I love putting up new web sites. We've got a lot of web sites in production now and several of them are close to being ready to go online to their final home. I just checked on my list and there are so many cool sites that I can't wait to get posted online and show everyone!
For any of our local (Wharton) area readers... we're working on a really cool site for the Bright Minds Scholarship Fund. This neat organization is headed up by several community leaders in the Wharton area. We're happy to be involved with the good work that is being done by the Bright Minds group and I hope to have their web site up soon for all of you to look at! Don't get me wrong — livestock sites are our bread and butter (which just made me think of — for any of you pig people who are reading this — the ad we designed last fall for Mills Brothers... Poland Chinas are their bread and butter!) but it is a nice break to get to do some non-agriculture designs. We've got quite a few non-ag sites and designs on our list, so be sure to watch for these.
More updates on Rach's injury. Today we went to lunch at (where else?) Larry's. I am happy to report that Rachel is walking with no crutches. I use the term "walking" quite loosely. She is kinda hobbling around. When she walks her arms naturally raise up (for balance, we think.) I told her today that when she walks she flaps her arms like a spooked bird. I mean that in the most loving way possible! Who cares how she looks walking though — we are pumped that she is back on her foot... or feet... whatever.
Rach said one of the things she missed most about being out of the RHD office for the better half of a month was iTunes. We listen to our music in the office every single day. Usually about half the day we listen to my music and the other half we listen to Rach's. One thing we both agree on of recent music is the new George Strait CD. We have listened to it on repeat for several afternoons and it doesn't ever seem to get old. Tricia is a big George Strait fan and reported that she went and saw him in concert several times before he was famous. Such a groupie!
Have a good Friday and a fun weekend!
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