Click a category below to read my past entries.
- Some posts appear in more than one category
- Some categories have sub-categories (they're marked with a "»")
- All posts are listed newest to oldest
Agents, Publishing, and Distribution
Publishing Myths8 mistaken mantras about the publishing business.
Odds and EndsUpdates galore!
Worry By Numbers5 hard facts every writer must know about book sales.
JA Konrath Saves Publishing6 things I'd do to cure what ails our business.
The Great Bookstore ExperimentTesting: What makes books fly off shelves?
Rusty Nail, Street Dates, Jacket Copy & Book CoversJudging my book by its cover.
RemaindersHere's what happens when your book goes out-of-print.
A Discouraging WordMy story could be your story, so keep going.
Property Values and WritingI build my brand to make permanent shelfspace.
The Importance of Being YouWhat happens when writing and the publishing biz collide.
Being EditedThe 5 stages of editing acceptance.
Jim Crow PublishingIs the publishing world racist?
Thinking POD? Think Again…I crunched the numbers and it ain't pretty.
Driving Miss SASEStop making it easy for agents to say "No."
Four CountriesUniting the corners of your publishing world.
Important Stuff: Disregard at Your Peril11 ways to get your contest story read.
E-Book vs Paper: Which Will Win?Return of the digital.
The Truth About Publishers46 things you need to know about your publisher.
Writing ScamsNever let shady characters prey on your insecurities.
Sandy Tooley Part DeuxSelf–publishing redux.
"Self–Publish" Isn't Always a Bad WordSandy Tooley talks about publishing's red–headed stepchild.
BEA!How I survived my first Book Expo America convention.
DistributionHow I signed 3000 books in one afternoon.
Judging a Book by its CoverLesson learned: I write and my publisher does the cover art.
About PublishersMaking your publisher your partner.
Odds and EndsUpdates galore!
Worry By Numbers5 hard facts every writer must know about book sales.
JA Konrath Saves Publishing6 things I'd do to cure what ails our business.
The Great Bookstore ExperimentTesting: What makes books fly off shelves?
Rusty Nail, Street Dates, Jacket Copy & Book CoversJudging my book by its cover.
RemaindersHere's what happens when your book goes out-of-print.
A Discouraging WordMy story could be your story, so keep going.
Property Values and WritingI build my brand to make permanent shelfspace.
The Importance of Being YouWhat happens when writing and the publishing biz collide.
Being EditedThe 5 stages of editing acceptance.
Jim Crow PublishingIs the publishing world racist?
Thinking POD? Think Again…I crunched the numbers and it ain't pretty.
Driving Miss SASEStop making it easy for agents to say "No."
Four CountriesUniting the corners of your publishing world.
Important Stuff: Disregard at Your Peril11 ways to get your contest story read.
E-Book vs Paper: Which Will Win?Return of the digital.
The Truth About Publishers46 things you need to know about your publisher.
Writing ScamsNever let shady characters prey on your insecurities.
Sandy Tooley Part DeuxSelf–publishing redux.
"Self–Publish" Isn't Always a Bad WordSandy Tooley talks about publishing's red–headed stepchild.
BEA!How I survived my first Book Expo America convention.
DistributionHow I signed 3000 books in one afternoon.
Judging a Book by its CoverLesson learned: I write and my publisher does the cover art.
About PublishersMaking your publisher your partner.
Blogging Isn't TemporaryYour Weblog is a legacy. Make it count.
Storm FrontRead BLOODY MARY or get body slammed. Your choice, punk.
Thanks, Graham!Read… Read…
Phone InterviewJust call me "Phone–it–in–Joe."
Formula 209There's a sucker from Denver born every minute.
Support the InfrastructureGiving back to the community helps us all.
Time to Make Time6 sure–fire tactics that keep me organized… usually. Plus, THESE GUNS FOR HIRE.
Books for TroopsWanna do something great? Send ’em something to read.
Rusty Nail, Street Dates, Jacket Copy & Book CoversJudging my book by its cover.
Chat with JA TonightJust don't ask me what I'm wearing.
Parlez vous French?Jack in French is totally hot!
Wine Me, Dine Me, 69 MeMy entry in a 69–word story competition. (expired)
35 DaysAnother Jack is in the can.
Rusty Nail 500 Tour InfoEverything great starts with a plan.
Short Story and Audiobook Contest WinnersThe lucky ones who took home the prizes.
Massive Website UpdateFresh stuff at!
Super Holiday Super ContestAnswer a question. Get free stuff. (expired)
Cinderella BoyHow Marcus Sakey wrote a thriller.
Jack Until '09Make mine a double… 3-book deal #2!
TourageThe Official BLOODY MARY Tour Itinerary
Celebrating AlcoholHyperion's BLOODY MARY contest (expired)
Booklaunch Party June 18How to make them a big hit with fans and peers alike.
An Award Nomination is its Own RewardTasty. But I like the cake more.
Website RelaunchI've revamped Come see what's new.
Who am I and why should you care?Gotta start somewhere. My inagural post.
Storm FrontRead BLOODY MARY or get body slammed. Your choice, punk.
Thanks, Graham!Read… Read…
Phone InterviewJust call me "Phone–it–in–Joe."
Formula 209There's a sucker from Denver born every minute.
Support the InfrastructureGiving back to the community helps us all.
Time to Make Time6 sure–fire tactics that keep me organized… usually. Plus, THESE GUNS FOR HIRE.
Books for TroopsWanna do something great? Send ’em something to read.
Rusty Nail, Street Dates, Jacket Copy & Book CoversJudging my book by its cover.
Chat with JA TonightJust don't ask me what I'm wearing.
Parlez vous French?Jack in French is totally hot!
Wine Me, Dine Me, 69 MeMy entry in a 69–word story competition. (expired)
35 DaysAnother Jack is in the can.
Rusty Nail 500 Tour InfoEverything great starts with a plan.
Short Story and Audiobook Contest WinnersThe lucky ones who took home the prizes.
Massive Website UpdateFresh stuff at!
Super Holiday Super ContestAnswer a question. Get free stuff. (expired)
Cinderella BoyHow Marcus Sakey wrote a thriller.
Jack Until '09Make mine a double… 3-book deal #2!
TourageThe Official BLOODY MARY Tour Itinerary
Celebrating AlcoholHyperion's BLOODY MARY contest (expired)
Booklaunch Party June 18How to make them a big hit with fans and peers alike.
An Award Nomination is its Own RewardTasty. But I like the cake more.
Website RelaunchI've revamped Come see what's new.
Who am I and why should you care?Gotta start somewhere. My inagural post.
2006 Genny Award Winner!Woohoo! First, I'd like to thank my wife…
Are Awards Their Own Reward?I worry about what I control. Awards ain't one of them.
An Award Nomination is its Own RewardTasty. But I like the cake more.
Are Awards Their Own Reward?I worry about what I control. Awards ain't one of them.
An Award Nomination is its Own RewardTasty. But I like the cake more.
Blogging Isn't TemporaryYour Weblog is a legacy. Make it count.
Thanks, Graham!Read… Read…
MySpace Redux3 strategies for making lots of MySpace friends.
Internet StuffSix degrees of JA Konrath. Interwebs style!
Driving Traffic6 tried–and–true ways to drive more traffic to your website.
Responsible BloggingYour blog is a powerful platform. Use it wisely.
Tess Gerritsen's BlogMy friend leaps into the vortex.
2006 Genny Award Winner!Woohoo! First, I'd like to thank my wife…
Whose Space? My Space!Tapping in to more than 80 million potential new fans.
Another Link in the ChainHow high-quality links make for great search engine rank.
Barry Eisler Naked!Made you look! Now go read my buddy's blog.
Blogging 201Alphabeter's Guide to Internet Syndication.
What Makes a Good BlogJAK's 12 dos and don'ts for a killer Weblog
On Blogging8 tips for surfing blogs and 9 tips for making one.
Is Blogging Incestuous?Friend or lurker? Tell me who you are.
Buzz, Balls, and Self-PromotionBarry Eisler drops his marketing Zen.
The 24 Hour Advertisement12 ways to make your brand work non-stop.
With a Little Help from My FriendsHere's why other writers are the greatest friends.
And the Hits Keep Coming…Do author blogs and websites sell books?
Who am I and why should you care?Gotta start somewhere. My inagural post.
Thanks, Graham!Read… Read…
MySpace Redux3 strategies for making lots of MySpace friends.
Internet StuffSix degrees of JA Konrath. Interwebs style!
Driving Traffic6 tried–and–true ways to drive more traffic to your website.
Responsible BloggingYour blog is a powerful platform. Use it wisely.
Tess Gerritsen's BlogMy friend leaps into the vortex.
2006 Genny Award Winner!Woohoo! First, I'd like to thank my wife…
Whose Space? My Space!Tapping in to more than 80 million potential new fans.
Another Link in the ChainHow high-quality links make for great search engine rank.
Barry Eisler Naked!Made you look! Now go read my buddy's blog.
Blogging 201Alphabeter's Guide to Internet Syndication.
What Makes a Good BlogJAK's 12 dos and don'ts for a killer Weblog
On Blogging8 tips for surfing blogs and 9 tips for making one.
Is Blogging Incestuous?Friend or lurker? Tell me who you are.
Buzz, Balls, and Self-PromotionBarry Eisler drops his marketing Zen.
The 24 Hour Advertisement12 ways to make your brand work non-stop.
With a Little Help from My FriendsHere's why other writers are the greatest friends.
And the Hits Keep Coming…Do author blogs and websites sell books?
Who am I and why should you care?Gotta start somewhere. My inagural post.
Contracts and Royalities
How the Hell Am I Doing?!?What do to when attaboys are few and far between.
RoyaltiesKeeping your books in print is like finding free money.
Money Money Money9 things to remember about contracts, advances, and self–promotion.
Fair UseGoogle my books. I want to be read.
You Have the Rights to Remain in PrintDeconstructing the fine print.
RoyaltiesKeeping your books in print is like finding free money.
Money Money Money9 things to remember about contracts, advances, and self–promotion.
Fair UseGoogle my books. I want to be read.
You Have the Rights to Remain in PrintDeconstructing the fine print.
Critics and Reviews
Reader ExpectationsWhat do we do when we disappoint our fans?
HatersWe can't please ’em all, so let it roll.
The New Zoo ReviewI read all my reviews. I just don't listen to them.
Am I Evil? Yes I Am.My business is JA Konrath and I'm the CEO.
Everyone is the hero in their own movieNobody wins when we go negative.
Still Life with Hate MailGLBA Con. Plus, my first hate e-mail.
Views on ReviewsEven the bad ones are great.
Amazon.comEveryone's got an opinion. Especially me.
HatersWe can't please ’em all, so let it roll.
The New Zoo ReviewI read all my reviews. I just don't listen to them.
Am I Evil? Yes I Am.My business is JA Konrath and I'm the CEO.
Everyone is the hero in their own movieNobody wins when we go negative.
Still Life with Hate MailGLBA Con. Plus, my first hate e-mail.
Views on ReviewsEven the bad ones are great.
Amazon.comEveryone's got an opinion. Especially me.
Self ImageLooking for success? Fake it until you make it.
Crush Your Hope5 things writers can learn from marathon runners.
New Year's Resolutions Part 26 new promises for 2007.
How Good Am I?3 things to always remember about success.
Neurotic Author MomentYou done whining yet? Good. This job ain't for sissies.
How the Hell Am I Doing?!?What do to when attaboys are few and far between.
Thanksgiving for WritersA Turkey Day Primer: Here's why I'm thankful.
DistractionsWhat part of "Writer" don't you understand? Now get back to work!
The Rusty Nail 600A quick tour re-cap. Also, pushing past your limits.
How to Handle Success (Everyone Else's)6 tips for fighting off wrong–headed thinking.
Community and CommitmentGive and take with friends to become a better writer.
This is Your Career Wake Up CallKeep on dreaming big.
Work EthicsJAK's 12 Steps to Success
Today's MotivationalStop reacting… your career needs you to do something.
A Discouraging WordMy story could be your story, so keep going.
Excuses, ExcusesWho's in charge here? Turns out it's you.
Writing Full Time: The Good and the BadThe pros and cons of going pro.
Damning You With Praise9 tricks to help you stay grounded.
Submit to Submission"No" is just another word for "Next."
True Grit QuizDo you have what it takes to realize the dream?
Talent and Craft, Luck and PersistenceMaking it means having a little of all four.
For the Children (and the Adults)16 tips for beginning writers of all ages.
Outlines, Writer's Block, and MotivationHow I use 1 to master 2 and 3.
Relax, Don't Do ItNo time? Poppycock! There's always time to write.
Why?I ask the eternal question. What's your answer?
Potential7 self–evident writing truths.
Hope is a Four Letter WordHow your attitude makes all the difference.
IntangiblesGood word–of–mouth now, equals great things later.
Get Off Your Ass and Do Something6 things all writers should do every day.
Mantra for '066 affirmations for the new year.
New Years Resolutions for WritersThe year ahead for pros and noobs.
QuittingThe odds are against you. Got what it takes?
Eggs in Baskets and Hatched ChickensHow to manage your promo-plan expectations.
Cinderella BoyHow Marcus Sakey wrote a thriller.
A Word From My Better HalfMy wife keeps me real.
Self-Doubting Thomas13 insecurities that affect us all.
Crush Your Hope5 things writers can learn from marathon runners.
New Year's Resolutions Part 26 new promises for 2007.
How Good Am I?3 things to always remember about success.
Neurotic Author MomentYou done whining yet? Good. This job ain't for sissies.
How the Hell Am I Doing?!?What do to when attaboys are few and far between.
Thanksgiving for WritersA Turkey Day Primer: Here's why I'm thankful.
DistractionsWhat part of "Writer" don't you understand? Now get back to work!
The Rusty Nail 600A quick tour re-cap. Also, pushing past your limits.
How to Handle Success (Everyone Else's)6 tips for fighting off wrong–headed thinking.
Community and CommitmentGive and take with friends to become a better writer.
This is Your Career Wake Up CallKeep on dreaming big.
Work EthicsJAK's 12 Steps to Success
Today's MotivationalStop reacting… your career needs you to do something.
A Discouraging WordMy story could be your story, so keep going.
Excuses, ExcusesWho's in charge here? Turns out it's you.
Writing Full Time: The Good and the BadThe pros and cons of going pro.
Damning You With Praise9 tricks to help you stay grounded.
Submit to Submission"No" is just another word for "Next."
True Grit QuizDo you have what it takes to realize the dream?
Talent and Craft, Luck and PersistenceMaking it means having a little of all four.
For the Children (and the Adults)16 tips for beginning writers of all ages.
Outlines, Writer's Block, and MotivationHow I use 1 to master 2 and 3.
Relax, Don't Do ItNo time? Poppycock! There's always time to write.
Why?I ask the eternal question. What's your answer?
Potential7 self–evident writing truths.
Hope is a Four Letter WordHow your attitude makes all the difference.
IntangiblesGood word–of–mouth now, equals great things later.
Get Off Your Ass and Do Something6 things all writers should do every day.
Mantra for '066 affirmations for the new year.
New Years Resolutions for WritersThe year ahead for pros and noobs.
QuittingThe odds are against you. Got what it takes?
Eggs in Baskets and Hatched ChickensHow to manage your promo-plan expectations.
Cinderella BoyHow Marcus Sakey wrote a thriller.
A Word From My Better HalfMy wife keeps me real.
Self-Doubting Thomas13 insecurities that affect us all.
Promotion and Marketing
January 2007
My Speech at GoogleSoapbox Warning!CommunicationAnswer your email. Right now.
December 2006
Rant Against Advertising Part 3Books purchased: 10. Ads seen: Zero.Rant Against Advertising Part 2That's it. The gloves are coming off.
Rant Against AdvertisingOh no… don't get me started.
MySpace Redux3 strategies for making lots of MySpace friends.
November 2006
Internet StuffSix degrees of JA Konrath. Interwebs style!Why Do You Do What You Do?Clear Goals + Standards = Promo Success
October 2006
Publishing Myths8 mistaken mantras about the publishing business.RoyaltiesKeeping your books in print is like finding free money.
September 2006
Driving Traffic6 tried–and–true ways to drive more traffic to your website.August 2006
The Great Bookstore ExperimentTesting: What makes books fly off shelves?Do SomethingThe most important part of your marketing plan is the "plan" part.
July 2006
Internet HappeningsMJ Rose takes on her own 500 challenge.June 2006
Booksignings: Everything you Need to KnowUm, yeah… you're gonna want to print this.Press ReleasesI'm a writer, so I do these myself. Here's how…
Business Cards and Computer SavvyHow I maximize these tools to amp up my promotions.
Newsletter #6A half–dozen tips for knockout newsletters.
Interviewing 1019 common interview mistakes and how to avoid them.
AdsHave I mentioned that I don't think they work?
2006 Genny Award Winner!Woohoo! First, I'd like to thank my wife…
May 2006
Promotion: A Biased Account of Cost vs. BenefitFiguring the promo numbers in time and money.Whose Space? My Space!Tapping in to more than 80 million potential new fans.
Another Link in the ChainHow high-quality links make for great search engine rank.
April 2006
Self-Promote or DieAlways be stoking the self–promo furnace fire.Property Values and WritingI build my brand to make permanent shelfspace.
March 2006
What Makes a Good BlogJAK's 12 dos and don'ts for a killer WeblogFebruary 2006
Future TacticsYou can't afford to "seat of your pants" your career.The Secret World of BlurbingIt's dirty and little. The secret, that is.
Writers, Start Your Sales PitchSelling it starts with you.
January 2006
Get Your Hands on my Shorts5 reasons this Amazon program rocks!The Best Kind of MarketingSelling your writing sells readers on you.
On Blogging8 tips for surfing blogs and 9 tips for making one.
IntangiblesGood word–of–mouth now, equals great things later.
Four CountriesUniting the corners of your publishing world.
Get Off Your Ass and Do Something6 things all writers should do every day.
December 2005
The Truth About Publishers46 things you need to know about your publisher.November 2005
On Beyond GoogleHow to use niche search engines to find your Web saturation.Library ReduxUpdate on the library promo blitz.
Fair UseGoogle my books. I want to be read.
Eggs in Baskets and Hatched ChickensHow to manage your promo-plan expectations.
AmazonymousHow to get proactive with Amazon.
Conference CulturePublic speaking and well-rehearsed anecdotes are your friends.
What I've Learned So Far14 things I didn't know then.
October 2005
Calling the Guinness Folks…Laying groundwork for the big tour.The Stuff They Don't Teach YouThe 11 things you won't find in books.
September 2005
Libraries #2Here's how Julia Spencer-Fleming and I blitzed ’emLibrariesThe secret in my promo toolbox.
August 2005
David Morrell Part Deux: The Publicist SpeaksAnd now… a word from his publicist.David Morrell on Book Marketing and PublicityCovering 30 years of publishing.
Radio DazeNope. Radio doesn't work.
A Face Made for Radio (Again)Testing: Do radio appearances work?
Drinks are on EdGreat industries begin with great people.
Buzz, Balls, and Self-PromotionBarry Eisler drops his marketing Zen.
Back From Vacation… Sort Of24/7/365: The machine's always on.
July 2005
Damnazon.comHow do you use the world's biggest store?The 24 Hour Advertisement12 ways to make your brand work non-stop.
Celebrating AlcoholHyperion's BLOODY MARY contest (expired)
June 2005
A Face Made for RadioGood looks sell books but they're not all that matters.I'm Certain that I'm UncertainFocus on what you can control and don't sweat the rest.
The Ups and Downs of USPSThe undeniable power of swag. Or "Why my postage costs are through the roof!"
Booklaunch Party June 18How to make them a big hit with fans and peers alike.
And the Hits Keep Coming…Do author blogs and websites sell books?
Of Dark and Stormy NightsMake your mark: give away free stuff.
An Award Nomination is its Own RewardTasty. But I like the cake more.
BEA!How I survived my first Book Expo America convention.
May 2005
Newsletter BluesHow e-mail can shake hands with fans.DistributionHow I signed 3000 books in one afternoon.
Views on ReviewsEven the bad ones are great.
The value of self-promotionSell yourself before you sell your books.
Rant Against Advertising Part 3Books purchased: 10. Ads seen: Zero.
Rant Against Advertising Part 2That's it. The gloves are coming off.
Rant Against AdvertisingOh no… don't get me started.
Reader ExpectationsWhat do we do when we disappoint our fans?
DistractionsWhat part of "Writer" don't you understand? Now get back to work!
Responsible BloggingYour blog is a powerful platform. Use it wisely.
AdsHave I mentioned that I don't think they work?
Excuses, ExcusesWho's in charge here? Turns out it's you.
Holy Sense of Entitlement, Batman!Getting lucky is damn hard work.
Am I Evil? Yes I Am.My business is JA Konrath and I'm the CEO.
Driving Miss SASEStop making it easy for agents to say "No."
Rant Against Advertising Part 2That's it. The gloves are coming off.
Rant Against AdvertisingOh no… don't get me started.
Reader ExpectationsWhat do we do when we disappoint our fans?
DistractionsWhat part of "Writer" don't you understand? Now get back to work!
Responsible BloggingYour blog is a powerful platform. Use it wisely.
AdsHave I mentioned that I don't think they work?
Excuses, ExcusesWho's in charge here? Turns out it's you.
Holy Sense of Entitlement, Batman!Getting lucky is damn hard work.
Am I Evil? Yes I Am.My business is JA Konrath and I'm the CEO.
Driving Miss SASEStop making it easy for agents to say "No."
Time Management
Treading WaterDoes the self–promotion ride ever slow down?
Time to Make Time6 sure–fire tactics that keep me organized… usually. Plus, THESE GUNS FOR HIRE.
WeaknessesEverybody's got ’em. What are you doing to overcome yours?
Relax, Don't Do ItNo time? Poppycock! There's always time to write.
DeadlinesWhen it comes to getting things done, know thyself.
No Vacation for YouSacrifices: Are you ready for them?
A Word From My Better HalfMy wife keeps me real.
Not Enough Time in the DayFalling behind sucks. A lot.
Conference ChecklistB'con ’05: It pays to be prepared.
A Weekend in the LifeMinute–by–minute: My event-weekend journal.
Time to Make Time6 sure–fire tactics that keep me organized… usually. Plus, THESE GUNS FOR HIRE.
WeaknessesEverybody's got ’em. What are you doing to overcome yours?
Relax, Don't Do ItNo time? Poppycock! There's always time to write.
DeadlinesWhen it comes to getting things done, know thyself.
No Vacation for YouSacrifices: Are you ready for them?
A Word From My Better HalfMy wife keeps me real.
Not Enough Time in the DayFalling behind sucks. A lot.
Conference ChecklistB'con ’05: It pays to be prepared.
A Weekend in the LifeMinute–by–minute: My event-weekend journal.
Tour Stuff
The Rusty Nail 600A quick tour re-cap. Also, pushing past your limits.
Odds and EndsUpdates galore!
Tour Day 52, 53, 54, and 55
Tour Day 49, 50, and 51
Tour Day 44, 45, 46, 47, and 48
Tour Day 41, 42, and 43Tour Day 36, 37, 38, 39, and 40
Tour Day 33, 34, and 35
Tour Day 30, 31, and 32
Tour Day 28 and 29
Tour Day 26 and 27
Tour Day 23, 24, 25
Tour Day 20, 21, and 22
Tour Day 18 and 19
Tour Day 16 and 17
Tour Day 15
Tour Day 14
Tour Day 10, 11, 12, and 13
Tour Day 8 and 9
Tour Day 5, 6, and 7
Tour Day 4
The Tour: Day 1, 2, and 3
Internet HappeningsMJ Rose takes on her own 500 challenge.
Rusty Nail 500 Tour InfoEverything great starts with a plan.
Calling the Guinness Folks…Laying groundwork for the big tour.
Odds and EndsUpdates galore!
Tour Day 52, 53, 54, and 55
Tour Day 49, 50, and 51
Tour Day 44, 45, 46, 47, and 48
Tour Day 41, 42, and 43Tour Day 36, 37, 38, 39, and 40
Tour Day 33, 34, and 35
Tour Day 30, 31, and 32
Tour Day 28 and 29
Tour Day 26 and 27
Tour Day 23, 24, 25
Tour Day 20, 21, and 22
Tour Day 18 and 19
Tour Day 16 and 17
Tour Day 15
Tour Day 14
Tour Day 10, 11, 12, and 13
Tour Day 8 and 9
Tour Day 5, 6, and 7
Tour Day 4
The Tour: Day 1, 2, and 3
Internet HappeningsMJ Rose takes on her own 500 challenge.
Rusty Nail 500 Tour InfoEverything great starts with a plan.
Calling the Guinness Folks…Laying groundwork for the big tour.
Day #11--Last Day of Book Tour
Day #10
Day #9
Day #8
Day #7
Day #6
Day #5
Day #4
Day #3
Day #2
Day #1
TourageThe Official BLOODY MARY Tour Itinerary
Day #10
Day #9
Day #8
Day #7
Day #6
Day #5
Day #4
Day #3
Day #2
Day #1
TourageThe Official BLOODY MARY Tour Itinerary
» Nuts & Bolts
PimpingHow to get your fans to read your friends' books.
Do SomethingThe most important part of your marketing plan is the "plan" part.
Booksignings: Everything you Need to KnowUm, yeah… you're gonna want to print this.
Calling the Guinness Folks…Laying groundwork for the big tour.
The value of self-promotionSell yourself before you sell your books.
Do SomethingThe most important part of your marketing plan is the "plan" part.
Booksignings: Everything you Need to KnowUm, yeah… you're gonna want to print this.
Calling the Guinness Folks…Laying groundwork for the big tour.
The value of self-promotionSell yourself before you sell your books.
Thanks, Graham!Read… Read…
MySpace Redux3 strategies for making lots of MySpace friends.
PimpingHow to get your fans to read your friends' books.
Community and CommitmentGive and take with friends to become a better writer.
Support the InfrastructureGiving back to the community helps us all.
Peerfest17 authors—and their books—that I highly recommend.
Hero Worship and MoneyF. Paul Wilson gives away $1000. (expired)
Internet HappeningsMJ Rose takes on her own 500 challenge.
Tess Gerritsen's BlogMy friend leaps into the vortex.
CopycattingNothing wrong with showing influences, even when you've never read one.
Promotion: A Biased Account of Cost vs. BenefitFiguring the promo numbers in time and money.
Whose Space? My Space!Tapping in to more than 80 million potential new fans.
Holy Sense of Entitlement, Batman!Getting lucky is damn hard work.
Barry Eisler Naked!Ha! Made you look. Now go read my buddy's blog.
Twelve Things Writers Won't Ever Admit ToBlowing the lid off these insider secrets.
Conventions, Panels, & YouBarry Eisler's 14–point plan for giving good panel.
Jim Crow PublishingIs the publishing world racist?
Are Awards Their Own Reward?I worry about what I control. Awards ain't one of them.
The "Are You a Hack?" Quiz!The Newbie's Guide goes Cosmo!
Be the BraGiving back: We're all in this together.
Library ReduxUpdate on the library promo blitz.
Everyone is the hero in their own movieNobody wins when we go negative.
Cinderella BoyHow Marcus Sakey wrote a thriller.
Sandy Tooley Part DeuxSelf–publishing redux.
"Self–Publish" Isn't Always a Bad WordSandy Tooley talks about publishing's red–headed stepchild.
Still Life with Hate MailGLBA Con. Plus, my first hate e-mail.
Libraries #2Here's how Julia Spencer-Fleming and I blitzed ’em
Long WeekendAn event wrap-up… covered in karma.
David Morrell Part Deux: The Publicist SpeaksAnd now… a word from his publicist.
David Morrell on Book Marketing and PublicityCovering 30 years of publishing.
Buzz, Balls, and Self-PromotionBarry Eisler drops his marketing Zen.
To the ProsAn open letter to my peers.
Self-Doubting Thomas13 insecurities that affect us all.
With a Little Help from My FriendsHere's why other writers are the greatest friends.
MySpace Redux3 strategies for making lots of MySpace friends.
PimpingHow to get your fans to read your friends' books.
Community and CommitmentGive and take with friends to become a better writer.
Support the InfrastructureGiving back to the community helps us all.
Peerfest17 authors—and their books—that I highly recommend.
Hero Worship and MoneyF. Paul Wilson gives away $1000. (expired)
Internet HappeningsMJ Rose takes on her own 500 challenge.
Tess Gerritsen's BlogMy friend leaps into the vortex.
CopycattingNothing wrong with showing influences, even when you've never read one.
Promotion: A Biased Account of Cost vs. BenefitFiguring the promo numbers in time and money.
Whose Space? My Space!Tapping in to more than 80 million potential new fans.
Holy Sense of Entitlement, Batman!Getting lucky is damn hard work.
Barry Eisler Naked!Ha! Made you look. Now go read my buddy's blog.
Twelve Things Writers Won't Ever Admit ToBlowing the lid off these insider secrets.
Conventions, Panels, & YouBarry Eisler's 14–point plan for giving good panel.
Jim Crow PublishingIs the publishing world racist?
Are Awards Their Own Reward?I worry about what I control. Awards ain't one of them.
The "Are You a Hack?" Quiz!The Newbie's Guide goes Cosmo!
Be the BraGiving back: We're all in this together.
Library ReduxUpdate on the library promo blitz.
Everyone is the hero in their own movieNobody wins when we go negative.
Cinderella BoyHow Marcus Sakey wrote a thriller.
Sandy Tooley Part DeuxSelf–publishing redux.
"Self–Publish" Isn't Always a Bad WordSandy Tooley talks about publishing's red–headed stepchild.
Still Life with Hate MailGLBA Con. Plus, my first hate e-mail.
Libraries #2Here's how Julia Spencer-Fleming and I blitzed ’em
Long WeekendAn event wrap-up… covered in karma.
David Morrell Part Deux: The Publicist SpeaksAnd now… a word from his publicist.
David Morrell on Book Marketing and PublicityCovering 30 years of publishing.
Buzz, Balls, and Self-PromotionBarry Eisler drops his marketing Zen.
To the ProsAn open letter to my peers.
Self-Doubting Thomas13 insecurities that affect us all.
With a Little Help from My FriendsHere's why other writers are the greatest friends.
Writers Conferences, Festivals, and Events
» The Low Down
Drinks are on EdGreat industries begin with great people.
Long WeekendAn event wrap-up… covered in karma.
Final ThoughtsB'con ’05: Not so fast, Joe.
How Much is Too Much?B'con ’05: Did I cross the line?
Back From Vacation… Sort Of24/7/365: The machine's always on.
Long WeekendAn event wrap-up… covered in karma.
Final ThoughtsB'con ’05: Not so fast, Joe.
How Much is Too Much?B'con ’05: Did I cross the line?
Back From Vacation… Sort Of24/7/365: The machine's always on.
» A Survival Guide
PimpingHow to get your fans to read your friends' books.
Library Events 1016 rock–solid tips for great library meet–n–greets.
Conference TipsThe Newbie's Guide to Bouchercon… plus Barry Eisler's Panelist Manifesto.
3… 2… 1… ContactsHow to work the room and boost your career.
A Newbie's Guide to Writing Conferences13 things every writer must know.
Conventions, Panels, & YouThe Panelist's Manifesto.
Love is Murder in Chicago7 ways to stretch your conference promo dollar.
Conference CulturePublic speaking and well-rehearsed anecdotes are your friends.
Conference ChecklistB'con ’05: It pays to be prepared.
A Weekend in the LifeMinute–by–minute: My event–weekend journal.
Of Dark and Stormy NightsMake your mark: give away free stuff.
BEA!How I survived my first Book Expo America convention.
The value of self-promotionSell yourself before you sell your books.
Library Events 1016 rock–solid tips for great library meet–n–greets.
Conference TipsThe Newbie's Guide to Bouchercon… plus Barry Eisler's Panelist Manifesto.
3… 2… 1… ContactsHow to work the room and boost your career.
A Newbie's Guide to Writing Conferences13 things every writer must know.
Conventions, Panels, & YouThe Panelist's Manifesto.
Love is Murder in Chicago7 ways to stretch your conference promo dollar.
Conference CulturePublic speaking and well-rehearsed anecdotes are your friends.
Conference ChecklistB'con ’05: It pays to be prepared.
A Weekend in the LifeMinute–by–minute: My event–weekend journal.
Of Dark and Stormy NightsMake your mark: give away free stuff.
BEA!How I survived my first Book Expo America convention.
The value of self-promotionSell yourself before you sell your books.
» The Business of…
December 2006
Rant Against Advertising Part 3Books purchased: 10. Ads seen: Zero.Rant Against Advertising Part 2That's it. The gloves are coming off.
Rant Against AdvertisingOh no… don't get me started.
November 2006
HatersWe can't please ’em all, so let it roll.How the Hell Am I Doing?!?What do to when attaboys are few and far between.
October 2006
Treading WaterDoes the self–promotion ride ever slow down?RoyaltiesKeeping your books in print is like finding free money.
September 2006
The Five Habits of Highly Neurotic AuthorsAnd here's how I handle them.Time to Make Time6 sure–fire tactics that keep me organized… usually. Plus, THESE GUNS FOR HIRE.
Worry By Numbers5 hard facts every writer must know about book sales.
June 2006
To Be a NYT Bestseller5 things all authors on the NYT have in common.RemaindersHere's what happens when your book goes out-of-print.
Business Cards and Computer SavvyHow I maximize these tools to amp up my promotions.
Newsletter #6A half–dozen tips for knockout newsletters.
May 2006
Interviewing 1019 common interview mistakes and how to avoid them.CopycattingNothing wrong with showing influences, even when you've never read one.
Promotion: A Biased Account of Cost vs. BenefitFiguring the promo numbers in time and money.
April 2006
3… 2… 1… ContactsHow to work the room and boost your career.Self-Promote or DieAlways be stoking the self–promo furnace fire.
Writing Full Time: The Good and the BadThe pros and cons of going pro.
Damning You With Praise9 tricks to help you stay grounded.
The Importance of Being YouWhat happens when writing and the publishing biz collide.
March 2006
Twelve Things Writers Won't Ever Admit ToBlowing the lid off these insider secrets.Money Money Money9 things to remember about contracts, advances, and self–promotion.
February 2006
DeadlinesWhen it comes to getting things done, know thyself.Future TacticsYou can't afford to "seat of your pants" your career.
Talking 'Bout Your ReputationYour 3 reps: With fans, with publishers, with peers.
The Secret World of BlurbingIt's dirty and little. The secret, that is.
January 2006
Thinking POD? Think Again…I crunched the numbers and it ain't pretty.The Best Kind of MarketingSelling your writing sells readers on you.
Driving Miss SASEStop making it easy for agents to say "No."
IntangiblesGood word–of–mouth now, equals great things later.
Four CountriesUniting the corners of your publishing world.
December 2005
E-Book vs Paper: Which Will Win?Return of the digital.New Years Resolutions for WritersThe year ahead for pros and noobs.
The Truth About Publishers46 things you need to know about your publisher.
QuittingThe odds are against you. Got what it takes?
Size Does MatterOn word counts, paragraph breaks, and chapter lengths.
Have a Safe and Secure Holiday Season12 ways to keep your computer—and writing—safe.
November 2005
On Beyond GoogleHow to use niche search engines to find your Web saturation.Library ReduxUpdate on the library promo blitz.
Eggs in Baskets and Hatched ChickensHow to manage your promo-plan expectations.
AmazonymousHow to get proactive with Amazon.
Everyone is the hero in their own movieNobody wins when we go negative.
Cleaning HouseStarting fresh for the holidays.
What I've Learned So Far14 things I didn't know then.
October 2005
Writing ScamsNever let shady characters prey on your insecurities.The Stuff They Don't Teach YouThe 11 things you won't find in books.
Still Life with Hate MailGLBA Con. Plus, my first hate e-mail.
September 2005
Not Enough Time in the DayFalling behind sucks. A lot.Libraries #2Here's how Julia Spencer-Fleming and I blitzed ’em
LibrariesThe secret in my promo toolbox.
Long WeekendAn event wrap-up… covered in karma.
August 2005
Conference ChecklistB'con ’05: It pays to be prepared.Trekking the AmazonMy trips up and down the rankings.
Radio DazeNope. Radio doesn't work.
A Face Made for Radio (Again)Testing: Do radio appearances work?
You Have the Rights to Remain in PrintDeconstructing the fine print.
July 2005
The 24 Hour Advertisement12 ways to make your brand work non-stop.Positively PositiveI must not think bad thoughts…
June 2005
A Face Made for RadioGood looks sell books but they're not all that matters.I'm Certain that I'm UncertainFocus on what you can control and don't sweat the rest.
The Ups and Downs of USPSThe undeniable power of swag. Or "Why my postage costs are through the roof!"
Booklaunch Party June 18How to make them a big hit with fans and peers alike.
A Weekend in the LifeMinute–by–minute: My event-weekend journal.
March 2005
Who am I and why should you care?Gotta start somewhere. My inagural post.» Craft and Process
Neurotic Author MomentYou done whining yet? Good. This job ain't for sissies.
DistractionsWhat part of "Writer" don't you understand? Now get back to work!
The Five Habits of Highly Neurotic AuthorsAnd here's how I handle them.
Create-A-StoryHelp me waste time.
Work EthicsJAK's 12 Steps to Success
Theme?Give your characters life by finding a compelling theme.
Villainy6 characteristics that make your bad guys unforgettable.
So You Wanna Write About HandgunsEverything you ever wanted to know about sidearms.
Humor MeHow I find the funny.
The Elements of DialogJAK's 9 rules for letting 'em tell it like it is.
The Importance of Being YouWhat happens when writing and the publishing biz collide.
Submit to Submission"No" is just another word for "Next."
Being EditedThe 5 stages of editing acceptance.
Talent and Craft, Luck and PersistenceMaking it means having a little of all four.
For the Children (and the Adults)16 tips for beginning writers of all ages.
Wine Me, Dine Me, 69 MeMy entry in a 69–word story competition. (expired)
Liability and ResponsibilityHow to handle taboos in your writing.
Outlines, Writer's Block, and MotivationHow I use 1 to master 2 and 3.
DeadlinesWhen it comes to getting things done, know thyself.
Your Own Personal CensorLet your market tell you how far is too far.
Ask but don't AnswerWanna keep readers in suspense?
Down in the Infodumps5 sneaky ways to keep readers engaged.
Writer's BlockWhy I think it's a bunch of hooey.
More IntimidationContest Tip: To win, you've gotta shine.
Important Stuff: Disregard at Your Peril11 ways to get your contest story read.
Size Does MatterOn word counts, paragraph breaks, and chapter lengths.
Creating Dynamic Characters7 steps to creating three-dimensional characters.
Avoiding Plodding PlottingHow to build killer plots the Konrath way.
First Lines… are crucial. Here are some of mine.
Cleaning HouseStarting fresh for the holidays.
DistractionsWhat part of "Writer" don't you understand? Now get back to work!
The Five Habits of Highly Neurotic AuthorsAnd here's how I handle them.
Create-A-StoryHelp me waste time.
Work EthicsJAK's 12 Steps to Success
Theme?Give your characters life by finding a compelling theme.
Villainy6 characteristics that make your bad guys unforgettable.
So You Wanna Write About HandgunsEverything you ever wanted to know about sidearms.
Humor MeHow I find the funny.
The Elements of DialogJAK's 9 rules for letting 'em tell it like it is.
The Importance of Being YouWhat happens when writing and the publishing biz collide.
Submit to Submission"No" is just another word for "Next."
Being EditedThe 5 stages of editing acceptance.
Talent and Craft, Luck and PersistenceMaking it means having a little of all four.
For the Children (and the Adults)16 tips for beginning writers of all ages.
Wine Me, Dine Me, 69 MeMy entry in a 69–word story competition. (expired)
Liability and ResponsibilityHow to handle taboos in your writing.
Outlines, Writer's Block, and MotivationHow I use 1 to master 2 and 3.
DeadlinesWhen it comes to getting things done, know thyself.
Your Own Personal CensorLet your market tell you how far is too far.
Ask but don't AnswerWanna keep readers in suspense?
Down in the Infodumps5 sneaky ways to keep readers engaged.
Writer's BlockWhy I think it's a bunch of hooey.
More IntimidationContest Tip: To win, you've gotta shine.
Important Stuff: Disregard at Your Peril11 ways to get your contest story read.
Size Does MatterOn word counts, paragraph breaks, and chapter lengths.
Creating Dynamic Characters7 steps to creating three-dimensional characters.
Avoiding Plodding PlottingHow to build killer plots the Konrath way.
First Lines… are crucial. Here are some of mine.
Cleaning HouseStarting fresh for the holidays.
» Goals and Success
Self ImageLooking for success? Fake it until you make it.
Crush Your Hope5 things writers can learn from marathon runners.
How Good Am I?3 things to always remember about success.
The Rusty Nail 600A quick tour re-cap. Also, pushing past your limits.
Why Do You Do What You Do?Clear Goals + Standards = Promo Success
How to Handle Success (Everyone Else's)6 tips for fighting off wrong–headed thinking.
Community and CommitmentGive and take with friends to become a better writer.
Do SomethingThe most important part of your marketing plan is the "plan" part.
To Be a NYT Bestseller5 things all authors on the NYT have in common.
Work EthicsJAK's 12 Steps to Success
Holy Sense of Entitlement, Batman!Getting lucky is damn hard work.
True Grit QuizDo you have what it takes to realize the dream?
Money Money Money9 things to remember about contracts, advances, and self–promotion.
Why?I ask the eternal question. What's your answer?
Future TacticsYou can't afford to "seat of your pants" your career.
Potential7 self–evident writing truths.
Goals1. Be entertaining. 2. Get people to read you.
More IntimidationContest Tip: To win, you've gotta shine.
Get Off Your Ass and Do Something6 things all writers should do every day.
Mantra for '066 affirmations for the new year.
No Vacation for YouSacrifices: Are you ready for them?
When Did You Know?Tell me how you got here from there.
QuittingThe odds are against you. Got what it takes?
Stacking NumbersMaking sense of them is a tall, tall order.
Cleaning HouseStarting fresh for the holidays.
At What Point Success?Catching its ever-elusive meaning.
Crush Your Hope5 things writers can learn from marathon runners.
How Good Am I?3 things to always remember about success.
The Rusty Nail 600A quick tour re-cap. Also, pushing past your limits.
Why Do You Do What You Do?Clear Goals + Standards = Promo Success
How to Handle Success (Everyone Else's)6 tips for fighting off wrong–headed thinking.
Community and CommitmentGive and take with friends to become a better writer.
Do SomethingThe most important part of your marketing plan is the "plan" part.
To Be a NYT Bestseller5 things all authors on the NYT have in common.
Work EthicsJAK's 12 Steps to Success
Holy Sense of Entitlement, Batman!Getting lucky is damn hard work.
True Grit QuizDo you have what it takes to realize the dream?
Money Money Money9 things to remember about contracts, advances, and self–promotion.
Why?I ask the eternal question. What's your answer?
Future TacticsYou can't afford to "seat of your pants" your career.
Potential7 self–evident writing truths.
Goals1. Be entertaining. 2. Get people to read you.
More IntimidationContest Tip: To win, you've gotta shine.
Get Off Your Ass and Do Something6 things all writers should do every day.
Mantra for '066 affirmations for the new year.
No Vacation for YouSacrifices: Are you ready for them?
When Did You Know?Tell me how you got here from there.
QuittingThe odds are against you. Got what it takes?
Stacking NumbersMaking sense of them is a tall, tall order.
Cleaning HouseStarting fresh for the holidays.
At What Point Success?Catching its ever-elusive meaning.
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