven Foods To Get Rid Of Acne
Getting rid of acne really need extra handling. Not only diligently clean your face and use acne medication, acne skin care must but also from within, such as keeping your diet. To eliminate acne and scars, meet the body's need for antioxidants such as vitamins A, B, C, E, minerals zinc, selenium, and others. This antioxidant found in many vegetables, fruits, and seafood. Therefore, consume as
Benefits of Beets For Our Health
Beets is a kind of watery vegetables that are red. Beets also has many benefits for the body. Unfortunately, some people do not like Beets because the smell and taste. Beets rich in carbohydrates, which are easy become energy and iron that help the blood to carry oxygen to the brain. Beets is red, the color is caused by a combination of betasianin purple pigment, and betasantin yellow pigments.
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