Jumat, 29 April 2011

Konrath's New Stuff

Incredibly, I now have forty ebooks available. Thirty-two are self-pubbed, eight are with publishers.

Here are my latest releases. If you visit this blog a lot and haven't bought any of my books yet, I'll be spanking you later.

I'm pleased to announce my latest release, Flee - A Thriller, co-written with the incredible Ann Voss Peterson (Wild Night is Calling). This one is loaded with actions, suspense, twists, sex, and a body count that makes a Jason Bourne book look like a Disney film.

It is available for the Kindle and on Smashwords. It will very soon be available on the Nook, Apple iBookstore, Sony, Kobo, and in print.

Flee is only $2.99 for a full 75,000 word adrenalin-fueled roller coaster. And it also has Jack Daniels in it.

Speaking of Jack Daniels, she's also part of the story universe I'm creating with the amazing Blake Crouch (who is currently a Top 100 Kindle bestseller with Run).

Those who have read the seventh Jack novel, Shaken, know that it features Crouch's villain from Desert Places and Locked Doors, Luther Kite.

Stirred, the eighth and final Jack Daniels novel will be co-written with Crouch, and it will put a nice cap on our oeuvre.

What is our oeuvre, you ask?

I wrote seven Jack Daniels novels (Whiskey Sour, Bloody Mary, Rusty Nail, Dirty Martini, Fuzzy Navel, Cherry Bomb, Shaken) and Blake wrote two novels and a novella featuring Luther Kite (Desert Places, Locked Doors, Break You).

Then together we wrote Serial Uncut, which featured Jack and Luther.

Since then, we've been writing like crazy.

First came Killers, which brings back the serial duo Donaldson and Lucy from Serial Uncut.

Recently, we wrote Birds of Prey, which features Jack Daniels, Luther Kite, and over a dozen more serial killers from the Konrath, Kilborn, and Crouch novels.

Let me repeat: the three novellas in this trilogy are Serial Uncut, Killers, and Birds of Prey. These are each reasonably priced at $2.99.

But we've also released some lower-priced compilations for you folks who like things compiled.

Killers Uncut = Killers + Birds of Prey, and is only $3.99.

Serial Killers Uncut = Serial Uncut + Killers + Break You + Birds of Prey, and is only $4.99.

Serial Killers Uncut is a massive undertaking. Not only is it a double-novel featuring 21 serial killers, but it also explains where these serial killers fit into our other books.

To celebrate the release of these new ebooks featuring Jack Daniels, I've put two more ebooks featuring Jack on sale.

Jailbait (written with Ann Voss Peterson) is now $1.49. Floaters (written with Henry Perez) is now 99 cents.

Now some quick Q & A.

Q: So Flee is a spy novel?

A: It's a spy novel on steroids. It does for spy books what Kilborn does for horror. No-holds-barred action, hot sex, twists, double-crosses, and amazing body count, and a slam-bang ending. I love this book.

Q: Why so many different versions of your novellas with Blake? It's confusing.

A: These days, musical artists will release their songs one at a time. When they get four of them done, they release an EP. When they finish eight of them, they release an album.

Serial Killers Uncut took us over two years to write. It's 120,000 words long, and connects all of our backlists. It features characters from the majority of Konrath's, Crouch's, and Kilborn's novels.

We elected to release the book as we wrote it, in sections. So first came Serial (still free), then Serial Uncut, then Killers, then Birds of Prey, then Killers Uncut, then Serial Killers Uncut.

If you buy Serial Killers Uncut, you get everything. But you can also get each novella separately if you've already bought one or two of them. That way, we aren't making people buy the same story twice.

Q: Do I have to read the Jack Daniels books or Blake Crouch's books to enjoy Serial Killers Uncut?

A: No. But you'd probably enjoy it more if you're familiar with our other novels. Serial Killers Uncut takes place between our novels. It's a chronology of what these serial killers are doing when they aren't in our novels. It's new material, and it does stand alone. But if you've read our stuff, you'll notice a lot of familiar characters and situations.

Q: Are you doing a sequel to Flee?

A: Yes. Spree will be out this summer.

Q: Why so many collaborations?

A: It's fun, and two people can write faster than just one, meaning I can release more books for fans who want them.

Q: How do I buy these?

A: For Kindle: Serial Uncut, Killers, Birds of Prey, Killers Uncut, Serial Killers Uncut, Flee, Floaters, Jailbait.

Nook, Smashwords, Sony, Apple, Kobo, and print will be appearing soon. Keep an eye on those sites.

I'd also like to give a giant shout out to Blake Crouch. His book Run is in the Top 100. If you haven't picked up Run yet, you're missing the best thriller I've ever read.

Senin, 25 April 2011

Guest Post by Diana Cox

A lot of writers have asked me who proofreads my manuscripts before I self-publish them.

My answer: Diana Cox at www.novelproofreading.com.

Here she is to talk about her proofreading business:

Not many people have careers they can honestly say they enjoy. Throughout my past fifteen years in accounting, I have constantly, in the back of my mind, wondered if there wasn't something I could do that would allow me to make a living doing something I truly enjoy. One of my favorite things to do is read. But who gets paid to read? I finally realized that I could put my OCD/perfectionist tendencies to use and get paid to read! Ever since I was in school and throughout my career, fellow students and co-workers have brought me writings and communications to check over. I already had my accounting bachelor's degree, so I started taking courses in proofreading and editing, as well as grammar and writing improvement. It was a perfect fit—I loved it and I was good at it! I find it very exciting and an honor to be part of the process that makes these great books available to the public. Although my part in the process is small, I feel my work puts the finishing touches on the book and represents both my work as well as the author’s—and I want us both to look exceptional!

Proofreading is necessary, even for authors who have excellent spelling and grammatical skills. It is not a matter of the author being capable of doing it himself; it is a matter of where the author needs to focus his energy. Plus, it is very difficult to proof one’s own work. The purpose of my service is to allow the author to do his job. Writers are very creative and they need to focus on that creativity rather than the small details. The author should be able to concentrate on the story and maintain momentum once he gets writing, not waste time and effort worrying about crossing every t and dotting every i. In order to compete with the traditionally published works, however, independent authors need to ensure their work is up to par and maintains the same standards set by the publishers.

Since my market is mainly independent authors, I try to keep my prices low. I know authors in this situation have to cover all the expenses themselves up front to get a book published. I want to help independent authors get published, not hinder them.

Joe has been gracious enough to give me this opportunity to introduce myself and provide some basic information on my proofreading services. I focus on novels and short stories. My rates are very reasonable—they start at $4.50 per 1,000 words for projects under 25,000 words, $3.50 per 1,000 words for 25,000 to 80,000 words, and $3.00 per 1,000 words for projects over 80,000 words. There is a $20.00 minimum charge for any project. Expected turnaround time for an average novel is three to four days. Requests for turnaround times of less than two days may incur additional charges, depending upon the project. I will do everything in my power to meet your deadline; however, that is not always possible. If there is any doubt in my capability to meet your deadline, I will let you know up front.

In an effort to build my client list, I am offering half off my first proofreading project for new clients. Please feel free to visit my website at www.novelproofreading.com. You may also e-mail me at support@novelproofreading.com.

Joe sez: Diana has proofed my last five or six projects. She's fast and thorough. She sends you a MS Word doc with her editing suggestions, which you can either approve of or reject directly on the manuscript.

I highly recommend her.


Random or chance events happen often in real life. This does not mean that you can easily use them in fiction. If they seem too convenient for the plot, your reader will believe you put them there for convenience, because you couldn't think of anything better, and he will not be convinced. The thing is that it is not enough that a certain thing could happen: the reader must believe that it would

Minggu, 24 April 2011


Two hundred and seventy-six thousand, one hundred and eleven.

That's how many self-pubbed books I've sold.

About 245k of these on Kindle.

20k on Smashwords,

5k on Createspace,

The rest divvied up among Nook, OverDrive, and my website.


The vast majority of this has been within the last six months. As of last October, I hadn't even hit 100,000.

So far, in April, I've sold over 30,000 books. I'll easily break 35,000 this month.

So, by Christmas, I'll have hit half a million books sold.

Of course, that's a conservative estimate. I'm releasing four more ebooks this month, have several more scheduled for the year, and I expect ereaders to keep selling as their prices keep going down. The market isn't close to being saturated.

I don't think I've really hit my stride yet.

In March, I earned over $68,000. But I know that number can go up. Other authors have earned more. A lot more.

It's been fascinating to watch how this has all developed over the last two years.

The media is picking up on it. Agents are changing their business models. I'm getting far more email than I'll ever be able to answer. Lots of folks thanking me. Lots of folks telling me they're convinced, and are going to self-publish. Lots of folks saying they already have, and sharing their successes.

This isn't just a few fringe outliers making a few bucks in a new, untested market. This is a paradigm shift. A full-fledged revolution.

If you're a writer, and haven't jumped on the bandwagon yet, don't worry too much about it.

Sure, you'll miss out on making some money. But it will still be here when you're ready.

Kamis, 21 April 2011


Can books be too cheap? Yes. They can be unsustainably cheap and their cheapness can devalue the difficulty of what we do and damage our earnings. In fact, books often are too cheap, especially in the UK.

So, why did I allow Wasted to be sold for as little as £1.01 on Kindle, in a special promotion from now until early May? (Let me wait a moment or two while you go off and buy it. But not in the

Senin, 18 April 2011


I acknowledge that being a publisher is hard. (Hold your tears, unpublished and self-published writers...) It's hard for a small and dedicated publisher to make money or even to survive. It's easier if you want to be big and therefore seek to publish mega-commercial books - if you're lucky enough to find some. It's also easier if you strike lucky again and find yourself a few Booker shortlistees

Jumat, 15 April 2011

Are You Dense?

What the hell is wrong with you?

I'm talking to you. The writers who are still thoughtlessly defending legacy publishing.

Unless you're making over a million dollars a year with the Big 6, continuing down the legacy path is a crazy bad idea.

I see the same tired, lame arguments, over and over again. They include:

It's hard to make decent money self-pubbing.

Guess what? It's even harder to make decent money by legacy publishing. Legacy publishing requires a lot of waiting, and a lot of luck. If you're lucky enough to get an agent AND lucky enough to sell the book AND lucky enough that the publisher doesn't screw it up, you'll have a 1 out of 10 chance at earning out your advance. Maybe.

With self-pubbing, you WILL earn money. It may not be a lot at first, but ebooks are forever, and forever is a long time to accrue sales.

Only Joe Konrath and Amanda Hocking make good money self-pubbing.

First of all, anyone who spouts this nonsense is a lazy researcher, because it's a simple Google search to find dozens of authors making good money.

Second of all, this statement could just as well be: Only Stephen King and James Patterson make good money legacy publishing.

If you had to take a shot to try to emulate my career, or try to emulate Stephen King's career, you have a much higher likelihood of success by doing it my way.

The majority of self-pubbed books don't sell many copies.

Neither do the majority of legacy published books.

Here's the simple math. If your book sucks, you'll never get a legacy deal, but you'll sell at least a few copies by self-pubbing.

If your book is awesome, you'll be giving up 70% royalties for 14.9% royalties.

Either way, you make more going indie.

Publishers are essential.

No, they're not. Editing and good covers are essential, and these can be procured for set costs. They aren't worth the 52.5% a publisher takes, forever.

Print is still dominant.

And the T-Rex was still the apex predator for a short time after the meteor hit. Then they all died.

While ebooks may not be an extinction level event, they will become the most popular way to read books.

The gatekeepers are necessary.

I agree. But I don't call these gatekeepers "agents" or "publishers."

I call them "readers."

With all the self-published crap out there, it will be impossible to find anything good.

There are billions of websites on the internet, the majority of them crap. Yet somehow you managed to find my blog.

We live in a world where it is easy to find things that are interesting to us. That won't ever change.

Publishers know quality. They know what sells.

Sure they do. Which is why Snooki got a big push and bombed, and Trapped was rejected by my publisher and is currently in the Top 100. Which means I owe First Book another $500.

If it gets into the top 20, I'll add another $500 on top of that.

The only way I can be validated as a writer is if I'm accepted by the legacy industry.

This is called Stockholm Syndrome. Sales are a much better, and more realistic, form of validation.

If I self-publish, then agents or editors won't want me.

Lazy research again. Agents and editors are actively looking at self-pub success stories, then snapping those authors and books up.

I'll only try to self-publish once I'm guaranteed it is a better move than legacy publishing.

Thanks for making me laugh by using "guarantee" and "publishing" in the same sentence. When you come back to reality, I hope you figure out that each day you don't self-publish is a day you could have earned money but didn't.

That's the bottom line, gang. Every minute of every day, there are new writers jumping on the self-pub bandwagon, beginning to make money.

Every minute you waste is a minute gone forever.

And forever is a long time.

Rabu, 13 April 2011


A comment from a blog-reader recently needs answering. He said he'd been told during one-to-one feedback sessions (with an agent, I think), "No one can sell medical thrillers, so write something else." He went on to say that in some ways he preferred this to being told that his writing wasn't good enough and that he found it helpful because he had "a better idea of what I'm aiming at - something

Selasa, 12 April 2011

Guest Post by Bob Mayer

I asked bestselling author Bob Mayer to give me a blog post about his decision to self-publish, and was pleased to get this response.

Here's Bob...

I appreciate the opportunity to blog here today, as it’s a very special occasion, not only being the 150th Anniversary of the start of the Civil War, but the continuation of a new era for myself and other authors.

In the military, it’s a maxim that every army is always prepared to fight the last war, not the next one. That gets a lot of people killed. In the Green Berets, we were always looking ahead, preparing for what would be, rather than what was. That was my Special Forces experience and I’m applying it to my writing career. Instead of looking at was, I’m looking forward at will be.

That’s the reason I’ve made the switch from traditional publishing to self-publishing. My next book, the epic Duty, Honor, Country, a Novel of West Point & the Civil War is live today on Amazon Kindle.

I won’t go into the math as that’s been done many times, and you and Barry Eisler laid it all out clearly here. I’ve had the same publisher as the one who wanted to sign Barry, St. Martins, and my last three book deals with them totaled over a million dollars, so I’m walking away from something significant. I’ve also hit all the bestseller lists, NY Times, Wall Street Journal, Publishers Weekly, but that doesn’t equate directly to the bottom line.

My first book came out in 1991 and it’s now over 45 titles later, over four million sold, and I’m more excited than I’ve ever been as a writer. As you know, a year ago I was questioning your numbers. I just couldn’t believe what you were selling. A month ago, I had to publicly admit I Was Wrong and You Were Right. Not only was I wrong, but here’s the thing authors need to understand: it isn’t as much about what’s happening NOW in publishing. It’s where things are going to be a year from now. I see the book deals every day in PW, and just shake my head at the pub dates: 2013, 2014.

Another reason I made the decision to publish Duty, Honor, Country myself was timing. As noted, today is the 150th Anniversary of the start of the Civil War. There’s no way a traditional publisher could have gotten the book out by today. They’re still working on the same business model they had before computers became household items, where their production schedule is normally at least a year once they contract for a book. I’ve had it take as long as 8 months just to get the contract in hand.

Often NY decides whether to publish based not on the book, but on what they perceive the market to be. It used to be a 50% sell through in paperback was the norm. Now they want 80%. How to solve that problem? Retailers are ordering less copies. Higher sell-through but lower volume. Good-bye midlist author. I used to say you needed to make at least six figures for a NY publisher to give you any push. Now it’s seven figures if you consider Eisler and myself walking away from mid-six-figures. I’m consolidating all my titles at Who Dares Wins Publishing and soon will have over 40 titles available.

There’s a huge difference between an author promoting their book and a publisher tossing a book out there. I can give you the numbers. My Area 51 series sold over 1.4 million copies in print for Random House. I sell more e-copies of my Atlantis series per week than RH does of Area 51 in six months. Because I have an incentive to promote and also know how to promote, something NY is still behind the curve on. And I lead with the first book in the series at .99. All the rest of my fiction is at $2.99. I’m pricing Duty, Honor, Country at $4.99 because it’s epic, almost twice the length of my other books, at 175,000 words and took me two years to write and also includes 18,000 words from the opening of my next modern thriller, The Jefferson Allegiance. But follow-on books in the series will be priced lower, at $2.99, and come out faster, which is another key to success.

I don’t think success is any easier in self-publishing than traditional publishing. Both are very difficult. The main difference is that I have more control self-publishing than I ever did in traditional publishing.

I believe one key to success is niche. The Internet has made things more specialized rather than broader. I’ve written in many genres: thrillers, romance, science fiction, non-fiction, but, as I had to do making the decision to self-publish, I had to sit down and decide what I really wanted to write. I based it on my platform: West Pointer, former Green Beret, lover of history. Duty, Honor, Country is the first in a series of books that will feature West Point graduates fighting through history. As a plebe at the Academy we had to memorize a lot of information. I found one piece particularly intriguing and it’s the foundation of the book: in 55 of the 60 major battles in the Civil War, West Pointers commanded on both sides. I always thought—that’s why the war was so bloody and lasted so long. The books focus on the sword’s edge of honor vs. loyalty and the tragedy of how classmates ended up on opposite sides of the battlefield. I’m posting a new blog every day about the book and interesting facts about the Civil War as part of the promotion for this.

Two weeks ago at the Whidbey Island Writers Conference I suddenly realized something: as quickly as a writer can publish their book, is also as quickly as they can quit. It seems many think this is an easy path to great sales and wealth and fortune—a yellow brick road. But success will go to those who first and always, have a well-written book with a great story. Then there is the need for persistence and consistency. While the digital age has made all this possible, I think it has the potential to make quitting much easier since we live in a time of instant gratification. Writers are checking their Kindle numbers daily and bemoaning lack of sales within a week of upload. I think one trait those of us coming from traditional publishing have had is knowing it’s the long haul that counts. Also, in digital, it’s not the spike for the bestseller list, but the long tail of sales that is the key.

Duty, Honor, Country
ends on the first night of the Battle of Shiloh, where more Americans were killed in one day than in all prior US wars combined. The commanders on that first day were like many in traditional publishing, holding on to the old ways. That night, sitting in the rain under an oak tree, Ulysses S. Grant was reflecting on the pummeling his army had received, contemplating retreat and defeat, just like many writers are sitting on the fence right now about publishing, trying to hold on to the old. From the book, and from history, here is what happened:

General William Tecumseh Sherman stared warily at the glowing end of the cigar Sam Grant was puffing on. A flickering lantern highlighted the deep shadows on his old friend’s face. After consulting with the other division commanders and coming to a unanimous conclusion, Sherman was going to tell Grant it was best to immediately put the river between their army and the rebels, but something on Grant’s face stopped the words. Sherman stood still for a moment, rain dripping down on his hat.

“Well, Grant, we’ve had the devil’s own day, haven’t we?”

The cigar glowed as Grant puffed and in that dim light he saw Ben’s blood on his hands. Then he spoke. “Yep. Lick ‘em tomorrow, though.”

And that’s exactly how I feel about self-publishing.

Joe sez: Last year I predicted that legacy publishing wouldn't be done in by technology, or by readers retreating from print and embracing digital. It would be authors who kill the Big 6 by deciding to self publish.

Looking back at my old blog posts amuses me, because they're a combination of eerily predictive and massive underestimation (for example, a year ago at this time I believed I could earn $100,000 in seven months, and I've just done that in seven weeks.) But even though my thoughts about the future were conservative, the majority are coming true. Publishers still don't understand that they aren't going to have anything to publish if they don't immediately change their ways.

Once again, for all those industry folks who read my blog but are too chicken to leave comments, here's what you need to do:


1. Give authors fair e-royalty rates. 50% should be the ground floor, and it should go up from there using various escalators.

2. Share the e-wealth with authors by offering them higher rates on contracts that are still active.

Did you hear that, Hyperion and Grand Central? Pay me more money for my Jack Daniels books and for AFRAID. Let's redo the ebook clauses on my old deals so they're fair in this brave, new ebook world. Because if you don't, I'm going to exploit my interactive multimedia rights, release my backlist as enhanced ebooks, and UNDERCUT YOU ON THE PRICE.

You think people will buy your bare-bones version of WHISKEY SOUR for $4.79 when they can get my enhanced version for $2.99? Would some iPad of Nook Color owner rather have a black and white text version of AFRAID for $6.99, or one with games, artwork, author audio commentary, and annotated clickable links for $2.99?

That's right. They'll buy mine, not yours.


Yeah, I'm yelling. Because you need to wake up fast, or you're over.

3. Drop the prices of ebooks. If anyone in New York has been PAYING THE SLIGHTEST BIT OF ATTENTION TO ME FOR THE LAST TWO YEARS I've made it painfully clear how cheaper ebooks make more money than expensive ones, with reams of data and dozens of examples to support this.

4. If you are an agent, begin to morph your business into an estributor model, or you'll sink along with the Big 6.

There. I've laid it all out for you. Now go have your meetings and act on it, or you're not going to survive the next two years.

Minggu, 10 April 2011


Because, apparently, if you haven't, you don't stand a chance of being published.

When someone said this to me the other day, I first ignored it, assuming it was a joke. Or a slip of the tongue. Maybe she didn't say Oxford; maybe she said, "the University of Common Sense and Jolly Good Writing". But then she said it again, more clearly. "No, seriously: if you go into Waterstone's and pick up

Kamis, 07 April 2011

Guest Post by Brett Battles

Brett Battles's first novel, THE CLEANER, is the first in a series about man named Quinn who cleans up messes, dead bodies in particular.

Like many traditionally published authors, Brett has been watching what has been developing in the world of self-publishing, and has recently released an all new novel, LITTLE GIRL GONE, as an ebook, along with two short stories.

Here's why...

Brett: Joe, I've been following you for years, thinking deep down that you were right. Sometime last year that "thinking" became "knowing," and I decided to focus my efforts on creating stories that I would self-publish.

For me, one of the most frustrating things to be about legacy publishing has been the time it takes from when a book is finished to when it actually comes out--something you and Barry talked about in your discussion. I'm a prolific writer, but with only one book coming out a year, I felt like a dog chained to a post, wanting to run, but unable to.

In the last 10 months, I've written three novels, and could have written at least one more. If I'd stuck to the legacy publishing route, who knows when any of them would have come out? I love to write, and with the way the digital world has open things up, self-publishing gives me the chance to cut that frustration out. Now, instead of missing months or even a year when a book could be out there making money, it's, well, out there making money right away.

It's also hard to ignore the writing on the wall, or, rather, the gigantic words written in the sky. Publishing is changing. Soon the main audience will be reading digitally.

The reasons not to self-publish have rapidly dropped away. I am in control of my manuscript. I am in control of my cover. I am in control of the entire process, and as the creator of the work, I've got to think that's the way it should be.

It happened to the music industry in the 90s, and it's happening to us now. Writers are the new indie-bands, and I think the world has just gotten considerably brighter for us.

Logan Harper's quiet life is upended when he finds himself in Los Angeles, searching for the missing granddaughter of his father's friend, and uncovering a sinister plot connected not only to the friend's Burmese past, but also to the boardrooms of corporate America. Logan must use skills from a life he'd rather forget to try and bring the girl home alive.

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Little-Logan-Harper-Thriller-ebook/dp/B004TGUUVA/

B&N: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Little-Girl-Gone/Brett-Battles/e/2940012368300

Smashwords.com: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/49059

And the short stories:

Not everyone who gets shot is supposed to be shot. And those who are shot don't always die right away. It's not Quinn¹s job to kill people, but it is his job to clean them up. Sometimes, though, they're not quite ready to go.

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Just-Another-Job-Jonathan-ebook/dp/B004TBDB48

B&N: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Just-Another-Job/Brett-Battles/e/2940012368386

Smashwords.com: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/49071

The girls call Wade Norris, "Papa." He's not their dad. He's not even related to them. In fact, he was born thousands of miles from the Philippines, the place he now calls home. Wade's their Papasan. He runs the go-go bar where the girls dance. But that doesn¹t make them any less of a
family. And rule number one: don't mess with family.

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Perfect-Gentleman-ebook/dp/B004TGUD5I

B&N: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Perfect-Gentleman/Brett-Battles/e/2940012368362

Smashwords.com: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/49067

Brett Battles lives in Los Angeles and is the Barry Award winning author of four novels in the acclaimed Jonathan Quinn series, including THE CLEANER, THE DECEIVED, and his latest, THE SILENCED. He has just released the first book in his Logan Harper Series, LITTLE GIRL GONE. And before April is over, he will be releasing two more novels‹a high stakes thriller, and a
roller-coaster-of-a-ride Young Adult novel.

Rabu, 06 April 2011


I've been mulling over over-writing quite a bit recently. Partly because I've been doing talks and workshops with the title, "What's Wrong With your Manuscript?" and partly because I keep seeing over-writing in the manuscripts that come my way via my Pen2Publication consultancy.

What do I mean by over-writing? Well, I've written about it before but I've recently developed a new name for it:

Guest Post by Ruth Jordan

Crimespree Magazine is a longtime friend of this author, and the writing community in general.

Jon and Ruth Jordan, who run the mag, are two of the nicest people you could ever meet, and they've done a great deal for countless writers.

Here's a guest post by Ruth, seeking to turn a tragedy (over 200 Borders stores closing) into an opportunity:

Do You Have A Local?

by Ruth Jordan

This blog post is dedicated to all of the wonderful folk who feed my addiction for books in the most personal of ways. Sometimes it's nice to walk through the door and have everyone know your name. More importantly, it is astounding to think that I can go to 40 different cities in this country, roll up to the counter and the Bookkeeper is gonna be able to put my book of choice in my hand. This number would be even higher if I was better traveled.

This past weekend Crimespree flew to Minneapolis for Writes of Spring, an annual event held at ONCE UPON A CRIME. How heartening it is to see Authors rally around their local book store. Even better? Seeing the folks coming out to buy books. It warmed my heart to see that all that booky energy.

The last four times I've been to my own local, MYSTERY ONE BOOKS in Milwaukee the crowd has also been good. It's worth mentioning that on Super Bowl Sunday .. in Wisconsin, Robert Crais had an audience of 70 people. Not bad at all.

Have I lost you? Are you thinking there goes Ruth with her Rose Colored glasses? If you're still here I have an idea... a crazy, silly & wonderful idea. All I need is a little help from my friends. All I need is a little help from the people I haven't met yet but stumble across this blog. All I need is a commitment.

Do you remember the rush when you stumbled across that perfect book? Do you recall a cover calling to you, the flap copy adding to the harmony, and possibly a blurb that sealed the deal? When you read that book it was yours. The book belonged to you and was yours to talk about, share, put into other folks hands. It was the discovery that made it special.

For most fiction readers that feeling I just described along with print reviews is the way they find these treasures, for now. The casual reader likes to walk into a store and find the book that's going to get them through that chilly weekend or long plane ride.

Summer is coming and with it the beach & vacations. An outlet is gone for those who are part time readers to get their fix. The closing of Borders presents any number of problems to everyone with any conscious awareness of the Publishing Industry. Last year the box store accounted for 13% of all book sales.

There's an opportunity here. Last year Indy stores accounted for only 2% of Sales. Let's change that this year. Let's Make it 8%.

That co-worker who asks you what to read? The friend who asks you what you think they might like? Surely all of us can find two people to walk into an independent bookstore of our choice who've never been to one before.

That's it. That's my plan. If all of us do this we can help the Indy dealers who lay the footprint for the best sellers of tomorrow. These smaller stores may not have as many end caps or focal points as a Borders but they are full of reading goodness and staff who knows how to put the right book into the customer's hand.

There will be hard choices for writers, publishers, distributors and the consumer in the months ahead. But for the now, let's gift our family, friends and acquaintances with a choice they never knew they had. The Indy Book Store.

This idea is so simple I bet Joe Konrath has time to play and a desire to help.

Joe sez: I've always loved, and supported, bookstores. I've visited and signed at over 1200 of them, over the last eight years. I've thanked thousands of booksellers in my novel acknowledgments. Even though I've embraced digital, I still buy print, and I have over 5000 print books in my personal library.

What Ruth is asking here is simple. We all love bookstores, and unfortunately a lot of them are closing. But maybe those indy bookstores can take up that slack.

So visit your local indy, and tell two friends about it. Or bring those friends with you the next time you go. And if a bookstore has closed in your area, seek out another one.

And also, if you're a mystery, thriller, or comic book writer, subscribe to Crimespree. It's the best mag in the business.

Selasa, 05 April 2011

First Book

For those who missed it, last week I offered to donate $500 to First Book if my novel, ORIGIN, cracked the Top 100 on Kindle. It did, and I gave them the money.

This inspired some other authors to do the same. I urge you to support those authors, and First Book.

I've just lowered the price on my horror novel, TRAPPED, to 99 cents, and here's my new offer:

If TRAPPED breaks the Top 100, I'll give $500 to First Book. If TRAPPED breaks the Top 20, I'll donate another $500, for $1000 total.

So spread the word, and make me give away my hard-earned money to this worthy cause.

I recently contacted First Book and asked them a few questions about their organization, so my blog readers can better understand what they do.

Joe: What's the goal of First Book?

FB: First Book’s mission is to provide access to new books to children in need. We reach programs that serve kids from low-income neighborhoods, no matter what sort of program they might be: schools, classrooms, libraries, tutoring programs, shelters, food banks or church groups.

Joe: How did First Book get started?

FB: First Book was started in Washington DC by Kyle Zimmer (who is still the president of the organization) and some others in 1992, using donations from publishers and local volunteers. We have expanded the scope of our operations since then, and developed new channels that help us get books to the programs we serve more efficiently and at greater volume.

Joe: How many books have you given away so far?

FB: 80 million and counting, across the United States and Canada. It’s a number we’re really proud of, but we’re also well aware of the size of the problem, and that we’ve barely made a dent. There’s still a lot more work to be done.

Joe: Do you have any stories about giving books to children that particularly stand out?

FB: I think everyone involved with First Book, from staff to volunteers, has their own favorites, but what is most striking is that we hear a very similar story, over and over, from the teachers and program leaders who get the books, and the volunteers who help distribute them. The kids getting these books usually don’t have books of their own at home, and when they’re told that this book in their hands is THEIRS, to keep, they have trouble believing it at first. And, once they get it, you can literally see the excitement on their faces.

Joe: Where do you get the books you give away?

FB: We provide books in a variety of ways – some we give away, others we sell at steep discounts to eligible recipients – depending on the program in question and their resources. But all the books come from publishers. First Book would not exist without the generosity of the publishing industry and their commitment to helping us get books to these kids.

Joe: How can we help?

FB: Great question! We’re always in need of donations, of course - $20 will help us send 10 books to kids in need. And we love to see fundraising initiatives like the one you inspired.

Another way to make a difference is to help us get more programs registered. Any school or program that serves kids from low-income neighborhoods is eligible to receive books from First Book. But if they don’t know about us, we can’t help. So anything you can do to get the word out, from helping Title I schools and classrooms register to sharing the word about First Book through your blogs or social media networks. The more people know who we are, the more programs we can reach, and the more books we’ll be able to get out to kids that need them.

Joe: If people want to donate, is it tax-deductible?

FB: First Book is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations to First Book are tax-deductible.

Joe: As a writer, literacy is fostering a love of reading isn't just important to me, it's essential to my industry. Reading is one of the oldest, and most enjoyable, forms of recreation, and if we as writers want to continue to sell books, we need to make sure future generations appreciate them as much as we do.

Here's the book description for TRAPPED:


It was supposed to be a harmless camping trip. Six wayward teenagers who'd run into trouble with the law, and their court-appointed guardians, Sara and Martin Randhurst. Three nights on a small, deserted island off of Michigan's upper peninsula. A time to bond, to learn, to heal.

Then Martin told a campfire story about the island's history. Of the old civil war prison hidden in there, and the starving confederate soldiers who resorted to cannibalism to stay alive. Everyone thought it was funny. They even laughed when Martin pretended to be dragged off into the woods.

But Martin didn't come back. And neither did Sara when she went in search of him.

Then the laughter stopped.


The group soon began to realize that this deserted island wasn't so deserted after all. And perhaps Martin's ridiculous story had more truth to it than anyone thought.

What's the most horrifying thing you can imagine?

This is a hundred times worse...

TRAPPED by Jack Kilborn
It starts where other horror ends

A Word of Warning:

This is the long-awaited follow-up to AFRAID, one of the most horrifying books ever written.

Originally scheduled to be released in paperback in 2010, the publisher read the first version of the manuscript and refused to release it. The author made extensive changes, rewriting much of the story. The publisher still refused.

This is a disturbing, terrifying book. You may think you're brave enough to handle it. But you're probably not...

Contains bonus excerpts from ENDURANCE by Jack Kilborn, and AFRAID by Jack Kilborn, as well as DESERT PLACES by Blake Crouch.

But that's not all...

Taking advantage of ebook format and technology, the author is also proud to offer as a bonus; the entire original first draft of TRAPPED.

This ebook package contains two versions of the same book, dramatically different in parts. See what was cut. See what was changed. Read new characters, new scenes, and a different ending. Decide for yourself which version you prefer.

This is the very first time an ebook has been made available in two different versions, for one low price.

This is specially formatted for Kindle, with an active table of contents. With both versions, this ebook is over 180,000 words.

Minggu, 03 April 2011


At the York Festival of Writing I promised to make a version of my notes for each talk available as a free download. Here's the one on Writing for Children and Teenagers. Please respect the copyright note on the document. In fact - *frowns severely* - it would be against the law not to.

Soon, I'll post the notes for my What's Wrong With your Manuscript? talk at the York Festival, too.

I have to

Ebooks and Self-Publishing Part 2 - Another Dialog Between Authors Barry Eisler and Joe Konrath

Barry Eisler and Joe Konrath Continue to Discuss Ebooks and Self-Publishing (with some help from Dean Wesley Smith)

Joe: So two weeks ago we released our 13,000 word dialog about ebooks and publishing, and it looks like a few people have read it.

Barry: Up until the part about the monkey and the frog, anyway.

Joe: People have brought up several interesting points--too many to respond to one at a time, so we’ve decided to address what seem like the most common questions and reactions here, in a quick follow-up dialog.

Barry: Quick for us meaning anything less than 13,000 words. In this case, it’s only 15,000 or so.

Joe: It’s true a few people thought the conversation was too long. But I think what they were really responding to was a lack of headings. We should have used headings--would have made the conversation easier to navigate.

Barry: Well, no reason we can’t add them now. This is digital. And maybe we should use some here, too.

And so...


Barry: One of the most interesting aspects of Amanda’s and my simultaneous announcements is the way the whole thing has acted as a kind of inkblot test for people interested in the publishing industry. If you think legacy publishing is doomed, you see my announcement and say, “This proves legacy publishing is doomed!” If you think talk of legacy publishing’s doom is exaggerated, you see Amanda’s announcement and say, “This proves legacy publishing is a more attractive option than indie!”

Here’s one of my favorite examples of the way ideology is clouding logic on this topic. One tweet I saw said, Eisler doesnt know how much work self-pub is, walks away from $500k deal. Hocking does, signs w/ publisher. Hm..."

Joe: Hmm. Wouldn’t the opposite also be true?

Barry: Yes, you spotted the problem right away: it would be equally accurate to say Amanda doesn’t know legacy publishing as it is to say that I don’t know indie. In other words, in a situation that’s obviously roughly equivalent--two people, each leaving the realm that’s familiar to him/herself and entering the realm that’s familiar to the other--this guy could only see half the equation.

Joe: The half that bolstered his ideology.

Barry: Exactly. And the half that didn’t bolster the ideology got filtered out. I don’t mean to be too hard on him, by the way--there have been cognitive studies demonstrating we all do this to some extent or another. But you have to stay aware of it or you can come to some pretty silly conclusions.

Joe: But what do you think of Amanda’s move on the merits?

Barry: From her blog, it sounds like what Amanda was going for here was a better way to reach paper readers. I mentioned this possibility in an interview with The Daily Beast and I also recently discussed it with Amanda herself and with literary agent Ted Weinstein in an online conversation like this one (except shorter), and I think it could be a smart move. There’s no doubt an author can reach far more paper readers with a legacy distribution partner than without. There are a lot of “it depends” involved, but overall, if the new deal introduced Amanda to hundreds of thousands of readers who currently prefer paper, who otherwise wouldn’t have heard of her, and who will sooner or later switch to digital where they’ll become loyal customers of her self-published titles, it could work out really well.

Think of it as buying advertising for her self-published books (though “buying” might not be the right word, considering what they’re paying her). At a minimum, it’s a hedge: I’m doing well in one world, so I’ll establish a presence in the other world, too, just in case.

Or, to break it down a little further, look at it like this. First, I’ll stipulate that Amanda would almost certainly make more money from those four books if she published them herself. But money isn’t the only thing in play here, and neither are those four books.

So let’s take two scenarios--one worst case, the other best. Worst case, the publisher does a terrible job, the books reach relatively few paper readers, and Amanda doesn’t earn out. Best case, the publisher does a brilliant job, Amanda reaches millions of new readers, and the contract earns out. No matter how poorly or how well she does under the contract, it’ll be a challenge to make more money from these four titles than she could have by selling them herself at a substantially lower retail price and a substantially higher per-unit margin, but either way, worst case or best, the gap between what she earns from the legacy deal and what she would have earned by self-publishing the titles represents the cost of the deal to her.

But cost doesn’t mean anything unless it’s compared to value. I mean, if I said, “I paid ten dollars for it,” how could someone opine about whether “it” was worth the ten dollars if he didn’t even know what “it” was? And most of the negative reaction to Amanda’s decision I’ve seen has focused only on potential cost, while failing to take into account potential value. But whatever the cost is, if it results in a million new readers she otherwise wouldn’t have acquired, all of whom become customers for her high-margin self-published oeuvre, I’d say the deal was worth it. She gives up revenues from these four titles forever, but potentially gains revenue on all her other titles forever.

There’s one more intangible here we haven’t mentioned, and that’s the pleasure or the headache of working with a legacy publisher. As I mentioned in our earlier conversation, having to cede business and creative control to someone else has been frustrating and costly for me.

Joe: Me too. And we could both name dozens of other legacy pubbed authors who agree. But there are a minority who have done very well.

Barry: Right. Amanda could have a quite different experience than ours. In this regard, I think she’s chosen well. In thrillers, at least, St. Martin’s is the best in the business right now (look at the job they’ve done with Charles Cummings’ critically acclaimed The Trinity Six, to name just one), and if they execute in young adult the way they have been in thrillers, this could turn out to be a smart move for Amanda.

Last thought. One critical thing that’s gone overlooked here by everyone but Amanda herself is this: we’re now living in a world where an author takes a two-million dollar book deal--and has her judgment widely attacked for doing so! And who herself describes the deal as a risk she’s taking. Of all the signs of the times I’ve seen during early skirmishes of this revolution, I think this might be the most telling.

Joe: Amanda strikes me as smart, talented, and level-headed, and I hope her publisher gives her the star treatment and makes her an even bigger success.

Still, you have a good idea of what self-publishing is like, because you’ve been in constant conversation with me for the past two years. Plus, let’s be honest, fundamentally your last two books were self-published, at least in terms of marketing and publicity. Virtually every review you got, those blurbs from all the journalists and spies and military and movie people, all the feature coverage you got, the attention in the blogosphere, the free banner ads, the partnership with independent journalists... that was all you. And let’s not even go into the kinds of tours you’ve done, the--

Barry: Okay, fair to say I know a bit about what it’s like to publish a book without the effective involvement of a legacy publisher.

Joe: By contrast, Amanda has no experience with traditional publishing. If she’d had my experience, or your experience, or the experience of dozens of other authors we know, it would have given her more information on which to base her decision.

Instead, she based it on what she believes is the publishing ideal. Yet the ideal and the reality are often much different.

I hope she winds up getting ideal treatment from St. Martin’s. I think it would be awesome if they could turn her into another Stephanie Meyer.

Less awesome would be getting stuck with covers she hates, being obliged to do exhausting and unproductive tours, spending endless hours on the phone with editors and publicists and media, dealing with the countless mistakes publishers make, and having any of the dozens of problems with publishers that we’ve both seen so often that they’re considered normal.

And hopefully her agent struck the no-compete clause, so she can still self-publish other titles. But that might prove harder to do if she’s on a two-month tour and doing countless interviews.

Barry: I think it comes down to this. The theory of publishing is great: the publisher expertly handles every aspect of publishing the book, leaving the author to worry about nothing but writing it.

Joe: It’s a great theory. But how often does it work in practice?

Barry: Rarely, but not never.

Joe: We have a word for that. It’s called, “lottery.”

Barry: Hah. That’s actually another good framework for understanding some of the dynamics of a legacy deal.

Joe: If you’re willing to gamble, it’s something you can try, and something that occasionally pays off. But again, we both know scores of authors. How many have been dropped by their publishers? Lots. How many have even earned out their advances? Few.

Barry: Well, when you’re buying a lottery ticket, you can’t just consider the payout. You have to consider the cost of the ticket. Speaking of which, would you sign a two-million-dollar/four-book deal?

Joe: I wouldn’t even be tempted by it. I’ve worked with legacy publishers for over eight years, and I’ve proven I can do better on my own. Even if I never become a millionaire, the amount of fun I’m having right now, and the freedom and control I have over my career, have tremendous value to me, value I wouldn’t give up for $500,000+ per book. I’d also hate to be locked into a contract spanning several years, considering the state of flux the industry is in.

Barry: Agreed. A long deal is scary right now.

Joe: Right. I certainly wouldn’t sign a four-book deal, with the last book being released, when? In 2016?

Will there be any bookstores left in 2016? Those reading this might be saying “Of course there will be, dummy!” But what if I said, back in 2006, “Will Borders declare bankruptcy and B&N’s stock reach an all time low?” Would anyone have agreed?

Barry: I wouldn’t have. I was in the middle of the 350-bookstore Last Assassin tour just then.

Joe: If bookstores do take a nosedive, and there’s no clause in Amanda’s contract guaranteeing her a minimum print run, then she was paid a lot of money to have someone publish her ebooks and sell them for $12.99. Methinks she’d sell more, and earn more, at $2.99. Without the ideal benefits of print, this isn’t a good deal. But she’s gambling it will be ideal, and she can afford to take this risk.

As it stands, I’ve been paid over $250k for my print deals, and these books are still in print and selling. But the last time I crunched numbers, six months ago, I realized I could be earning about $150k more, per year, if I had those rights back. When I check my latest royalty statements, I’m going to have to make sure I have the antacids ready, because I’m sure that number has gotten much bigger.

All that said, I think I understand Amanda’s reasons for taking the deal, and here’s hoping it works for her the way it could. She’s smart and talented and an inspiration to scores of authors, and hers is a true success story. I’d really like her to sell like crazy, even better than she already is.

Barry: Agreed. Now, let’s talk about you. What’s your price?

Joe: Well, if I were offered two million for a single book, I’d take it. But I think a likelier scenario is for the Big 6 to pool together two million and hire an assassin to gun me down. (I wonder how many people in the legacy publishing industry nodded their heads and smiled when they read that.)

What’s your price? Obviously not $250k...

Barry: I’m not sure. Jason asked me this in the Beast interview, and I’ll quote my answer here:

What’s that Winston Churchill line? “We’ve already established what you are, madam; now we are merely negotiating a price.” So sure, there’s always going to be a number—after all, legacy or indie, publishing is a business for me, not an ideology. I don’t know what figure would have done the trick; I never gave it much thought because it wasn’t really relevant. But it would have had to be a good deal more than I expect I’ll be able to make myself over the course of say, ten years (present value of money vs. long-term value). It also would have had to be enough to act as an insurance policy against legacy publisher ineptitude; to be worth giving up the joy and excitement of finally being in charge of all the aspects of publishing I’ve always wanted to be in charge of; and to offset the discomfort of being part of a system that I think is fundamentally flawed and that in many ways has become punitive both to writers and readers.

Joe: You haven’t answered the question.

Barry: I guess you’re right, but only because I just don’t know for sure. You have a lot of data and experience with indie that so far I lack. But I will say this. Whatever my price might be today? A year from now, I’m betting it’ll be a lot higher.

Joe: That’s fair. My data is your data, though. I’ve been open with revealing numbers since I started down this path, because I knew the best way to convince others was with dollars and sales figures.

Barry: A lot of writers owe you for that. Legacy publishers, not so much.

Joe: I get thanked a lot, and it’s fun to see writers who read my blog end up selling well, but no one owes me anything. I’m happy to share information that can make writers money, but seeing information and acting upon it are two different things.

Barry: Guess you’ll be turning down free drinks in bars, then.

Joe: Those I always take. It would be rude not to.

Barry: There’s one more important difference between my move and Amanda’s that I think is worth considering. Depending on the format they choose, St. Martin’s will be pricing Amanda’s books at somewhere between three times and as much as fifteen times what’s she’s been charging (higher self-published price of $2.99 vs an $8.99 paperback, or lowest self-published price of $0.99 vs a steeply discounted hardback rate of $15.00, or something in between). I know what I can sell in digital at $9.99 and at a minimum I’m cutting that price in half. It’s not yet known what Amanda can sell at legacy price points. I think this price delta presents a challenge, but not an insurmountable one, and again, if the new deal effectively creates legions of new fans for Amanda’s self-published works--especially fans willing to pay, and used to paying, legacy prices--it could work out well for everyone involved.


Barry: The best way to answer this question is to ask, what are people doing about the glut today? I mean, assuming book buyers don’t personally sample each of the 150,000+ titles published every year, how are they cutting through the clutter?

Joe: We have no problem at all surfing through YouTube to find something interesting to watch (like monkey-frog love), or doing the same on cable with 300 channel choices.

As I’ve said many times, readers are good at being the gatekeepers. They can separate wheat from chaff, and then help others do the same with reviews, lists, recommendations, and word of mouth.

Barry: Actually, there’s something I want to tease out from those two thoughts. Agreed that people use YouTube just fine without anyone fulfilling a gatekeeper function, so we know consumers don’t need a gatekeeper. What they do need is a way of narrowing the available choices down to a manageable amount from which they can make individual decisions. A gatekeeper, like a legacy publisher, is one way of doing that, although “narrowing” is a strong word to use when the result is 150,000+ choices a year. But “gatekeeping” is a way. It’s not the only way.

Joe: I’d also argue that gatekeeping isn’t the best way. I’ve made $17,500 in 12 days on a book the gatekeepers rejected 12 years ago. Apparently they aren’t always accurate in predicting what people want to read.

Barry: That is insane. And no doubt, the gatekeepers make plenty of mistakes. My point wasn’t about the quality of their gatekeeping so much as it was about the narrowing effect of the gatekeeping. In other words, the gatekeeper can make qualitatively terrible decisions, and still narrow the range of consumer choices. Of course, not in a way that’s necessarily good for the consumer.

Joe: Or for the writer. Though now I’m very grateful I had many early books rejected.

Barry: Yeah, you dodged a bullet on that one. Fate is a strange thing.

Anyway, what YouTube proves is that when you remove the formal gatekeeper, other means of helping consumers decide get introduced. Crowdsourcing, for example. For anyone who doesn’t understand what I mean here, just ask yourself this. If you’ve ever seen something you particularly enjoyed on YouTube, did you select it after first reviewing everything else posted on YouTube? Or did you rely on something else to narrow the choice for you? If the latter, then you know from your own experience that there are ways other than having a traditional gatekeeper to effectively narrow a glut of information.

Joe: Yes, part of the problem here, once again, is that people are conflating a function with the entity currently providing it, in this case assuming that there’s no way help the consumer decide other than a legacy gatekeeper. But right now there are close to a million ebooks on Kindle, yet new bestsellers are being discovered all the time. Cream can and does rise to the top. Especially in a situation where an ebook lasts forever. That’s a long time to find an audience.

Barry: This is another of those weird issues where people are frightened of some “change” being caused by digital and blind to the fact that the “change” exists already in the analogue world. Movies, restaurants, books, music, hotels... any time there’s too much product for the average consumer to be able sample a meaningful amount before deciding, players will arise to winnow the choices and help the consumer decide. I mean, even after publishers have done their gatekeeping job, who has ever walked into a bookstore and sampled every book available before buying the one she thought seemed best? It’s never happened and never will happen. Anytime there’s a glut, players and systems arise to help consumers choose. In fact, the more of a glut, the greater the opportunity for such players. This is one way in which digital is utterly like everything that’s come before it.

Joe: If you build it, folks will organize and categorize it. Google, anyone?

Barry: That is the best example yet. Of course: oh noes, what are we going to do with the information glut?! And God, with thousands of new blogs going up every day, how will anyone be able to find the good ones? Look, if the need is great, there will be many solutions. No one’s going to be left to just sit there stupefied in the face of expanded digital choice.


Barry: Actually, while we’re on the subject of misconceptions about the unique challenges of digital, let me address one of the FAQs I’ve noticed since we posted our long conversation. A lot of people have been asking, “Well, don’t you need an editor?” Look, of course I need an editor, as does every writer. But there are lots of ways of getting an editor without involving a legacy publisher in the process. Likewise every other still-critical function involved in turning manuscripts into books that get read. These functions have traditionally been fulfilled by publishers, but in the digital age, they will be fulfilled by other players more efficiently.

Joe: And less expensively.

Barry: One other way of thinking about it: unless a publisher has a comparative advantage in editing--that is, unless a publisher can offer editing more cost-effectively than another player can--over time, other players will assume this function and displace legacy publishers in the process. What’s prevented this displacement so far is the legacy publishing’s quasi-monopoly, built on paper distribution, which we discuss in more detail in the previous conversation. As for who the new players will be, we get into that a bit below.

Joe: I’m going to make myself a target and say that not every book written by every author requires extensive editing. The last four legacy books I turned in required minimal editing, and in many cases, those were lateral changes. "Lateral" meaning they made something different, but not necessarily better.

Barry: No doubt, different writers need different amounts and different kinds of editing.

Joe: I’ve written twenty-five novels and hundreds of short stories. I don’t require an editor to hold my hand and walk me through narrative structure, or tell me that my character isn’t dynamic, or that a scene is unnecessary.

Barry: Yeah, I can do all that for you just fine.

Joe: Heh. And I don’t have to pay you anything, other than scotch.

Barry: Your scotch is worth it. Plus, you return the favor.

Joe: When we vet each other’s manuscripts, we’re brutal with our criticism, and often tweak things accordingly. But even then, I don’t think either of us has ever found some gaping plot hole or glaring error in each other’s story.

I’m not saying books don’t benefit from editing, or that writers can fully edit themselves. Far from it. But I am saying that the value an editor provides is dependant on that particular book, and that particular editor. We’ve all read legacy published books where we wonder how the editor missed something vital, and I’ve read dozens of manuscripts by my peers and offered my critiques, and then watched these books get published with very little additional edits.

And no matter how good the editor is, is she worth paying 52.5% royalties forever? Especially when you’re only making 14.9%?


Joe: While we’re on the topic of things that have always existed but are being treated as though they’re unique in digital, let’s touch on piracy. Actually, this one is unique to digital, or at least especially a concern with digital, but I’ve noticed a lot of people asking, “Aren’t you indie authors especially afraid of piracy?”

As I’ve said more times than I can count, the only way to combat piracy is through cost and convenience.

Barry: You can’t ever prevent it entirely, any more than a brick and mortar store can entirely prevent shoplifting. The point isn’t to prevent it entirely, but rather to reduce it to a level where it’s not materially hurting your business. Similarly, people who talk about eliminating terrorism are deranged--you might as well talk about eliminating murder or some other type of crime. Elimination would be impossible unless you wanted to live in North Korea (where terrorism isn’t so much eliminated as it is monopolized by the state). The point is to reduce the threat of terrorism to levels at which it poses no threat to our way of life. Same for drugs: the goal of any sane policy is not eradication, but rather usage levels that don’t have a materially adverse impact on society.

Joe: I knew we wouldn’t get through this without at least one political aside.

Barry: Hey, we’re just getting started.

Joe: Anyway, the only way to make piracy less of a concern is through cost and convenience. Piracy is less attractive for a $2.99 book than it is for one that costs more than four times that amount. So what legacy publishers are doing today is incentivizing new pirates, while indies incentivize people to pay authors a fair price.

Barry: The other thing about piracy is, people often assume a pirated book is a lost sale. That’s only true if the pirate would have bought the book if he couldn’t have pirated it. If not, the author lost nothing, and might even have gained on word of mouth. Overall, I think fears of piracy are greatly exaggerated, and in any event are much more of a concern for someone who wants to extract $12.99 for a book than for someone who plans on charging a third of that.

Joe: There has yet to be a convincing, unbiased study on piracy that conclusively shows it harms the artist being pirated. My own personal experience, in both seeing my books pirated and allowing them to be pirated, is that piracy hasn’t prevented me from selling the 3000 a day I’m currently selling.

Barry: But, playing devil’s advocate, might it not be 4000 a day if your books weren’t on all of those torrent sites?

Joe: My books have been on those torrent sites for years. And yet my sales are steadily increasing, month-by-month. While that is hardly conclusive, and we can’t go to an alternate no-pirate universe and compare my sales there to my sales here, I think sales growth is a pretty effective argument against piracy being harmful.

In fact, when I encouraged people to steal from me, my sales increased 600%.

Barry: I want to try that. “Okay, everyone: steal from Joe.”

Joe: Laws that try to prevent people from doing things they want to do just don’t work. The so called individual liberty laws, like drug use, seatbelts, sodomy...

Barry: Frog sodomy?

Joe: An especially anus crime.

Barry: Ugh.

Joe: Anyway, laws against those things have done little if anything to stop folks.

Piracy is something people want to do. Hell, we all do it, to some degree. If you lend a book to your mother, she read it without compensating the artists.

Barry: But you bought the book. The artist was compensated for that.

Joe: I could also buy the download, share it with Mom. We can play percentages all day, and it’s the argument of the beard.

How many hairs does it take to make a beard? If you agree on 3456 hairs, does that mean 3455 isn’t a beard? How about 3454?

If you buy a paper book and loan it to thirty people, how is it different than than posting it online and having 30 people download it?

But that isn’t the point I’m making. The point is that people want to be able to share media. It’s human nature, and an essential part of how we communicate.

You cannot effectively enforce laws that go against human nature. Education and eradication don’t work (War on Drugs, anyone?). Suing pirates, like the RIAA did, was a public relations nightmare that created better, smarter pirates.

Barry: Those scare tactics didn’t seem to do much to curtail piracy, but it made a lot of people despise the RIAA. Just like marijuana eradication efforts resulted in more potent pot.

Joe: It’s impossible to effectively police copyright in a digital world. So rather than fight it, make your work available easily and inexpensively, and I’m betting you won’t be bothered by it.

Barry: I don’t have your experience, but I’m persuaded by your arguments.

Joe: For an excellent open letter about piracy to Scott Turow, the current president of the Authors Guild, read this terrific piece.


Joe: In discussing the New York Times insistence that only legacy-published authors can qualify as NYT bestsellers while indie authors, regardless of sales, won’t be counted, we made an analogy to the Negro Baseball League. We claimed that just as segregated baseball was doomed because it became so nakedly absurd to segregate black players who were obviously as least as talented as those in the whites-only league, the Times’ attempt to keep indie authors in a separate and lesser category was also doomed to fail.

Now, Mike Shatzkin and some others have pointed out that our analogy wasn’t historically sound because what really doomed segregated baseball was economics and competition--eventually, white teams couldn’t resist hiring the talent they saw in the negro leagues. We’re not historians, and Mike and the others who have made this point could certainly be correct, in which case our analogy wasn’t quite right. Fair enough. But the underlying point, it seems to me, is still valid: in both cases, you have an establishment attempting to segregate and marginalize talent it finds threatening. And in both cases, the attempt is an obvious farce and doomed to failure. That’s all we meant.

Still, some people got pretty pissed, claiming that we were suggesting the Times’ treatment of indie authors is as bad as racism.

Barry: So we just want to say what we think should be obvious: we didn’t claim, nor do we believe, that excluding bestselling authors from a bestseller list is racism. Or that indie authors who are being excluded this way are suffering the way minorities suffer from racism. I can understand sensitivity to anything that might trivialize the evils of racism (for the same reason, I loathe the promiscuous use of words like Nazi and fascist). But there’s no denying that some of the underlying dynamics in a racist system can be found in other systems, too. Analogies are intended to tease out those dynamics, and that’s all. If we’d intended to be literal, we would have just said, “The New York Times’ treatment of indie authors is racism.” Which would be a strange and unsupportable claim.

Joe: In other words, the analogy was limited, not literal. If anyone missed that and was offended as result, we hope this clears up the misunderstanding.


Joe: Mike Shatzkin said: “They didn’t do the math on what the loss of print sales and print merchandising might mean in dollars and cents and how to address it.”

While we didn’t give it a lot of space, I believe we did address this issue. I’m on track to earn more for my self-pubbed print novels than I earned on my first legacy published book, Whiskey Sour. I’m not ignoring print. In fact, I’ll earn about $40k on print just this year.

Also, if a book is only available as an ebook, I mentioned that doesn’t automatically mean the loss of a sale (similar logical fallacy as for piracy). Someone who would have bought the print version could very well wind up buying the ebook version instead. Let’s say a book will sell 100 copies of print and ebooks combined. If we take away the print version, there’s a chance it could still sell close to 100 copies, all of them ebooks. So I think the loss Mike speaks of might be smaller than he thinks.

Barry: In making my decision, I actually assumed I would sell no paper at all on my own and that none of my paper readers would follow me over to low-priced digital. I agree with you that this assumption is mistaken and contradicted by available evidence, but I wanted to be conservative in how long it might take me to beat the contract. The main thing for me was, “Can I make more in a pure digital self-published environment that I could make in a mixed digital/paper legacy environment?” If the answer is yes, it’s not that important to me how much paper vs digital I was selling before.

Joe: I have to say on this topic that the two anonymous comments made in the Publishers Marketplace coverage of your defection irritated me. The “senior publishing executive” said: “He’ll have to sell a hell of a lot more copies than he has ever before.” But that’s exactly backward--actually you can sell fewer books, and you’ll make more money, because you’re getting a much higher royalty on your own.

I hope this senior publishing executive isn’t in charge of accounting, because he/she apparently has no conception of numbers.

Barry: Yes, that was not a great moment in the history of anonymously sourced senior publishing professionals.

Joe: The other anonymous comment was: “Nielsen Bookscan figures show Eisler’s print book sales, which have always been driven by mass market editions, declining steadily from book to book.”

Well, duh. ALL print sales have been declining over the last few years. But apparently they weren’t declining to the point where a publisher didn’t want to give you half a million dollars. Also, your mass market edition for your last book isn’t even out, so there are no Nielsen Bookscan figures yet.

Barry: For what it’s worth, what’s actually going on with my paper sales is, they increased steadily over the course of the first six books, then dropped dramatically for the two books I did with Ballantine (though Fault Line and Inside Out still did well enough to land me on the extended NYT list).

Joe: But it doesn’t matter whether your paper numbers were going up or down or whatever--your move is to digital, so you really have to wonder what the second person was trying to accomplish by leaving digital out. “NYT Bestselling Author Leaves Legacy Publishing For Digital Self-Publishing,” and this person didn’t think what’s been happening for you in digital was even worth mentioning? It’s the only thing worth mentioning! Or at least, certainly more relevant than the format you’re leaving behind.

Barry: Yeah, what the second anonymous person forgot to mention, or didn’t realize was critical to the discussion, is what’s been happening for me in digital sales. Which is: my digital numbers have been exploding. Digital has become an increasingly large part of my overall sales, and at one point was responsible for 50% of sales of Inside Out. And that was at a punitive $9.99 price point.

Joe: Whether intentional or not, the way the information on your paper sales was presented was misleading. It was a way of suggesting you weren’t making it in legacy publishing and had no choice but to go it alone.

Barry: Which is doubly funny, since the other soundbite I’ve been encountering is that the only reason I can make this move is because legacy publishers have already built me a huge audience, giving me the luxury to go it alone. I guess it could be one or the other, but probably not both.

Joe: It’s neither. But people need to be able to pigeonhole you, and come up with excuses for what you’re doing. That way they won’t blame themselves for their own inaction in regard to similar choices they might make.

Barry: We already talked about the way anyone who presents a threat to an established order will be subject to attempts at marginalization by that establishment. So the kind of anonymous comments featured in the Publishers Marketplace piece were fairly predictable. In law, they teach you that if you can win on the law, argue the law. If you can’t win on the law, argue the facts. If you can’t win on the facts, argue policy. And if you can’t win on policy, attack the credibility of the witness.

Decisions like mine--and there will be more and more of them--represent a threat to various entrenched interests. It’s only natural that those interests would fight back by attempting to discredit me. Which is normal, predictable, and even comforting, in a “first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win” way. But there is one thing here that does bug me, and I want to mention it.

Joe: If you’re quoting Gandhi, I didn’t think anything could bug you.


Barry: Just this one thing. One of the most destructive, pernicious, slovenly aspects of modern journalism is the promiscuous use of anonymous quotes. Most news consumers are so inured to references to anonymous sources that they don’t even notice them. And though newspapers like the New York Times and Washington Post have strict rules about the use of anonymous sources, they routinely ignore them--ignore their own rules.

Here’s the thing. The only time a journalist is justified in using an anonymous source for a quote is when that source is a whistleblower or otherwise faces a legitimate fear of retaliation if her or his identity is revealed. That’s it. That’s the only circumstance. Anything else is at best lazy and more likely corrupt. So while I don’t really care that what the two anonymous Publishers Marketplace sources said was silly, wrong, and misleading, or that the two people who asked for anonymity are cowards, I do care a lot that Publishers Marketplace would offer the individuals in question the protection of anonymity. Were these individuals afraid I would retaliate or something? Smite them with one of my all-powerful indie author thunderbolts?

Joe: More likely they were afraid to look stupid by saying stupid things.

I allow anonymous commenting on my blog, because every so often an industry professional chimes in and wouldn’t want it known by their corporate masters they were either conversing with the enemy, or agreeing with the enemy.

Even then, anonymous posts carry much less weight than those signed with an identity, and they lose a lot of whatever effectiveness they might have had if the person had manned up and owned his own comments.

Barry: The main thing, though, is that when a journalist asks someone for a quote, gives someone the opportunity to be quoted in an article, there needs to be a damn good reason for offering that person anonymity. If the person insists on anonymity in the absence of that damn good reason, a good journalist will quote someone else.

Seriously, I would really like Publishers Marketplace to answer these questions in public:

Publishers Marketplace, why did you offer anonymity in your piece? Do you think this sort of anonymously-sourced journalism promotes accountability, encourages accuracy, and fosters meaningful discussion? Couldn’t you have found sources who would go on the record with such anodyne stuff? Why didn’t you? Was this a mistake? Is it in keeping with your own journalistic guidelines and consistent with sound journalism generally? If not, what will you do to improve the quality of your practices going forward and ensure your reporters don’t do this sort of thing again?

Joe: You really think they’ll respond to that?

Barry: If they’re good journalists and care about the quality of their product and the trust of their readers, they will. If they’re not and they don’t, they won’t. But I hope anyone who’s reading this--anyone who believes good journalism is vitally important and that bad journalism is pernicious and destructive--will tweet Publishers Marketplace with a link to this piece and tell them we’re calling them out publicly and urging them to do better. @publisherslunch--let ’em know any way you like, or just cut and paste “@barryeisler and @jakonrath call out @publisherslunch for pointless and promiscuous grants of anonymity,” with a link to this discussion wherever you found it. And if you want to learn more about becoming a more active consumer of news and about why we should all call out reporters for shoddy practices, be sure to read Dan Gillmor’s excellent new book, Mediactive.


Joe: In your Daily Beast interview, you broke down the math in a way a lot of people seem to have found helpful (and in a way those two courageous publishing execs seem not to understand). You should mention it again here for anyone who hasn’t seen it.

Barry: Okay...

Being so accustomed to, and dependent on, the legacy model, it took a fair amount of work for what I knew intellectually to start to penetrate at a gut level. The timelines, for example. I’m used to thinking in terms of publishing contracts, so let’s take a hypothetical two-book, $100,000 offer... or, okay, let’s make it real: a two-book, $500,000 offer. My tendency has been to focus too much on that big, seductive number. But to understand what the number really represents, you have to break it down. Start by taking out your agent’s commission: your $500,000 is now $425,000. Then divide that $425,000 over the anticipated life of the contract, which is three years (execution, first hardback publication, second hardback publication, second paperback publication). That’s about $142,000 a year. This is a more realistic way of looking at that $500,000.

But there’s more. Some people have mistakenly argued that, for my move to make financial sense, I’ll have to earn $142,000 a year for three years. But this is one time when you don’t want to be comparing apples to apples. Because the question isn’t whether I can make $425,000 in three years in self-publishing; the question is what happens regardless of when I hit that number. What happens whenever I hit that point is that I’ll have “beaten” the contract, and then I’ll go on beating it for the rest of my life. If I don’t earn out the legacy contract, the only money I’ll ever see from it is $142,000 per year for three years. Even if I do earn out, I’ll only see 14.9% of each digital sale thereafter. But once I beat the contract in digital, even if it takes longer than three years, I go on earning 70% of each digital sale forever thereafter. And, as my friend Joe Konrath likes to point out, forever is a long time.

Ballantine managed to sell about 10,000 combined digital copies of my last two books at a $9.99 price point (a price point that was earning me $1.49 per unit sold, BTW) in the latest three-month period for which I have data. Call that 5000 of each book for three months, so 1,667 of each book per month. If I cut the Ballantine price in half and still can only move 1,667 units a month, at a $3.50 per unit royalty ($4.99 x 70% = $3.50), that’s about $5,833 per month. But unlike paper books and digital sold at paper prices, low-priced digital books sell steadily, so it seemed to me that I could make about $70,000 per year, per book on my own. Assuming nothing changes and digital doesn’t keep growing (and that would be crazy–Charles Cummings’ critically acclaimed spy thriller The Trinity Six just sold three times as many digital copies as hardback in its first week), I should be able to make $140,000 a year for the two books I could have sold in a $425,000 legacy deal, instead. $70,000 for the first year, then $140,000 for each year thereafter, when I’ll be selling two books instead of just one. So if I’m right about all this, and I’m pretty sure I am, I should be able to beat the contract about halfway through the fourth year. And again, all of that ignores the continued growth of digital, the way low-priced digital books reinforce sales of other such books, etc.

To develop some data to go with the theory, in February I self-published a short story, The Lost Coast, featuring one of my series characters, a very nasty piece of work named Larison. I priced it at $2.99, which is a premium price for a short story, just to see how my writing would do in the new environment and even with the handicap of a relatively high price. It’s been selling steadily and is currently at #1,088 on the Kindle list (and #13 and #17 on Amazon’s short stories bestseller lists, which is good because the top twenty come up in the first page view). It definitely got a boost from the online discussion that followed my announcement, but even before all that it was on track to earn me about $30,000 in a year through Amazon, B&N, and Smashwords—not bad at all for a short story.

There was a lot more, too. Estimates of how much I could reasonably expect my paper sales to grow (they were growing through the first six books, then declined dramatically for the two I did with Ballantine, though still putting me on the extended NYT list). Estimates of how much more digital I could sell on my own (at a much higher per unit royalty, of course), and what not having a legacy partner would cost me in paper sales. All of which might sound like a lot to some writers, but from my first book back in 2002, I’ve always believed the writer has to be an entrepreneur and CEO, too, with all that entails. A few days of careful thought and examination can make or save you a hell of a lot of money, so I think it would be foolish not to invest that time.

Joe: We figured this out in a blog post I did a while ago. It was about you, but I said it was about a female peer who was offered $200,000 per book. I didn’t want to screw up your negotiations, which were ongoing at the time, so I didn’t mention names and changed a few details. It was interesting to see how people reacted.

Barry: I remember that one--a lot of your commenters were saying, “She should just blow off the legacy money and go indie!” And I was thinking, “Easy for you to say!” What I didn’t realize at the time was that, when you really run the numbers, indie becomes an awfully compelling option.

Joe: Exactly. Because, while beating the contract is terrific, it’s once you beat the contract that the real money comes in.

Barry: Speaking of which, literary agent Ted Weinstein put together a very handy spreadsheet that you can use to plug in your own numbers to determine how long it would take you to beat your contract.

Also, if anyone who’s reading this knows how to create a graph comparing the legacy vs indie outcomes and wants to take a crack at it, we’d publicize the hell out of it. It would be great if people had a visual tool for understanding what three years of $142,000 looks like vs $70,000 in year one, then $142,000 for every year thereafter forever. I could draw it easily with a pencil and paper, but something we could link to would be better.

(here's one sent to us by Jack Albrecht)

Joe: In the meantime, here’s a simple way of understanding the difference. If someone offered you a one-time payment of a million dollars today, or $100,000 per year for the rest of your life, which would you take?

Assuming you weren’t faced with an emergency that made you need the million immediately, the only question worth asking would be, how long do I expect to live? And, leaving out questions of time value of money which would affect your decision at the margins, the answer is obvious. If you expect to live another thirty or forty years, you’d be nuts to take that million.

Barry: You know why authors are going to make so much more money in indie?

Joe: They already are.

Barry: More and more of them, I mean. Look, it’s basic math again. A publisher charges $10.00 for a digital book and I get $1.49 out of it. If I charged that same $10.00, I’d get $7.00. On my own, I’m making nearly five times as much per unit. That is huge.

Joe: It’s more than huge. It’s vast.

Barry: But there’s more. I’m not charging $9.99 for a digital book--I’m charging $4.99, and will get $3.50 out of it. By cutting the price in half (or more--again, Ballantine is currently selling Inside Out for $12.99), I should sell more units, all at over twice the per unit amount I was getting from Ballantine.

Joe: In indie, you make money two ways--higher volume, higher per-unit revenue.

Barry: I don’t know of any studies that have been conducted on this, but look, let’s say you go to a department store, where you plan to spend a hundred dollars on clothes. Turns out there’s a sale. Do you spend that same one hundred?

Joe: No. I spend more.

Barry: Exactly. When the consumer perceives better value, the consumer spends more. Now, add in an impulse purchase dynamic--extremely low prices and immediate gratification. Plus intangibility--no paper books to cart around or stack on top of the TBR pile. What you get?

Joe: A shitload of books being bought.

Barry: Yes. A lot of people think that what places a general limit on how many books people buy a year is time. In other words, the average person can only read, I don’t know, a book a month, so the average person will only buy one book a year. Doesn’t matter whether the book costs one dollar or twenty, the limiting factor isn’t price, it’s time.

But this is wrong. Most people have always bought more books than they can read--this is where TBR piles come from. I don’t know what the overage is; maybe 80% of books that get bought get read? Or maybe it’s 50%? I don’t know. But in digital, I’m betting the overage is far more significant--at least 50%, maybe as high as 80%. The prices are so low, the purchases so instant, and there’s no tangible sign of the purchase afterward like a taller TBR pile...

Joe: Last fall, my wife was feeding squirrels. They took all the nuts that she offered--far in excess of anything they’d need to get through the winter.

I’ve seen the same thing with digital books. Hell, I’ve done the same thing. I have over three hundred ebooks on my Kindle. The likelihood of me reading them all is slim. But that hasn’t stopped me from continuing to buy things that look interesting. I’m sure others, like me, can’t pass up a bargain, and there’s some satisfaction knowing that if I want to read that ebook someday, I’ve got a copy of it.

Barry: So with digital, people are buying far more books than they ever did before, and authors are making a far higher per-unit profit than they ever did before. And higher per-unit profit x dramatically increased volume = insane revenues.

Joe: My buddy Blake Crouch is currently earning over $1300 a day on his self-published books, and he’s wondering if that number will hold. I told him that it wouldn’t. It will go up.

Here we have a model that allows writers to reach readers without having to pay intermediaries (legacy publishers) the majority of the royalties. So writers can make more by selling fewer copies, and they can adjust their prices to entice customers.

That’s a big advantage to the writer. Another advantage is this model encourages ebook hoarding by the consumer.

And we haven’t reached a saturation point with ereaders. Even at this accelerated adoption rate, global saturation will take years, if not decades. And as children grow up, there will be a new crop of consumers. In a global marketplace, will I continue to be able to sell a million ebooks a year?

Not only is that possible, it’s likely. And if my sales ever begin to slip, I’ll publish new titles.

Authors who aren’t paying attention to this are going to lose out.

Barry: This is the fundamental choice between legacy and indie today. A lot of people don’t get it yet, but as more and more people make money in indie and the idea becomes more and more proven, more and more people will recognize what they’re giving up with legacy publishing and will go indie instead.

Joe: In the meantime, we’ll be undercutting them on price.

Barry: You weren’t supposed to say that. It’ll create more competition for us.

Joe: Knowing it is one thing. Acting on it is something else. Besides, at lower prices, no one is in competition. Readers can buy all of my ebooks, all of your ebooks, and still have enough change left over from a hundred dollar bill to buy pizza and beer.

Barry: Still, just to be sure, I want to be clear that self-publishing low-priced digital books carries a terrible stigma, and that authors would be much better off--they’d enjoy higher status, greater mental and emotional health, and more active and varied sex lives--by having their books published and priced by legacy publishers.

Joe: The stigma is a heavy burden. It’s certainly not worth some trivial thing like selling far more books at a far higher per-unit amount.

Barry: That’s more like it.


Joe: Before Barry and I went live with our 13,000 word ebook dialog, we reached out to a few folks we respected and asked for their opinions.

One of those people was writer Dean Wesley Smith. Dean is the bestselling author of over a hundred novels and more short stories than he cares to count. He’s been a publisher and even an editor for Pocket Books. You can find his many opinions about publishing at www.deanwesleysmith.com. He has already posted this section on his terrific blog.

Dean strongly disagreed with one of the points we brought up in the dialog, namely that agents could morph into a model that I call estributors, and take on both agent and publishing duties for a writer in exchange for the same 15%. This would include editing, proofing, creating cover art, formatting, uploading, and ultimately paying authors the same way they've been doing--taking out their commission and passing the check along.

Dean: I hated and I do mean HATED, the part where Joe thinks that agents will start being a form of packager or publisher (he calls them estributors) and taking a percentage.

Everyone who reads my blog knows how I feel about giving a percentage of any kind of your property for day labor. (Like giving the gardener a percentage of your house for trimming a hedge.) I feel that goes back into the area that Kris talked about, the "must be taken care of" aspect of writers’ belief systems.

By the way, there is one major agency already doing this and taking 50%. If you do the math, it turns out the writers would be better served staying in traditional publishing than giving an agent 50%. And this agency is getting tons of stupid writers signing up who think they are jumping onto the indie published movement. They are just leaving one pan for a very stupid and hot fire.

How to avoid this: As Barry said he did with his short story. Pay a day job labor fee to have someone for a set price do the things you don't want to learn how to do yourself, such as covers and launching and so on.

One time fee.


Sorry, Joe, I just believe you are wrong on that and it's old thinking you haven't cleared out yet.

If a writer is going to jump to self-publishing, keep all of the seventy percent.

Joe: I like to call old thinking "analog thinking" but I don't think I'm acting analog in this case.

You and I and Barry and your wife (writer Kristine Rusch) are savvy enough to do everything on our own. Editing, formatting, uploading, cover art, proofreading, etc.

But I know a lot of writers, and the ability to run a small business is an entirely different skill set than it takes to be a writer (and once you self-publish, you are the president of a small business.) They simply aren't cut out for it.

So I believe some writers won't mind paying 15% to an estributor who takes care of all of that for them.

In fact, I often think I'd pay that too, just so I could focus entirely on my writing, and not on running a business. I spend a lot of time doing stuff other than writing. If I didn't have to do all of that, I think I could get more writing done, which would offset the cost of paying someone to do all that stuff for me. Plus, I love writing, but don't love stuff like formatting epub files or uploading metadata, so if I could write more but do less of the the business stuff, I think I could make even more money.

I believe agents, and some publishers, will become estributors, allowing writers to write, and managing all the other stuff.

Barry: FWIW, I don't think either Joe or I was arguing that indie writers should pay agents a percentage; we were more predicting how agents will morph their business models and predicting that many writers will find the new model attractive.

You, Joe, and I are probably not great examples because we're do-it-yourself types, but I think a lot of writers will be happy to pay an agent/estributor 15% of the backend in exchange for the agent/estributor taking care of everything but the writing. I’m a do-it-yourself type so I don’t know that I’ll go that route myself, but in theory, I could be enticed.

For example, if Joe decided to quit writing and become an agent/estributor, I'd gladly pay him 15% to handle everything but the writing. He knows digital publishing cold and he’s a marketing genius. Plus he prefers Red Bulls to sleep. The extra writing I'd get done, and the additional product I'd create, would make it a good deal for both of us. So for me, the percentage thing is more a practical problem than a theoretical one, if that makes sense. Regardless, that's just me and I could be wrong.

Dean: My point isn’t that most writers don’t want to be business people. Sadly, most don’t, I agree. Scott Carter (Young adult writer) and I have taught a course to 40 self-sufficient professional writers who want to learn how to do it all themselves. And we’re doing another class this summer and another next fall. Last one was in October and had over 40 professional writers from around the country here on the Oregon Coast. Great fun. We taught them how to do covers, how to layout books, how to launch them, and how to set up a Wordpress web site, all in two days. (grin) They all launched short stories before they left town.

And Cindie Geddes (a nonfiction writer) started a business called Lucky Bat Books where she has a menu of services, all flat fee, to do different tasks for writers. And she is constantly turning down writers who want to give her a percentage. As writers, we are all trained in giving the gardener who trims our hedge 15% of our house. So I’m going to keep pushing writers who don’t want to do it themselves to search for programs where they remain at 70% instead of giving 15% of the 70% away.

So on that one tiny point we’re going to differ on the outcome. But I do agree completely that most writers are not do-it-yourself types like we are. (grin) And most writers are going to need help, no doubt on that at all. We just differ on the type of help they should get. (grin)

One prediction I will make. In thirty years, the long term writers, the survivors, will be writers like the three of us, willing to take the chance, willing to take the responsibility. And those that want traditional publishing to take care of them will be “what-ever-happened-to?” for the most part. That’s a safe bet. (grin)

Joe: Again, you're making some great points, but you haven't persuaded me yet about the 15%.

You told me you and Kris have 900 backlist titles (books, stories, etc.) If you had someone to help you get all 900 of your titles live, with great covers, on all platforms, by the end of the month, you'd easily offset the 15% you'd give that person with massive increased sales across the board.

Every day an ebook isn't live, is a day you aren't earning money. You and Kris are sitting on a ton of property that isn't earning you anything. And if you were to pay a good cover artist, proofreader, and formatter for each title (which would cost over $800 a title), it will cost a fortune to launch all 900 ($720,000), and also take hundreds of hours (hours you could have spent writing), and unless you have super powers (you may) it will take you years to get all of your backlist titles live.

Yes, you're going to be VERY rich. :) But that money could come within a few weeks, rather than a few years, if you had help doing all of the business stuff. And if an estributor, besides covering all of those sunk costs, also did marketing and advertising, I can see how that's worth the same as an agent's commission.

That said, I ultimately do agree with you that giving away a percentage of income forever, in my specific case, probably isn't wise. But I'm not 100% sure of that, because if an estributor saves me so much time I'm able to write more ebooks, then I could ultimately be better off long-term. I spend an awful lot of time doing business stuff when I'd rather be writing.

Dean: Again, not disagreeing with the fact that most writers are not like you and me and Barry. Most are not willing or even capable of learning all this stuff, and don’t want to for limited time reasons. That I agree with completely.

But that does not mean anyone has to give a percentage away of the property. I don’t have the will, the tools, or the time to go out and do yard work, but that does not mean that to get someone to do yard work on my property, I need to give away an ownership right in my home. That kind of thinking is old writing thinking that was forced on us by publishers and the agent model.

So, as I’m going to talk about in my series on Think Like A Publisher, I’m suggesting that writers think like a publisher.

When a publisher needs a cover done, they don’t give away a part of the percentage of the book. They hire one done. If they want to get the book up electronically or get it laid out or get it proofed, they don’t give away a percentage of the profits, they hire it done.

All the things you are talking about are one time “day job” work. (Mike Stackpole’s term.) So my suggestion, and something Kris and I are working toward because of our vast backlist is hiring a “managing editor” as any publisher would do. Why would we ever want to give away 15% of all our future earnings when we can pay someone a simple salary?

But, alas, writers are short of money all the time and it seems logical to give away a percentage to keep out of cash flow binds and get things up quickly. Right? That’s a very good point.

So here is the trade-off in math terms.

To do a cover, layout, and putting the book up maybe ten hours for a day labor job. Longer if also putting it up on POD. So say 15 hours of time total for a professional designer. To go to Lucky Bat Press,( to mention only one of many who are working on menu flat fee rates) that might cost in the neighborhood of $500.00 for the novel for all those services. More with some firms, less with others.

The book over ten years sells 10,000 copies at $4.99 (my price, not yours (grin). 1,000 copies per year or less than 3 per day average.) 10,000 copies x $3.25 = $32,500 x 15% = $4,875.00.

So your are paying $4,875.00 for a $500 job.

Over ten years a book could sell 100,000 copies or more at $4.99. Same math, only now for the $500 job you are paying $48,750.00 for those 15 hours.

Now imagine your grandkids still doing the math and the bookwork on this in 50 years....

And THAT IS NOT COUNTING the time it’s going to take you every month to divide out the 15%, do the math from the 15 different sources of income and send a check or PayPal the money to the person. Every month, or every quarter. And, of course, if you have the person get all the money first, like an agent, then you are back into the “trust me” mode, or Stockholm Syndrome using your terms. And not counting the 1099 tax forms every year you would need to file and so on and so on. To ugly for me to even consider.

Joe: I trust my agent. Her accounting is meticulous and she's as honest as they come. If she became my estributor, that would also mean less work for me. She'd send me her yearly 1099 like she usually does, and I wouldn't have to worry about hiring all of the people I normally do (proofreaders, cover artists, formatters) so taxes would be a lot easier.

Dean: If you give a person 15% to do a cover and such for the life of the product, can you ask them to change the cover for no extra charge every year? Or every six months? And is that in the agreement??? I would think if a person can get a couple hundred grand for a few hours work, they should be forced to work if changes need to be made.

Joe: Yes. That's another advantage to the estribution model. I can't tell you the number of times I've changed covers or descriptions to try and find the one that worked best. I'd much rather let someone else do that tweaking and fine tuning. Plus, there's the general upkeep. If I release a new title, I'd like the first two chapters to be in the back matter of my other titles. That would require new formatting and new descriptions for 30+ ebooks.

It's a time suck. I'd much rather have someone doing that full time. And I wouldn't have to pay the estributor each time, which is great if I'm strapped for cash.

Dean: Here is another solution to the upfront cash flow problem that writers have who don’t want to spend the time to learn how to do it themselves.

Give a percentage, such as 15% up to the $500.00 and then that ends it. That limits all the problems. You still have the problems, but it at least limits them. You still have accounting issues, but they will end shortly.

But that said, imagine a New York publisher trying to work like that. Give the book designer 15% up to a certain fee, give the cover artist 15% up to a certain fee, editor 15% up to a certain fee, and so on. Of course that’s silly.

So I stand by a simple way of solving the problem. Hire it “day job” labor. And learn how to do most of yourself up front until the money flows enough to pay for a managing editor as any publisher does.

Joe: I like that you broke down the numbers, so I'll do the same.

The time I spend tending to my media empire (as my wife and I jokingly call it) is time taken away from writing.

For each book I must:

Obtain cover art both for ebook and print

Get the book formatted in various ebook formats and in print

Write product descriptions, unique to each format

Upload files to Amazon kdp, PubIt, Smashwords, OverDrive, IndiaNIC, and soon Google Books and possibly Scribd. There will no doubt be others cropping up, Mike Shatzkin [link] talks about some upstarts worth keeping an eye on

Very often repeat some of these steps when errors or typos are discovered, or to add new excerpts in the back matter

I can safely say that the above require a solid 10-15 hours of work on my part, per project.

In the last 12 months, I've created thirteen original properties. The time to bring all of these to market took between 130 and 195 hours.

I write 750 words an hour. If I had that 130 hours back to write, I could have cranked out an additional 97,000 words.

For me, that's an extra novel, plus a novella and a short story. Three more intellectual properties.

On average, I sell 2000 copies of a novel a month, 1200 of a novella, and 500 of a short story. That's $6575 a month I could have had, for life, because an estributor freed up some time for me.

Let's do the math over ten years, assuming flat sales.

Thirteen properties a year that I upload myself (three novels, five novellas, four short stories) will earn me $31,000 a month, without an estributor. Over ten years, that's $3,720,000.

With an estributor, I'd be able to do sixteen properties a year (four novels, six novellas, five short stories) and earn $37,575 minus the estributor's 15%, which equals $31,938.75. That's $3,832,650 over ten years--over $100k more.

This also doesn't take into account the money I pay to bring a title to market. $500 for cover art, $230 for formatting, $200 for proofing. That's over $12,000 in costs I've had to pay by doing it myself, where an estributor would absorb those costs.

And I can't tell you how much I dislike the business aspect of self-pubbing. I'd much rather write the books, let someone else do all the busy work. That's worth a lot to me.

Plus, if the estributor continues to market and promote my work, that's an added, continuous value that goes beyond the initial set-up costs.

Dean: Joe, I also agree with your math. I am not arguing that writers could use the help. Not in the slightest. I think most could, and from the looks of some of the early covers I did on some short stories, I could have used a ton of help as well. (grin)

And trust me, I too would rather be writing than doing publishing work. I enjoy the publishing work, honestly, and always have, but I enjoy writing more, to be honest. So no argument there at all.

What I am arguing against is giving a percentage for the life of the work.

Or in other words: How You Hire the Employee.

I am arguing against what I call “a forever percentage.”

If a writer doesn’t have the upfront money to pay for contract help, they might need to give a percentage to get the professional help with covers and such. I understand that. But unlike an agent, just give a percentage for a set time.

For example: If it takes the 15 hours at $20.00 per hour to get a project launched, that’s $300.00 worth of labor. One time labor. Day Job Labor.

So either pay the person the $300 up front or pay them the 15% up to $500.00 and then cut off the payment at that $500.00 amount. That returns you to the full 70% you have been talking about.

The point I am worried about is the life plus 70 years nature of this medium. Sure, this might not last for three years, I got that, but just in case the work going up now lasts for much, much longer, how many years do you want to do 1099 tax documents to the person you are paying the 15%?

Or ten years from now, when you total up your sales and you have paid a person who worked 15 hours ten years before over $50,000.00, and you are still paying, won’t you be in the slightest bit upset? I know I sure would be.

So that’s my point. It’s fine to get work up quickly. But pay for day labor help as day labor help. And if you have no money to pay for the help up front, give them extra as a percentage, but cap the end point.

I’m just getting writers to get out of the “agent-think” mode and think like a publisher. No issue with getting help on problems and craft issues and getting more time to write. Just pay for it like a publisher, not a writer.

And one more point...

The accounting on this is just off the charts. I know I want all my money first and then I pay an employee (unlike the agent model used now, where an agent gets all the money and all the paperwork first, then you have to trust them to send you your share).

So with help like you are talking about, I would be paying an accountant more than I already pay one and sending out 1099s every year to each person who I gave a percentage to. And then after I die, the poor people who get my estate would have to do that as well. Ughh. That one fact alone would stop me from doing as you suggest.

But am I hiring help with our self-publishing? Yup, worked for an hour today with an artist who is doing covers for us. We had the Grayson covers done by a professional graphic designer. We have the Fey covers being done by a fantastic artist out of Germany. We have hired some proof readers for the novels. And down the road we have lined up a managing editor we will put on salary.

So, yes, I agree writers need help. I need help as my wife and friends will tell you. (grin)

I am only arguing against the 15% for life thinking that writers have gotten into because of agents. Nothing more.

Barry: I think the argument here is narrower than it appears. We all agree that it would be useful to have a business manager or COO to handle all the aspects of self-publishing other than the writing itself. The question is how useful, and at what price. Different people will have different answers to that question, depending on how much they like a do-it-yourself approach, what the COO has to offer, etc.

In my experience with service professions--lawyers, accountants, literary agents, PR people, etc.--40% are incompetent, 40% are competent, 16% are excellent, and 4% are magicians. The magicians are rare and hard to find. But in exchange for the right range of services, I think they’ll be able to justify a 15% cut of an indie author’s earnings. The rest will be overcharging.

Which is where I think the gardener-type analogies start to show their limitations. First, because the condition of your lawn is unlikely to have a material impact on the selling price of your house; second, because cutting grass is a pretty fungible skill set and easy to hire out to a variety of people who want the work in exchange for a flat fee. The right (or wrong) business partner, on the other hand, has a much more significant impact on your overall fortunes, and might be someone worth motivating by making him a partner rather than simply an employee.

Anyway, fundamentally, I think we’re all just saying that an author shouldn’t pay more than necessary. If you can get the job done for a flat fee, go for it. But if you find a magician, and maybe even someone who’s “merely” excellent, you might make more money paying that 15% than you would have through some other arrangement.

Joe: Agreed. Perhaps a better analogy is you give 15% to the gardener for the sale of a house, but the gardener continues to work there for life.

In the estributor case, there is added value that would be more difficult and expensive to do on my own.

Say an estributor has forty clients who work in the same genre as I do. She could do excerpt exchanges, and promote both my backlist and frontlist titles in their ebooks. She could also set up a hub, like Goodreads, where readers visit to interact with each other and authors. Such a hub would have user-aggregated content, both from fans and from writers. Chats, forums, contests, freebies, excerpts, updates, mailing lists, newsletters, catalogs. It would be a destination, and get more hits than my current hubs (Facebook, website, blog) because the estributor has me on that site, plus other authors, all with the latest information about what is being released next. I haven't updated my website in forever. I haven't had time.

A person who you constantly hire to help you has a name: a full-time employee.

What is the difference between hiring a fulltime employee (who you will need forever) or paying someone 15% forever?

But there are more duties an estributor could perform. What if, out of that 15% we paid the estributor, 3% went back into marketing and advertising? Print and radio ads, Facebook and Google ads, promoting my books.

Take it a step farther. What if the estributor also served as a publicist? Doing press releases, securing reviews, getting the author interviews and media attention.

Is that worth 15% yet?

I'm with you that a writer shouldn't pay commission on sunk costs forever. But if there were ongoing duties the estributor performed--like that lifetime gardener--then I not only have more time to write, but I'll likely sell more books because of that extra effort.And it goes without saying that the estributor would also be constantly looking for new venues to sell rights; foreign, translation, audio, film, enhanced mutlimedia, etc.

Take it one more step re: adding value. There's a concern that the ebook market will become glutted with poorly written crap. A savvy estributor, who only releases edited, formatted, polished material, could very well become a brand label. Much like a publishing imprint. A book released by ESTRIBUTOR X could have a logo which automatically signifies to readers that this ebook has been vetted and is quality. I believe, in the upcoming years, such a stamp of approval could become very valuable. It has been in the past (people would buy all Arkham, Gold Medal men's adventure, or even more recently all Leisure horror titles without caring who the author is, because they knew they'd be getting a certain kind of book.)

Plus, there are probably things an estributor could do for me that I haven't even thought of. Such as help me create enhanced interactive multimedia ebooks.

Guess what? Most publishing contracts drawn up before 2010 give interactive multimedia rights to the author.

Think about the importance of this. My legacy publishers, which have my backlist titles and will likely never give them up, are keeping 52.5% of the royalties on ebook prices they set.

But if I released an interactive multimedia version of those titles (I have specific ideas about the content, but am staying hush hush for now until I work things out), I could release an enhanced version Of Whiskey Sour or Afraid or Timecaster for a lower price than my publisher's bare-bones version.

Of course, that would require a lot of extra work on my part. Audio recording, interactive games, links that lead readers to specific websites, footnotes and annotation, artwork, and perhaps even added video.

If I had an estributor do this for me, I'd pay them 15% in a heartbeat.

I'm fine with paying my agent for the work she does. If she took on estributor responsibilities as I've outlined above, I believe she would be adding a great deal of value to our relationship, by saving me time and money, and selling more books than I could on my own. I think, in the business model I've described, that's worth 15%.

Dean: Joe, you make some great points, and I hope to have good help working for us doing exactly as you describe. Only difference is that I will be paying the person a salary instead of 15% of the 700 plus products Kris and I will have in the next year.

And when the person goes south or flips out or becomes impossible to work with, I can fire them and find someone better, a top person as Barry said, a new miracle worker for whatever is happening in five years.

So our only difference is that forever is too long for me to give anyone part of my work. I need and will hire the help, and might give short-term limited percentages. But the idea of giving someone 15% forever just does not make good business sense to me and is a toss-back to bad publishing practices.

And that one place is just about the only place we are disagreeing.

But great fun talking about it. Thanks, Joe! Thanks, Barry!


Joe: Any misconceptions you’ve noticed following your announcement that you want to clear up?

Barry: Just one, really. I’ve noticed a few people suggesting that, in making my decision, I broke a contract. I want to address that mischaracterization for two reasons: first, because if it were true it would reflect poorly on my integrity; second, because it obscures an important aspect not just of legacy publishing, but of business generally.

First, all St. Martin’s and I had agreed on was high-level potential deal terms: price, number of books, territory. Three months then went by before SMP produced a draft contract (not uncommon in the industry). I reviewed the draft and recognized it wasn’t something it would be in my best interests to sign. As I’ve said before, this had nothing to do with SMP in particular; the terms of their contract were not so different from terms publishers try to include generally. Anyway, we then discussed ways of making the contract mutually acceptable and weren’t able to agree on anything, and at that point I walked. There was no contract and no contract was broken.

Second, and more importantly, I’ve always hated the mistaken notion that when two parties shake hands on high-level potential deal terms, they now have a deal. This is what publishers want authors to believe, because the longer the gap between the handshake “de facto” contract and the execution of the real thing, the longer the publisher can keep the advance money in the bank, where it earns the publisher interest. Similarly, when a writer shakes hands on high-level potential deal points in a potential film deal, the first thing the party trying to acquire the option does is start shopping the rights, and the last thing he does is pay for the rights. The longer he can stretch the gap between the first event and the last, the longer he can shop your book around and determine market interest. Then, if interest is wanting, he’ll walk away. If he finds an interested party, he’s still maintained his flexibility, and earned interest on his money, for as long as possible.

So it’s important to recognize that when the other party to a potential deal is getting back to you slowly, or drafting or revising paperwork slowly, or doing anything else that slows down the pace of turning a handshake into a legally enforceable contract, he is doing so at his risk, not yours. And doesn’t that make sense? If the reward for slowness is his, the risk should be, too. And if you let the other party make you feel like once you’ve shaken hands, you can’t walk no matter what he presents to you and no matter how long it takes him to present it, you’re being a chump.

My attitude is: okay, we’ve shaken hands on the high-level potential deal terms, but there’s nothing real here until we’ve both signed, so if you want to bind me, you better strike while the iron is hot. Get me the paperwork. Revise it quickly. Act efficiently. And then we’ll have a deal.

Why is this important? Well, consider the opposite attitude: “Hey, take as long as you like to get me the paperwork, I’m sure we’ll get this thing signed eventually, and I know how busy you are. And I’ll wait around no matter what.” People respond to incentives, and if they already have a built-in incentive to move slowly and you don’t give them one to move fast, the best you can hope for is that eventually you’ll get something signed and that in the meantime you’ll have given them a de facto interest-free loan of money that, with proper incentives, they would have paid you in a timely fashion.

Joe: All this coverage, and just the one misunderstanding? I think that’s pretty impressive.

Barry: Yeah, I thought the online conversation, or at least those parts I was able to keep up with, was really smart. Even comments I disagreed with tended to illuminate the underlying dynamics of legacy vs indie.

Joe: Agreed.

Barry: Ah, one other thing, because a lot of people asked. It’s too early to give details, but The Detachment will be available in paper, in audio, and in foreign editions.

How about you. Last thoughts? Until next time, anyway?

Joe: Just this. For some reason, some people seem to think we’re insisting that print books will be wiped out by digital. I’d like to go on record saying that while I believe digital will become the most popular format for reading, print isn’t going to go away.

Barry: Yeah, we discussed this at length in the previous conversation. The one thing that would improve the Internet most would be if people were forced to read things before discussing them.

Joe: This is not about the end of the paper book. It’s about authors taking advantage of a new technology and distribution system that enables us to make higher royalties and reach readers without publishers.

I’d also like to reference the monkey and the frog video (speaking of which, here is an entirely different monkey doing the same thing--is this an epidemic?)

Barry: I think it’s a different monkey. But is it the same frog?

Joe: God, I hope not. I thought that frog was having a rough time of it already.

Actually, we can apply this apparently widespread monkey behavior (heres another) to the publishing industry. To wit: if you’re going to be one of these two animals, don’t be the frog. Better to be the monkey.

Especially if there are other monkeys around.

Barry: I always knew there was some relevance to our mention of the monkey and the frog. I’m glad you figured out what it was.

Joe: Yes. You were eerily prescient.

Barry: Prescient meaning fixated.

Joe: Now, I’m not saying you should start taking unfair advantage of helpless amphibians. But if one party has to be the monkey and the other has to be the frog... be the monkey.

Barry: Be the monkey. Words to live by.

Joe: The balance of power has shifted. Act accordingly. And don’t do anything to marginalize yourself, like this monkey is doing. (A behavior that also seems to be surprisingly common.)

Barry: I really hope not too many people clicked on those links.

Joe: If there’s one thing you’d like writers to take away after reading this follow-up dialog...

Barry: Other than don’t take your children to the zoo?

Joe: ...what should it be? Mine is: think hard before you make your next move in this industry, because it is going to affect you for quite some time, good or bad.

Barry: I’ll borrow a line from Wayne Gretzky. If you want to win, don’t skate to where the puck is. Skate to where it’s going to be.