Minggu, 23 Juni 2013

How to Add Google AdSense Ads to Below Header or Above Posts Title

ads below header

We have already learn about to display AdSense ads in different places in your blog. But today I am going to share a tricks that how to display your AdSense Ads below header or above posts title. We know placing AdSense ads below posts title is more effective to attract visitor but placing ads above blog title consider as a premium place. So just follow the below steps to display your AdSense ads below header or above post title.

earn by AdSense

Step 1 Log in to your blogger account and Click on Template ->

Step 2 Now click on 
Edit HTML-> Proceed

Step 3 Now find below code by Pressing  Ctrl + F

</div><!-- end header-wrapper --> or <div><!–end of #header–>
Step 4 Now Paste your ads code between the codes and save your template. 

</div> <!– end of #header –> 
<div id=”main”>


  • Change PUT YOUR PARSED ADSENSE CODE HERE with your parsed AdSense code. 

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