How to Verify Paypal Account in Pakistan without bank account where its officially not allowed to open and verify accounts. We all know the importance of it and without this top payment processor we are left behind with only 20% of market share. All major internet business companies, webhosting providers, Affiliate marketers and advertising companies use this payment processor and without it we can only see and wish when it will be available in Pakistan. I have also receive many Emails regarding how to verify Paypal account in Pakistan without credit card and till then my answer was no.

Its amazing that most of the countries present in the list of not allowed countries are Muslim countries and all of these countries like Pakistan, Iran, Egypt, Afghanistan and Bangladesh when all combine together have more than 70 million people in it. All these countries are no way small countries are otherwise economically not profitable for big company like Paypal. So we can’t understand why they are not providing services in these countries even at this era where everything is possible.
Its amazing that most of the countries present in the list of not allowed countries are Muslim countries and all of these countries like Pakistan, Iran, Egypt, Afghanistan and Bangladesh when all combine together have more than 70 million people in it. All these countries are no way small countries are otherwise economically not profitable for big company like Paypal. So we can’t understand why they are not providing services in these countries even at this era where everything is possible.
For those who don’t know much about Paypal let me tell you that its an e-currency based company which buy and sell currency and take commission in the process. When you buy some thing online from some website you can pay that website via this payment processor and similarly when you work online for someone than you can receive money from them via Paypal in Pakistan. You can anytime open account free with any country selected in it. But the problem is that you cannot receive and send money through your account unless you verify it via some bank account or credit card. Also people only receive and send money to only verified Paypal account so that they can protect there accounts because if you send money to unverified account they may limit your account any time.
The only way through which you can verify Paypal account in Pakistan with debit card or any other banned country is via Virtual Credit Card. Now what the hell is Virtual Credit Card. Virtual Credit Cards are just like ordinary credit cards and issued to real persons but there is no physical card. These cards are mainly issued to protect your real credit card so that you can purchase products online via Virtual Credit Card and no one can know your real credit card number. You can purchase everything from these cards and also verify your Paypal account with these cards. There are lots of websites selling Virtual Credit Cards online, all you have to do is signup free with your real information. Some sites require you to verify your local debit card some require you to pay the amount of Virtual Credit Cards via Western Union, Webmoney, Money Gram or via Liberty reserve. Virtual Credit Card amount varies from 10 dollars to 20 dollars.
If you want Paypal pakistan free account than their is a good news for you that now you can order your Payoneer Pre-paid Card free of cost and this card will ship on your home address too. You can order the card from Payoneer Affiliates link and after receiving the card just use it to verify Paypal account. You can further read more guide about how to Verify PayPal account in Pakistan with Payoneer card here.
EntroPay also allows you to create Virtual Visa Credit card and load the card with your local bank debit card. Just signup for a free account by visiting the offical EntroPay website here and create new account. After that verify your account with your ID card as well as with utility bill. Now load money into your card(at-least $20) and you are ready to verify your PayPal account with it.
There is no rocket science involve when you got your Virtual Credit Card. You can get Virtual Credit Card of any country so purchase a card of country which is available in the Paypal safe list. Remember not to choose a country like Saudi-Arabia which only supports withdrawal means no one can send you money. It is recommended that you choose USA as your country. Now be careful when you are going to register your Virtual Credit Card. Only use English name, real address, street name and postal code. You can get USA name, address, postal code fromFakeNameGenerator website.
After registering your Virtual Credit Card create a PayPal account with the same name, address, postal etc. All information must match 100% otherwise you may any problem. Now verify your account by giving your Virtual Credit Card details and wait for 2 to 3 business days. They will send a small amount in your credit card with some code related to that transaction. You have to login in your Virtual Credit Card account and see your statement. In your statement you will see a transaction with that code. Now copy that code and open your Paypal account. Go to the Credit card section and enter verification code.
1. First of all you can use your verified Paypal account to purchase any product online but some big companies may still not accept your transaction via this account. These companies include very famous webhosting provider company yes guys I know you are disappointed but its fact you cannot buy webhosting from Godaddy via your Paypal account if it is verified via Virtual credit card.
2. After verifying your account don’t use it for 3 to 4 days.
3. Never use any proxy to create your Paypal account or for any other purposes.
4. Always clear your browser cache before doing any transaction and after you done you transaction.
5. Always pay amount to a verified and trusted users. Never try to pay or receive from an unverified user.
6. If some one has scam you or make you fool, don’t ever try to claim your money because if you claim your money Paypal will verify both accounts and in your case they will immediately limit your account.
7. Never withdraw all you money from your account. Always leave 5 to 10 dollars in your account.
8. Never transact big amount of money I mean greater than 1000 US dollars.
Now after all the hard work you are wondering how can we withdraw money from Paypal account because its verified via Virtual Credit Card and we have no such card to withdraw money. To solve this problem you have to create Payza account, thankfully they support Pakistan and you can open Payza account anytime Free of cost. Now you have to again verify your account but this time Payza account via your Virtual Credit Card. The process is same and it may take 3 to 4 business days to verify. After that transfer all your money from Paypal account to your Virtual Credit Card and from this card to your Payza account. You can easily withdraw all your money straight into your local bank account via wire-transfer. So all above mention steps are lengthy but this is the only option and we have to rely on this.
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