Rabu, 21 Desember 2005

Short Story and Audiobook Contest Winners


I had almost 600 entries in my Flash Fiction Crime Story Contest, and about 500 in the Audiobook Contest.

I read every entry, but because there were so many I can't reply personally to everyone.

I will say that there were many outstanding stories. Many of the flash fiction pieces are publishable. And many of the folks begging for audiobooks brought a smile to my face or a tear to my eye. Thanks to all who took the time to enter!

If you didn't win, that does NOT mean you aren't a good writer or a worthy person. My personal taste is exactly that---personal. If I had the funds to make you all winners, I would. The competition was tough.

For those who don't win, you can still get a free download of BLOODY MARY at http://promo.ereader.com/free on December 23 (see my blog entry below for more info.)

The envelopes please...

  • A BLOODY MARY audio cassette goes to Mike Heppe.
  • A BLOODY MARY audio casstette goes to Steve Shrott
  • A BLOODY MARY audio MP3 goes to Patsy Cavender
  • A BLOODY MARY audio CD goes toToni Gibson
Again, thanks all who entered! Email me your addresses so I can mail you your freebies.

500 Word Flash Fiction Crime Story Contest Winners

There were so many good entries it came down to me trying to choose apples over oranges. I wound up picking four winners rather than three as I did for previous contests.

I can't stress how hard this was to judge. What made these four stand out above the others was their last lines. A lot of stories ended well, but these were the four best.

FOURTH PLACE - Jeff Greene for his story LESSONS. You win a signed paperback copy of WHISKEY SOUR.

THIRD PLACE - Margaret B. Davidson for her story POLLY PUT THE KETTLE ON. You win a signed paperback copy of WHISKEY SOUR and a signed Ellery Queen magazine.

SECOND PLACE - Don Hornbostel for his story DEATH CHEER. You win a signed copy of BLOODY MARY.

FIRST PLACE - James Viscosi for his story COLD TURKEY. You win $50, a signed copy of BLOODY MARY, and a character named after you in my fourth book, DIRTY MARTINI.

Congrats! I need you folks to email me with your addresses, so I can get your prizes out to you.

Thanks to all who entered---it has been quite an experience judging these contests.

New contests coming in 2006. Keep an eye on JAKonrath.com for details.

Happy Holidays!

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