Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012

Blog, Tips & Trik Ngeblog

Blog merupakan singkatan dari web log adalah bentuk aplikasi web yang menyerupai tulisan-tulisan (yang dimuat sebagai posting) pada sebuah halaman web umum. Tulisan-tulisan ini seringkali dimuat dalam urut terbalik (isi terbaru dahulu baru kemudian diikuti isi yang lebih lama), meskipun tidak selamanya demikian. Situs web seperti ini biasanya dapat diakses oleh semua pengguna Internet sesuai dengan topik dan tujuan dari si pengguna blog tersebut.

Media blog pertama kali dipopulerkan oleh Blogger.com, yang dimiliki oleh Pyra Labs sebelum akhirnya PyraLab diakusisi oleh Google.Com pada akhir tahun 2002 yang lalu. Semenjak itu, banyak terdapat aplikasi-aplikasi yang bersifat sumber terbuka yang diperuntukkan kepada perkembangan para penulis blog tersebut.
Blog mempunyai fungsi yang sangat beragam,dari sebuah catatan harian, media publikasi dalam sebuah kampanye politik, sampai dengan program-program media dan perusahaan-perusahaan. Sebagian blog dipelihara oleh seorang penulis tunggal, sementara sebagian lainnya oleh beberapa penulis, . Banyak juga weblog yang memiliki fasilitas interaksi dengan para pengunjungnya, seperti menggunakan buku tamu dan kolom komentar yang dapat memperkenankan para pengunjungnya untuk meninggalkan komentar atas isi dari tulisan yang dipublikasikan, namun demikian ada juga yang yang sebaliknya atau yang bersifat non-interaktif.
Situs-situs web yang saling berkaitan berkat weblog, atau secara total merupakan kumpulan weblog sering disebut sebagai blogosphere. Bilamana sebuah kumpulan gelombang aktivitas, informasi dan opini yang sangat besar berulang kali muncul untuk beberapa subyek atau sangat kontroversial terjadi dalam blogosphere, maka hal itu sering disebut sebagai blogstorm ataubadai blog.

Jenis-jenis blog
·      Blog politik: Tentang berita, politik, aktivis, dan semua persoalan berbasis blog (Seperti kampanye).
·      Blog pribadi: Disebut juga buku harian online yang berisikan tentang pengalaman keseharian seseorang, keluhan, puisi atau syair, gagasan jahat, dan perbincangan teman.
·      Blog bertopik: Blog yang membahas tentang sesuatu, dan fokus pada bahasan tertentu.
·      Blog kesehatan: Lebih spesifik tentang kesehatan. Blog kesehatan kebanyakan berisi tentang keluhan pasien, berita kesehatan terbaru, keterangan-ketarangan tentang kesehatan, dll.
·      Blog sastra: Lebih dikenal sebagai litblog (Literary blog).
·      Blog perjalanan: Fokus pada bahasan cerita perjalanan yang menceritakan keterangan-keterangan tentang perjalanan/traveling.
·      Blog riset: Persoalan tentang akademis seperti berita riset terbaru.
·      Blog hukum: Persoalan tentang hukum atau urusan hukum; disebut juga dengan blawgs (Blog Laws).
·      Blog media: Berfokus pada bahasan berbagai macam informasi.
·      Blog agama: Membahas tentang agama.
·      Blog pendidikan: Biasanya ditulis oleh pelajar atau guru.
·      Blog kebersamaan: Topik lebih spesifik ditulis oleh kelompok tertentu.
·      Blog petunjuk (directory): Berisi ratusan link halaman website.
·      Blog bisnis: Digunakan oleh pegawai atau wirausahawan untuk kegiatan promosi bisnis mereka.
·      Blog pengejawantahan: Fokus tentang objek diluar manusia; seperti anjing.
·      Blog pengganggu (spam): Digunakan untuk promosi bisnis affiliate; juga dikenal sebagai splogs (Spam Blog).

Tips & Trik Ngeblog
·      Membuat materi blog dari bidang yang Anda pahami. Jika anda menguasai suatu materi, bukankah akan lebih mudah jika dibagikan kepada orang lain dari pada berbagi materi yang anda tidak pahami sama sekali?
·      Posting yang baik memiliki adalah yang memberi informasi, mendidik, unik, menghibur dan tersedianya sarana dialog.
·      Jika anda tidak memiliki inspirasi sama sekali untuk membuat sebuah tulisan, cobalah membuat suatu review tentang hal apapun yang sedang hangat dibicarakan.
·      Buat judul semenarik mungkin agar banyak pengunjung yang datang ke blog anda.
·      Anda dapat membuat judul dengan kata-kata seperti “Beberapa Hal Tentang…”, “Cara Mudah untuk…”.
·      Materi juga bisa diposting layaknya cerpen bahkan cerita bersambung yang akan membuat pembaca penasaran akan cerita yang anda tulis.
·      Posting juga tentang cerita perjalanan anda pergi ke suatu tempat dan kejadian-kejadian menyenangkan lainnyaa dalam hidup anda.
·      Jika anda gemar debat, anda juga bisa membuat materi debat yang akan mengundang pembaca sekaligus mengomentari tentang materi yang anda buat.
·      Apabila blog anda terlihat membosankan, anda dapat merubahnya dengan perspektif baru atau mengubah tema blog anda agar tidak monoton.
·      Hal-hal yang perlu dihindari saat ngeblog ialah seperti: salah ketik, pemutar musik otomatis, huruf terlalu kecil, materi terulang, animasi yang mengganggu pembaca, memasang iklan berlebihan dsb.
·      Sebagai blogger anda harus berani mengungkapkan ide, rajin menulis, suka belajar, menyadari keterbatasan. Jika anda buntu ketika menulis sesuatu, anda mungkin bisa mendapatkan inspirasi setelah mendengarkan lagu favorit, mengamati foto, menonton film yang anda suka ataupun membaca dari sumber lain.

Oroh, Fary SJ. (2010). Tip & Trik Membuat Website dan Blog Gratis. Jakarta: Elex Media Komputindo.

iTunes, Pemutar musik milik Apple

Apakah anda mengenal software bernama iTunes?
Ya benar, iTunes adalah software multimedia player yang mampu memainkan beragam file multimedia dan dilengkapi fitur-fitur yang sangat lengkap, sehingga membuat iTunes lebih baik dibandingkan dengan multimedia player lainnya.

Awalnya iTunes bernama SoundJam MP yang dikembangkan oleh Bill Kincaid dan dirilis oleh Casady & Greene pada tahun 1999. SoundJam MP kemudian berganti nama menjadi iTunes setelah Apple membelinya pada tahun 2000.

Apple membuat iTunes versi awal menjadi lebih sederhana dengan menambah fungsi pembakar CD dan menghilangkan fungsi perekaman.
Saat ini iTunes merupakan software multimedia player paling populer dikalangan pengguna Mac dan kini telah merambah ke pengguna Windows.

Tampilan Aplikasi
iTunes hadir dengan tampilan khas Apple Mac OS yang elegan dan mengusung antarmuka yang sederhana namun cukup mudah digunakan.
Pada bagian atas terdapat tombol khas pemutar multimedia yang terdiri dari play/pause, next track dan previous track kemudian disusul playing status yang menampilkan detail informasi track yang sedang diputar.
Software iTunes dilengkapi sidebar yang menampilkan berbagai kategori seperti Library, playlist, genius dan dibagian bawah terdapat icon-icon seperti shuffle, create playlist dan sebagainya untuk memudahkan akses pengguna.

Fitur iTunes
iTunes hadir dengan dibekali fitur-fitur yang kompleks untuk ukuran multimedia player. iTunes tak hanya berfungsi untuk sekedar memutar file musik atau video, tapi iTunes dilengkapi kemampuan manajemen serta sebagai software yang menjembatani transfer file ke perangkat Apple lainnya.
Aplikasi iTunes memiliki kemampuan manajemen file multimedia yang hebat berkat dukungan dari iTunes Library yang memungkinkan iTunes membuat virtual library yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengakses metadata atau tag pada file multimedia yang dimiliki.
iTunes memiliki fitur bernama “Genius”, fitur ini hadir sejak rilisnya iTunes versi 8. Genius ini mampu melakukan generate playlist darilibrary pengguna berdasarkan kemiripan karakter lagu yang dipilih.
Kualitas suara iTunes pun juga cukup superior dengan dilengkapi berbagai dukungan fitur sound enhancement, equalizer, sound check serta fitur crossfade.
Apple juga membekali iTunes dengan segudang kemampuan seperti menampilkan TV Shows secara streaming, internet radio, podcast, iBook, iTunes Cloud, import/export playlist serta kemampuan CD burning.
Melalui iTunes, pengguna juga dapat langsung terhubung dengan iTunes Store untuk mengunduh ebook, aplikasi atau file musik tanpa harus menggunakan aplikasi lain.
iTunes mendukung berbagai file multimedia seperti MP3, AIFF, WAV, MPEG-4, AAC dan M4a serta dukungan terbatas untuk format OGG Vorbis dan FLAC. iTunes juga memiliki kemampuan untuk menkonversi file musik ke format AAC.

Sinkronisasi Dengan Perangkat Apple
Sejak iTunes versi 2, Apple melengkapi kemampuan pemutar multimedia ini dengan kemampuan sinkronisasi dengan perangkat MP3 player besutan Apple, iPod.
Seiring berkembangnya perangkat Apple, iTunes memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan sinkronisasi dengan berbagai perangkat canggih Apple seperti iPod, iPhone dan iPad.
Melalui software iTunes ini, pengguna gadget Apple dapat melakukan transfer musik, video, movie, podcast serta aplikasi dari iTunes ke iPod, iPad dan iPhone atau sebaliknya. Kemampuan inilah yang membuat software ini wajib dimiliki oleh pengguna gadget Apple.
Sejak iTunes 4.1, Apple memutuskan untuk menghadirkan aplikasi iTunes untuk platform PC Windows, sayangnya hingga sekarang Apple tidak menghadirkan aplikasi canggih ini ke sistem operasiopen source, Linux.

Anda penasaran ingin mencoba iTunes? Silahkan download disini. iTunes tersedia untuk Mac OS X, Windows XP, Vista dan Windows.

Jika anda telah mendownload iTunes lalu diinstal di PC anda, anda dapat memnuat account untuk membeli item-item seperti musik, audio book, permainan untuk iPod sampai dengan menyewa film.

Memainkan Lagu dengan iTunes
Dengan antarmuka yang sederhana, iTunes memberikan kemudahan kepada pengguna untuk mencari lagu, memilih lagi, sampai dengan memainkannya.
1.    Pilih Library pada Source List untuk melihat semua musik yang Anda miliki pada iTunes library.
2.    Pilih lagu yang anda inginkan dan klik tombol Play yang terletak di bagian kiri atas.
3.    Geser slider volume untuk merubah volume lagu.
4.    Klik di suatu area pada progress bar di panel informasi untuk memainkan lagu pada waktu tersebut.
5.    Perhatikan bahwa di depan setiap lagu selalu ada tanda cek. iTunes hanya memainkan lagu yang diberi tanda cek. Jika anda tidak ingin memutar lagu tertentu, hilangkan saja tanda ceknya.

Peranginangin, Yahya (2008). Berkreasi tanpa batas dengan iLife '08. Jakarta: Elex Media Komputindo.

Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

Diet For Women in Their 40s

Age of 40 is a period the most emotional
and volatile in a woman's life. At this age, most women begin to
experience symptoms of menopause can create stress. To minimize this,
multiply the consumption of nuts and fruits like oranges, bananas and
strawberries. Enter the fruits and vegetables in the daily diet, and
avoid unhealthy fats and soft drinks. Body weight changes in women aged 40

15 Foods To Prevent Osteoporosis

Eating a foods with balanced nutrition and rich in calcium can prevent osteoporosis. Oosteoporosis is a disease characterized by reduced bone mass and changes in bone tissue microarchitecture. Osteoporosis is not just a reduction in bone density but also decreased bone strength. In osteoporosis the bone damage faster than improvements made by the body. Osteoporosis is often called bone loss. The

The yes-no game

Posted by Jean Adams

I try hard to be a ‘yes’ person. Not a yes-(wo)man - I like to think I’m fairly critical and independent minded. But the sort of person who will be helpful and enthusiastic and say ‘yes’ when I can. I am, after all, pretty off the scale in conscientiousness and tend to think that yes is inherently a good thing.

This is in contrast to the ‘no’ people: the lazy, unhelpful people who can be relied upon only to say ‘no’. Or at least nothing much until you’ve given up hope and asked someone else.

The yes-no game
Public health is a collaborative science. It is probably still possible to while away a career in epidemiology without speaking to many people – especially if you have a big cohort study, or other data set, nestled up your sleeve. But once you get into the realm of developing and evaluating public health interventions, or even just collecting another round of data from your cohort study, you start to need big teams of people with varied expertise – a systematic reviewer, a statistician, a health economist, a qualitative researcher (goodness me I sometimes wish I was did one of those tangible things that people could give a name to). The effect is that there are all sorts of people asking you to say yes to taking part in this and that.

University research departments are also supposed to be pretty collaborative places – more than just the sum of their parts, but interactive groups of people getting stuff done together. There’s teaching, and supervision, and tutoring, and marking to be done; committees to contribute to; strategy to be developed and executed; a website to be maintained; a Christmas party to be organised. A whole lot more things that you are asked to say yes to.

At the same time, I have all of ‘my’ stuff to do: projects that are supposed to be finished sometime around when the funding expires; papers to write for my REF return, and those I just want to write; new grant applications to develop; ideas for blog posts to dream up.

Faced with so many requests to say yes, is pretty easy to develop a no mentality. In fact, not so long ago, my partner and I decided that the only way we were going to free our weekends from the tyranny of work was to get a lot more strict with our yes’s and a lot more liberal with our no’s. There was going to be a daily fess up about yes’s and communal pats on the back for each and every no. No was going to be the new black.

It didn’t take long before we worked out that this wasn’t going to work. Partly because it turned out we couldn’t remember all the yes’s and no’s we’d said by the end of the day, or even to remember to talk about them; but mostly because it turned out that each yes and no needed to be qualified.

There were the things we really wanted to say yes to, but couldn’t because of all the other previous yes’s. And the stuff that we wanted to say no to but said yes because of the possible fall-out of saying no to particular people. Fairly quickly we’d worked out a 2x2 table of: what you said x what you should’ve said if you only did the stuff you wanted to do.

We abandoned the scheme before it deteriorated into unknown knowns.

The problem is that I want everyone else to say yes to my things, but to be able to say no to just about everyone else’s. And so does everyone else.

Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

Grapes Benefits For Our Health

Grapes is a pretty little plant with variegated colors red, green, or purple that has tremendous benefits for your health. Grapes are not only a source of vitamin A, C, B6 and folate are good. But it is also an important source of minerals such as potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and selenium. The content is extremely beneficial for the health of our immune system and our beauty.

How To Get Rid of Back Pain

Back pain is one disease that definitely affects 8 out of 10 adults in their lives. Most often back pain occurs due to stretched back muscles or ligaments. There are many options to deal with pain medication, but there are some natural ways to get rid of back pain.

Back pain can be triggered by a variety of reasons, ranging from injuries to the muscles and spine using excessive and

Benefits of Swimming for Babies

Teach baby to swim since the first year has many benefits. Not only beneficial for babies, swimming can improve the parent-child bonding. According to a study from the University of Science and Technology in Norway, babies can swim proved to have a better balance, and can reach around objects more easily than infants who are not swimmers.

Water Babies surveys conducted showed that 40

Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

How to Get Rid of Gout Naturally

Uric acid or gout arthritis is the result of the body's metabolism by one protein, purine and kidney. In this regard, the kidney controls the stability of uric acid levels in the body where most of the rest of uric acid excreted through urine.

However, if excess uric acid and the kidneys can no longer regulate its stability, the uric acid would accumulate in the tissues and joints. At high

6 Kiwifruit Benefits For Health

Do you like to eat kiwifruit? Apparently, kiwi contains many natural nutrients that the human body needs. Kiwi fruit has been known as one of the fruits of high nutritional and vitamin C. kiwi also contains a digestive enzyme that can help the absorption of protein. Enzyme called actinidin. It is a protease enzyme (protein destruction) which is in the green kiwi fruit, functioning digest

How To Get Rid of Stomach Fat

There are several areas of the body that seem easier to accumulate fat, one of them is the stomach area. Stomach fat be one of the most dangerous kind of fat for your health. Visceral fat, the fat on your stomach lining which is located directly above on your abdominal organs, is associated with increased development of some health conditions, such as heart disease and some cancers. 


Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012

How To Get Rid of Heartburn

Heartburn or a burning sensation in the chest like a burn from acid reflux into the esophagus. Heartburn is the main symptom of the disease GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease). Stress and smoking suspected as the main cause of this problem. The condition of people with heartburn, usually gets worse when they lie down, Bowing and overeating.

Tips on How to Get Rid of Heartburn:

9 Health Benefits of Walnuts

Walnuts are a source of vegetable protein, as well as vitamins, minerals that are good for our health. Research shows that walnuts have high levels of antioxidants two times more than other beans. Unfortunately not many people who eat them. Walnuts are one type of nuts that has tremendous benefits. The content of alpha-linolenic acid, which is part of the omega 3 can reduce the risk of coronary

Simple Tips On How To Lower Bad Cholesterol

Sometimes you feel you've done the best to lower cholesterol, but still no luck. Maybe some of you have already tried to cholesterol-lowering drugs as a way to lower cholesterol, but what about your eating patterns? Have you changed it to be more healthy? Because even with treatment, but without the proper diet, cholesterol could remain high.

Did you know that you can reduce the levels of

My first blog post

Posted by Emma L Giles

Okay, so I’d better come clean and own up straight away…this is my very first blog. Now, it’s not like I didn’t know what a blog was before now, but I had never been that interested. I have a Facebook account and log on occasionally. I even tried twitter once, but I failed to ‘see the point’ of it. So when I thought I might venture into this blog business I wasn’t quite sure what the purpose was. However, since reading the Fuse blogs in particular, I think I may have seen the light.

The little book of anxiety, by Kerri Sackville
I am a post-doc, which basically means that since handing in my thesis (aka a large door stop that I have since looked at about ten times) in 2009, I have been working at Newcastle University as a Research Associate. My first post-docs were largely teaching-based, and so I would never have even contemplated writing a blog at that time. My topics would largely have been around such thoughts as: oh heck, what do I do when 300 students pile into the lecture theatre?? Oh my goodness, I was caught in the headlights today when I couldn’t answer a student’s questions, what to do, what to do??? I…honestly…cannot…mark…one…more…assignment…that…reads…the…same…

Gladly, such issues are no longer the reasons why I lie awake at night. Mainly because I have moved to the Institute of Health and Society at Newcastle and now I actually do research as a research associate, but also because after six years of teaching groups of 50-300 students I am no longer scared by large groups. I can think of a semi-professional and intelligent answer to most student questions, and I have learnt that every student contributes something different in their assignments (most of the time).

So why then am I writing this blog? Well, I was actually going to write about my experience of publishing academic papers as a new career researcher. However, this thought abruptly ended when I started to type. I realised that my first blog might actually be somewhat lacking: would it be entertaining? Would I need to be funny (I’m not naturally a comedian)? What happens if the editor rejects my blog? What DO I WRITE? 

I think, funnily enough, this blog has actually taught me something. It’s taught me that I’m a born worrier and that there will always be something that I am anxious about. However, this is where I can see some advantages of this blog business (I may even have started to like them as well). Blogs allow you to air your thoughts, to share concerns with others, and to (sometimes) receive helpful comments and advice.
I think I’m going to write that second blog soon, surprisingly about my worries around publishing. That is, if the editor doesn’t reject this first blog.

However, don’t ask me to go on twitter again.

Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

6 Exercise To Get Rid of Cellulite

Fat that cause of cellulite can be burned with exercise and proper diet. Exercise is one of the best ways to remove cellulite. This method is inexpensive and fun. Cellulite, not only interfere with performance, but including skin problems and metabolic disorders caused by accumulation of fluid and toxins beneath the skin's surface that surrounds fat cells. As a result, the skin will look like an

Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

Healthy Breakfast Rules To Help Weight Loss

The breakfast is one part of the diet that most important if you want to lose weight. Instead you need breakfast to boost your metabolism, burn calories, and not 'greedy' when the lunchtime. For those of you who want to get the ideal weight, here are rules of breakfast for weight loss:

1. Eating One Hour After Wake up

The first step, you have to set the time a proper breakfast. Eat one


Posted by Jean Adams

If you think being an epidemiologist is a difficult job to explain, you should try being a lecturer with 85% dedicated to research. “Me? I'm a lecturer at the university....Well, no, I don’t actually do much lecturing....”

I think I only give two classic, big lecture theatre, lectures a year. I do a bit more classroom-based seminar teaching. But most of my teaching is one-to-one with students doing research projects.

The big (anatomy) lecture theatre at Leiden
I generally look after one or two undergraduate students doing final year projects each year, two or three masters students doing their dissertations, and I have four ongoing PhD students. We tend to supervise in teams, so I am not solely responsible for all of these people and two of the PhD students are due to submit in the next few months. Hopefully one will be replaced by someone else I am currently helping to work up a doctoral fellowship application.

Research projects were the part of being a student that I enjoyed the most, and I enjoy supervising research students. But despite the advice from students, and some mock bravado on my part, I don’t always find supervising students that easy.

The great thing about supervising is how different each journey is. Every project is different, with different challenges, and every student struggles with different things. For me this keeps the task interesting and engaging. But it also makes it difficult. Just like it is vaguely ludicrous to suggest that there could be a simple list of ‘rules’ for how to be a successful research student, so there is no simple rule book for how to be a supervisor.

I particularly struggle with how much direction and feedback I should give.

Student research projects are rewarding because they allow students to guide and own their work. Particularly at undergraduate level, they are one of the few parts of university learning that truly belong to the student. Having a supervisor that spends most of the time saying “do this”, “do that”, “definitely don’t do that” seems almost like robbing the student of this precious experience. But it is not uncommon to get a bit of a blank response when I ask what should, or even could, been done to solve a problem. Perhaps it is not a question that many students are used to hearing as an undergraduate. And when someone is nearing a deadline and feeling stressed enough already, sometimes “well, what do you think?” can push them right over the edge. It can be a tricky balance to get right.

Recently, however, I have been struggling with almost the opposite problem: how many times I should give the same feedback before becoming insistent that my suggestion is acted on.

Perhaps the problem is the very terminology of ‘suggestion’. I often tell my students that they don’t have to do what I say, that my comments are just ‘suggestions’. But clearly they aren't always. Every now and then a project will get stuck and, as far as I can see, there is only one way to unstick it: my way.

Sometimes it doesn't matter if the student and I dance around the issue for a month or two – there are other things to be getting on with, the deadline is still months, if not, years off. Other times, something has to be done right now. I don't like being insistent – it is just the sort of supervisor (person) I don't want to be. I don't want to lecture. But if the situation really is critical, then perhaps I am letting the student down by not insisting?

One of the common things that students do is to get personally and emotionally wrapped up in their work. I hesitate to call this a 'mistake'. I did it when I was a student. I do it now that I am not. I try not to be personally offended when my grant applications fail to get through to the short-list, or my papers are rejected without review, but I still am - a bit, sometimes. It can certainly mean you experience more of a blow than strictly necessary when things go wrong. But it probably also helps drive good quality. So maybe a 'risk', more than a 'mistake'.

What I hadn't quite realised was the risk of getting personally and emotionally wrapped up in my students. I have found that it matters to my personal sense of my professionalism that my students do well. The rare ones who do badly feel like failures. At least in the short term, until I have convinced myself that I did all I could: often including rather desperate lectures on standards expected and taking responsibility.

Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012

5 Exercises To Get Rid Of Stress

According to the research exercise can overcome stress. Exercising helps you be healthier, increase energy and stamina, making the mind more fresh, and make sleep more soundly. Those who are more physically active tend to adjust better to the emotional and mental stress, and more rarely suffer personality disorders.

Various bustle and daily activities can trigger stress, and even other

6 Fat Burning Foods

In addition to exercise, food intake also helps the fat burning process. Several types of specific foods can help burn calorie in the body, if taken correctly. Foods containing complex carbohydrates, fiber and essential fatty acids, it is difficult digested and your metabolism to work harder in order to disintegrate completely. As quoted from the Huffington Post, here it is foods that can help

How to Get Rid of Headaches By Natural Ways

There are many ways to get rid of headaches, one of them by taking pain medication. But there are also some alternative ways that you can use to overcome the pain of headaches. Headache that is medically known as cephalalgia is a condition of the presence of pain in the head, sometimes at the back of the neck or upper back neck. Headache disorders glance it looks as a trivial issue, but this

Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012

8 Healthy Foods To Boost Immune System

Healthy foods can improve our immune system. The immune system is a critical element of the human body to fight disease and infection. If our immune system is strong then we can maintain the health from the threat of disease, infection or allergies.

There are many factors that can make the immune system weakens, call it lack of sleep, stress, unhealthy diet, until exhaustion. Boost the

How To Get Rid Of Gas Pain

Gas in the stomach is actually a natural thing because it is the result of the digestive process. However, if excessive, especially cause we repeatedly flue gas, is certainly very disturbing. In addition to making social discomfort, stink gas can cause pain and discomfort in the stomach. Changes in diet and lifestyle can help get rid of gas pains.

Here are tips on how to get rid of gas

How to Get Body Always Fit

Building a healthy body, and body fit is not something that is obtained in a day but it takes discipline and commitment in the long term. At first it may feel a bit heavy but after a while they become a fun habit. Fit as an athlete was not impossible. A sports nutrition expert, Karen Warren, who is also the author of Best Nutrition Degrees reveals, there are secrets universal health tips that

Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012

How to Get Rid of Menstrual Cramps

Suffering due to stomach cramps, bloating, fatigue, mood instability, when menstruation is often experienced by many women. It occurs associated with hormone levels go up and down. Pain during menstruation is a reaction that occurs due to the release of endometrial cells in the uterus. There are several ways you can do to get rid of menstrual cramps. 

Tips On How to Get Rid Of Menstrual

Foods that Provide Energy Before Exercise

Before the exercise, you should eat foods that are not too heavy. But should you fill your stomach with food energizing. Exercise on an empty stomach is no more effective in losing weight and even more negative effects. Meanwhile, in another study, eating before exercise actually gives more benefits especially in women, which is not fast hungry.

Here are foods that provide energy before

A special teenage brain event

Just a quick push for a one-off event on the fascinating workings of the teenage brain. I'll be revealing NEW material ahead of next year's new edition of Blame My Brain. Edinburgh, Monday Nov 26th. Details here.

Please tell your friends. I need to sell a lot of tickets to cover costs!

Information, Q&A, handouts, book sale at discounts, chat to other parents/teachers. Entertaining, inspiring,

Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012

How To Get Rid Of Bloating (Simple Tips)

Bloating is caused by too much air in the gut that makes you feel uncomfortable. So how to get rid of it? Bloating is caused by too much air in the gut that makes you feel uncomfortable. If bloating occurs, avoid eating foods that are difficult to digest is that it contains lactose, fructose, fructans, sugar alcohols, and galactan.

Causes of Bloating

There are many causes of bloating,

5 Healthy Herbs And Spices That Rich in Antioxidant

Did you know, spices and healthy herbs also contain high antioxidant? Some of these herbs have anti-inflammatory and, can help you lose weight. Antioxidants are compounds that can prevent the formation of free radicals. Anti oxidants are available in our body in the form of the enzyme catalase, SOD, and glutathione peroxidase. But we can consume antioxidants from outside the body such as

The pensiveness of the long distance runner*

Posted by Jean Adams

Have you been following #episongs? It’s like a game. But for epidemiologists. On Twitter. You’ll appreciate this lends it a certain in-crowd, geekiness:

     Bayesian Rhapsody (from @martinwhite33)

     One way or ANOVA (from @soozaphone)

     Geoffrey Rose the boat ashore (from @gingerly_onward)

     You say use StAYta, I say use StAHta (yours truly)

I have been using my running time this week to dream up contributions.

The loneliness of the long distance runner, Dir. Tony Richardson
I run most days. I down tools sometime between 5 and 6pm, gather up my stuff, head down to the toilets in the lobby of our building, where a secret door takes you through to a tiny changing room, and change from smart young professional into Supergirl. Well, more often it is from slightly scruffy climbing hut chic (as my dad once graciously labelled it) into rather smelly day-glo shirt and running tights.

Often I can’t quite be bothered. But I have found that this thought can be turned off long enough to get changed and out the door and by the time it comes back there’s no choice left.

I run because I like to be fit enough to keep up with my climbing hut buddies, because it gives me licence to eat a certain amount of cake, because it gets me outside for at least 45 minutes, and because it allows my brain to think in a different way from normal. I think it keeps me healthy. But it might not.

When I'm running, my thoughts take on a different quality. I don’t have to stop them because I need to focus on getting an abstract down to 250 words, wording an email just right, or so I can work out what exactly the person speaking is trying to say. I can just let them happen. But it’s not like there is a jumble of thoughts. Often it’s just one thing. Going back and forth. Round and round. Upside down.

I have some of my best ideas when I'm running. Ideas for research projects. Ideas for how to solve the problem I've been sweating over all day. Ideas for how to teach the cohort study session without killing everyone in the room with boredom. Ideas for #episongs.

Sometimes I think that the quality of my thoughts is so good when I'm running that running time should be reclassified as working time. Other times, my thoughts are not about work at all and I would feel resentful of having to think about something in particular when I'm running.

I presume the two things are not unlinked: my thoughts happening differently, and the good ideas coming. I presume there’s a technical term for the thoughts thing too. Once when my brother was particularly frustrated about something or other, I suggested he take up running. He said he was going to go on a meditation retreat instead. I suspect they might amount to nearly the same thing.

I'm a bit of a running evangelist  But I try not to be a running bore. Pounding the same loop, or variations of it, day after day is not that interesting of itself. Beyond the occasional wildlife spot, hardly anything interesting happens when I run, apart from in my head. There is not much about running itself to talk about. And, to be honest, I can get the same thought effect from swimming, walking and various other repetitive physical pursuits.

What I really want to get out of running right now is a running related #episong

*with apologies to Alan Sillitoe

Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012

Mediterranean Diet, European People Healthy Lifestyle

The Mediterranean diet is considered as a balanced diet for some women. Mediterranean Diet is a diet that is inspired by the lifestyle of the people who live in the basin of the Mediterranean, such as Italy, Greece and Spain. The concept is to eat food that is natural by removing all artificial nutrition.

Mediterranean Diet is not just a regular diet that is able to losing weight because

Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012

How To Get Rid Of a Cold By Natural Ways

Do not rush to take medication if you have a cold. There are many ways to prevent and get rid of a cold. In addition to sore throat are also itchy and painful swallowing, cold is usually coupled with a runny nose, fever, body aches, and muscle aches. Of course this is very disturbing. The best way to get rid of the cold is in a natural way that can be done at home:

Here are the tips:


8 Sources of Protein For Vegetarians

Protein is an indispensable component of the body to build muscle, tissue repair and maintain the immune system. These proteins can be easily obtained from foods such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products. But, what if you're a vegetarian who does not eat fish, poultry or meat?

You can still fulfill your protein intake by increasing the variety of food intake that also contains

10 Health Benefits of Cucumber

Cucumber is known as one of the best foods for health. Cucumber (Cucumis sativus Latin language) is one of four types of the most widely planted vegetables besides tomatoes, onions and cabbage. Cucumber benefits for health have been widely used for body care and treatment.Cucumbers contain many vitamins and minerals the body needs every day, namely vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5,

Are we asking the right question?

Posted by Bronia Arnott

Recently I wrote about using twitter to recruit participants for a research study and how others said it couldn't be done. But were they asking the right question? Should they be asking if it SHOULD be done?

When I tweet to my followers on twitter I am sending information out to people who are like minded individuals. They probably follow me because they share some of my interests and probably because they like me have been caught up in the fallout from the weapon of mass distraction that is the Internet. So are these the kind of people I should be trying to recruit for a research study? A large proportion of them have a PhD and many work in academia (and I know how strange academics can be!). Even if they don't fall into those categories they tend to be those interested in mental or physical health, quite well educated, or my friends - which might not be very inclusive!

Reduce, reuse, retweet
But before I shoot down my research paper with the biased sample bullet let's take the finger off the trigger for a moment. Of course those things are true of my followers, but what about the followers of those who re-tweeted (RT'd) my requests for participants? Their followers may be more diverse than my own - especially those such as local radio stations who kindly RT'd. So, in theory, the further the RT was RT'd the more likely I was reaching people who were not that similar to me.

Taking another step back from the big red button, what kind of participants did I want to recruit? Well I was actually looking for adults of working age who regularly commute and own a smartphone – so if twitter users tend to be adults of working age who regularly commute and own a smartphone then perhaps that isn’t a problem?

However, while most twitterers are lovely (and recruiting this way allowed me to meet some of them who I may not otherwise have had the opportunity to meet) they are clearly different in many ways to those who don’t use twitter. Therefore while I do think people can and should recruit via twitter I don't think it should be the only method of recruitment. Unless you want to measure the effect of the weapon of mass destruction that is the Internet, then go ahead.

But enough about what I think, what are your thoughts?

Minggu, 14 Oktober 2012

How to Get Rid of Migraine Naturally

If you suffer migraines, of course you will instantly know the symptoms and immediately tried to find a way to get rid of it. Knowing the cause of migraine is very important before treating. However, most people only know some of the common causes of migraine such as excessive light or stress. Though there are some other things that can cause migraines.

Causes of Migraine

Here are

Fruit Diet Review, Methods of Natural Detox and Weight Loss

The fruit diet to be one of the trusted methods of diet effective to lose weight. The diet is also claimed to remove toxins from the body due to the accumulation of alcohol, dyes or artificial sweeteners and processed foods. How to do fruit diet, is to eat one item / piece of fruit every two hours, for three days. Is fruit diet is an effective and safe method? Here is a description of the

Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2012

How to Gain Weight Healthy and Safely

Underweight is rarely seen as a problem as well as obesity. In fact, underweight also at risk of health problems and of course can create confidence diminished. There are many theories as why someone might have a thin body, ranging from heredity, diet, due to the stress factor. Several kinds of diseases can also make it difficult weight gain, such as thyroid disorders.

Body weight is too thin

How To Get Rid Of a Sore Throat Naturally

Pain in the throat was very disturbing. As a result, so it is difficult to eat because of pain while swallowing. Before going to the doctor or swallowing the drug, you should first try some natural ways to get rid of a sore throat.

Sore throat is most often caused by viral infections such as colds or flu. Sore throat usually resolves itself, although in some cases there is a growing

7 Tricks On Healthy Diet

Several types of diets usually brings you back to the weight gain  that is more severe. To fix this, you should do some clever tricks in a healthy diet so that your ideal weight last much longer.

Here are 7 trick on healthy diet:

1. Food labeled

You should leave the instant food has a label on the packaging. Because these foods contain lots of calories junk can destroy your diet. Get

Healthy Drinks Guide For Diabetic

All people need to drink to relieve your thirst. Even so, people with diabetes can not be indiscriminate take a drink. Every time consuming beverages, diabetics must measure the amount of calories and sugar contained in it. Here is a guide to a healthy beverage that can be consumed by diabetics:

1. Milk

Milk contains vitamins and calcium are healthy and able to improve the smoothness

Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012

Foods To Keep Healthy Bones

There are some the food have the best nutrition for bone, which will keep bones strong and healthy in the long term. Good food for healthy bones basically consists of two things, namely calcium and vitamin D. Calcium is an essential mineral for the body to function properly, and calcium is stored in bones. Vitamin D is needed by the body to absorb calcium. Not getting enough calcium in the diet

Tips On Provide Healthy Snacks For Your Kids

Snack for your child is as important as the main meal. Especially if he is often fussy while eating. Sometimes it can be a substitute snack main meal. In order for your child to stay healthy, consider a few important things in giving this snack.

When the kids get hungry in between meals, it is important to ensure that there is the food quality is equally good and healthy to supply

Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012

10 Tips For Healthy Party

The party can sometimes be one of the obstacles we are in losing weight, if you are planning a party and need to include some food to celebrate, limit choices on healthy and tasty food.

Here are some suggestions that can be followed for healthy party:

1. When you make the sauce accompanying the food or dressing for the salad (salad dressing), use yogurt instead of sour cream or in

Collaborative writing

This post is reposted with permission from PhD2Published.com

Posted by Peter Tennant

I once showed my brother one of my papers.

"Why is it written in such a dull and lifeless style?"

"Oh, that’s the editor’s fault. It read much better when I submitted it."

Neither of us was convinced.

There’s no shame in being a scientist who can’t write. Science is fairly well populated by people with exceptional skills in the most extraordinary areas, but who can’t write for toffee. Then again, even the best communicator would struggle writing a scientific paper. Because scientific papers are almost always written in teams.

"Piled Higher and Deeper" by Jorge Cham
This is fairly sensible, given most scientific studies are performed in teams, but there are also some serious advantages. For a start it allows contribution from people with a range of skills. Having medical co-authors means my papers can discuss the clinical significance without risking a life-threatening blunder. It also means you’ve got plenty of people to celebrate with when the paper gets accepted. And, it gives you someone else to blame if anyone ever calls your paper, 'dull and lifeless'.

But, did I mention, it’s also very challenging? As the lead author (most commonly the first name on the authorship list, though not for all disciplines), the main challenge is to your sanity. As long as it might take crafting the first draft, this is nothing compared with the time spent sending it back and forth to your co-authors for more and more comments. It’s this process that I think produces that instantly recognisable multi-author style (the one my brother kindly referred to as ‘dull and lifeless’). Like washing a colourful shirt a hundred times. This is why (against the advice of senior authors like Martin White and Jean Adams, see bullet point 3) I rarely waste time overcooking my first drafts. There’s simply no point spending days writing a stunning introductory paragraph, only for it to be completely mauled by your co-authors.

Broadly speaking, co-authors come in one of three factory settings; the Rampant Re-writers, the Sweeping Suggestion-Makers, and the Utterly Useless.

The Rampant Re-writers get the most flack. These are the people who so heavily drench your draft in tracked-changes that, by the end, it stops feeling like your paper. Draining as this can be, these co-authors are actually the nice ones, generously spending their time to improve the paper. Until they start changing bits that everyone’s already agreed on. That’s when they get really annoying. And when it’s especially important to remember the Golden Rule of Rampant Re-writers: edits are only suggestions – as the lead author, you should always have the final say.

Next there are the Sweeping Suggestion-Makers. Wielding the deadly comment box, they add things like, 'this bit needs shortening' or 'I think you should add something about X'. Sometimes I’m tempted to send it back and say, 'I think YOU should add something about X if YOU think it’s so important!' But they’re usually too busy. And they’re usually right. Damn them with their helpful comments.

By far the most harmful authors are the Utterly Useless. The ones who don’t reply to emails, or who get back saying vague things like, 'looks great'. In the absence of praise from your other authors (sadly the academic for, 'this is amazing, fantastic work' is often simply, 'no further comments'), these people can seem like your friends, but they’re not. They’re useless. That’s why I call them Utterly Useless. In fact, these authors are the ones that can cause genuine ethical dilemmas. Do they even satisfy the conditions of authorship? Occasionally a senior academic will insist on being an author due to some historical connection with the study, even if they then add nothing to the paper. This is unethical. But not something that the average PhD student is in a position to do anything about. More pertinent is the risk of being pushed down the author order, despite doing the most work. It’s common throughout the history of science. It’s also morally repugnant. Always try to discuss the authorship list and the author-order before starting writing a paper and this risk can be reduced (though, sadly, not eliminated).

If being the lead/first author is most difficult, it’s not necessarily easy being a support author, where the big challenge is in getting the right balance of comments. Despite years of therapy, I still fall firmly into the Rampant Re-writer category. On more than one occasion, I’ve made the first author cry by overdoing the edits. Some support authors try to soften the blow by spreading their edits over several revisions, e.g. making the 'essential' changes first, then the less major changes later. But I’ve experienced this as a first author and actually found it more depressing! It’s like getting to the end of a marathon, only to be told to run another five miles. Short of making them cry, over-editing might still annoy your co-authors, especially if they are senior. For some reason, Professors don’t always react very well to having their words rewritten by a PhD student. So here’s my advice, try and get all your comments in first time, but make sure they are all essential. If in doubt, leave it out. Unless you’re happy making your colleagues cry.

Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012

Be Afraid

A few years ago I wrote a horror novel called AFRAID.

I tried to write the scariest book of all time, and lots of people seem to think it is. But it wasn't an easy sell. In fact, it took my agent six months to find a buyer. After many, many rejections, we landed a two book paperback deal with Grand Central.

I got a $20k advance. Not enough to support my family, but enough to keep me in the business. I hoped that AFRAID would be given a wide distribution, quickly earn out its advance, and I'd be able to grow the Jack Kilborn brand (that's the pen name I used). To promote AFRAID, I did a blog tour, appearing on 100 blogs in 31 days. I also did a real book tour, signing at 206 bookstores in 12 states.

Happily, AFRAID managed to find an audience, and quickly earned out its advance. Between March 2009 and June 2012, AFRAID has earned me $75,882. Not too bad.

But all was not rosy.

Grand Central didn't like my follow-up horror novel, LEVEL 6. They didn't like the title, or the story, even though they published the first few chapters of it in the back of AFRAID, under a title I hated, TRAPPED.

So I rewrote TRAPPED, because even though I thought the book worked well, I needed the money.

They didn't like the rewrite, either. I had fans expecting TRAPPED, but apparently they weren't going to get what they wanted.

So I wrote another novel for Grand Central, ENDURANCE. This one they liked, but wanted changes. I told them no, and paid them back the advance I got for the second book.

Telling a major publisher off was pretty much unheard of at the time, and I believe I became the first author to reject a Big 6 deal in favor of self-pubbing. I published TRAPPED and ENDURANCE myself. Had Grand Central been smarter, they could have published TRAPPED and ENDURANCE and perhaps even more Kilborn novels.

So how'd I do on my own?

I released TRAPPED and ENDURANCE in June of 2010. As of last month, TRAPPED has made $137,400 and ENDURANCE $103,200.

I'm happy with the money I've made, and that fans like these titles even though Grand Central had problems with them (they each have over 200 Amazon reviews and average of 4 stars).

And now, after years of watching my self-pubbed books outperform my Big 6 release, I finally have the rights to AFRAID back.

To celebrate, AFRAID is now free on Amazon for the next five days.

Now I'm sure you have questions...

Q: Joe, if AFRAID was still making money for Grand Central, how did you get the rights back?

Joe sez: Sorry to disappoint, but I'm not able to discuss that right now.

Q: Will AFRAID be released on platforms other than Kindle?

Joe sez: Yes, it will soon. I also have an omnibus edition of AFRAID, TRAPPED, and ENDURANCE as an ebook trilogy for $7.99.

Q: Will there be a new print edition of AFRAID?

Joe sez: Yes, also coming very soon.

Q: I like the new cover. It sort of resembles the old cover, so readers who remember that one will be able to identify it. Who did it?

Joe sez: Carl Graves. I think it's better than the one Grand Central did. Last I heard, except in rare and special cases, Carl is no longer doing custom covers. But he is continuing to sell predesigned covers. He's got twenty of them on his website that he's selling for $200 each.

Q: Is there going to be a new Kilborn title coming soon?

Joe sez: Yes. There will be several coming out next year, 2013.

Q: Don't you realize that Grand Central is the reason Jack Kilborn has fans? They introduced him to the world. Don't you feel like you owe them?

Joe sez: I'll always be grateful to everything my legacy publishers have done for my books, and my career. That's why I'll drink a sincere toast to them when they all go out of business. Which, if they aren't smart, will happen a lot sooner than they expect.

The windmill needs the wind to turn. The wind doesn't need the windmill to blow.

Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

They said it couldn't be done…

Posted by Bronia Arnott

Recently I needed to recruit some participants for a user engagement study that we were organising as part of our research. I had had in my mind for a while that I would probably try to recruit some participants via twitter. Anyone who knows me knows that I am a twitter advocate. I had been thinking about this idea for a while. However, when I mentioned my plan to others they said that they didn't think it could be done...

The Incredulity of Saint Thomas, by Caravaggio
Due to some unexpected delays on the project I realised that my brief recruitment timescale was going to coincide with moving house and my daughter starting preschool. I negotiated to have time off as long as long as I could recruit participants while I was on leave. The appeal of a twitter recruitment drive became even more appealing. I thought maybe I should probably have a strategy (or maybe I was just procrastinating) so I checked out what times of the day were most likely to get Re-tweets and put my academic writing skills to the test trying to summarise the user engagement studies into the 140 characters allowed by twitter. I also thought about targeting specific people who I followed or who followed me (or our research project twitter account) and asking them to Re-tweet to their followers. "Shy bairns get nowt" and all that.

Soon the RTs were coming in and so were the hits on our project website. Slowly but surely the sessions filled up. So were the doubters right? It wasn't as successful as I would have liked but I think there were a few reasons for that: we had very specific inclusion criteria, limited time, no funds, and for some of the time I had no Internet access (the provider who messed up not once but twice will remain nameless).

I think in the end researchers probably can recruit using twitter. Whether they should or not is a different question...

Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012

Seminar dan Workshop

Selama di Gunadarma, saya telah mengikuti beberapa seminar dan workshop yang diadakan di kampus maupun di luar kampus. Banyak sekali ilmu yang saya dapatkan dari sana. Dari seminar dan workshop tersebut saya juga mendapatkan beberapa sertifikat.

Berikut seminar dan workshop yang pernah saya ikuti beserta sertifikatnya, antara lain :

1.    Workshop Note Book Tunning and Trouble Shooting.
Dalam acara workshop ini saya beserta kawan-kawan yang mendapatkan laptop dari Gunadarma mempraktekkan cara menginstall OS Windows 7 ke dalam sebuah laptop baru, menginstall Ubuntu dan menjadikannya dual boot. Lalu saya juga diajari menggunakan SDK android di Windows  7.

2.    Seminar Web Development and Web Security
Pada seminar ini dibahas pengembangan web, keamanan web, cara memelihara web, mempertahankan web dari serangan hacker/cracker.

3.    Seminar "Techno IT Update"
Seminar ini diadakan oleh BEM FTI, bekerjasama dengan banyak narasumber. Seperti JagatReview, Intel, Kingston, ASUS, SeaGate, CoolerMaster. Seminar tersebut diadakan dari jam 9 pagi sampai jam 3 sore. Lama banget gak tuh?? hehe.. tapi gapapa..banyak sekali ilmu/informasi yang kita dapatkan dari seminar tersebut. Technologi-technologi terbaru yang belum resmi dikeluarkan saja sudah dikenalkan di seminar ini.

4.    Gelar Seni Mahasiswa Gunadarma
Acara ini merupakan sebuah lomba yang diadakan setiap 2 tahun sekali untuk seleksi menuju Pekan Seni Mahasiswa Daerah kemudian Nasional. Saya hanya menyalurkan hobi saja pada saat mengikuti lomba ini tapi alhamdulillah dapat juara 1.

5.    Workshop Audit Keamanan Teknologi Informasi Untuk Kemandirian dan Daya Saing Bangsa.
Workshop ini diadakan oleh Ikatan Auditor Teknologi Indonesia dan Depkominfo, isinya tentang mengetahui keamanan teknologi informasi di indonesia melalui jaringan seluler, wifi dan lain-lain.

New Media


Media baru adalah istilah yang luas yang muncul di bagian akhir abad 20 untuk mencakup peleburan media tradisional seperti film, gambar, musik, lisan dan tertulis kata, dengan kekuatan interaktif dari komputer dan teknologi komunikasi, komputer memungkinkan konsumen perangkat dan yang paling penting Internet. media Baru menyodorkan kemungkinan-permintaan akses ke konten kapan saja, di mana saja, pada setiap perangkat digital, serta masukan dari pengguna yang interaktif, kreatif dan pembentukan partisipasi masyarakat di sekitar konten media. Apa yang membedakan media baru dari media tradisional bukan digitalisasi konten media ke bit, kecuali kehidupan dinamis dari konten baru "media" dan hubungan interaktif dengan konsumen media. Hidup ini dinamis, bergerak, bernafas dan berdenyut mengalir dengan kegembiraan secara real time. Lain janji penting dari New Media adalah demokratisasi dari penciptaan, penerbitan, distribusi dan konsumsi isi media.

Globalisasi juga berhubungan dengan New media. Munculnya media baru telah meningkatkan komunikasi antara orang di seluruh dunia dan Internet. Hal ini memungkinkan orang untuk mengekspresikan diri melalui blog, situs web, gambar, dan user-generated media lainnya.
Terbang (2002) menyatakan bahwa sebagai hasil dari evolusi teknologi media baru, globalisasi terjadi. Globalisasi umumnya dinyatakan sebagai "lebih dari perluasan kegiatan di luar batas-batas negara bangsa tertentu". Globalisasi lebih pendek jarak antara orang di seluruh dunia dengan komunikasi elektronik (Carely 1992 di Flew 2002) dan Cairncross (1998) mengungkapkan perkembangan yang besar sebagai kematian "dari" jarak jauh. media baru "radikal memecahkan hubungan antara fisik dan tempat tempat sosial, membuat lokasi fisik jauh kurang berarti untuk hubungan sosial kita" (Croteau dan Hoynes 2.003: 311).
Namun, perubahan dalam lingkungan media baru menciptakan serangkaian ketegangan dalam konsep "ruang publik".

Media baru juga sebagai alat untuk perubahan social Gerakan Sosial Media memiliki sejarah yang kaya dan lantai yang telah berubah dengan kecepatan tinggi sejak New Media menjadi banyak digunakan. The Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Zapatista di Chiapas, Meksiko adalah gerakan besar pertama untuk membuat dikenal luas dan efektif penggunaan Baru Media untuk komunike dan mengorganisir pada tahun 1994. Sejak itu, New Media telah digunakan secara luas oleh gerakan sosial untuk mendidik, mengatur, produk budaya saham gerakan, berkomunikasi, membangun koalisi, dan banyak lagi.Para Menteri WTO 1999 Konferensi kegiatan protes adalah tengara yang lain dalam penggunaan New Media sebagai alat untuk perubahan sosial. Protes WTO menggunakan media untuk mengatur tindakan asli, berkomunikasi dengan dan mendidik peserta, dan digunakan sumber media alternatif. The Indymedia gerakan juga dikembangkan dari tindakan ini, dan telah menjadi alat yang hebat dalam demokratisasi informasi, yang dibahas secara luas aspek lain dari gerakan media baru.
Beberapa sarjana bahkan melihat demokratisasi ini sebagai indikasi pembentukan radikal, sosio-teknis paradigma "untuk menantang dominan, neoliberal dan determinis teknologis model teknologi informasi dan komunikasi."

Sebuah radikal melihat kurang di sepanjang baris yang sama adalah bahwa orang-orang memanfaatkan internet untuk menghasilkan globalisasi akar rumput, yang bersifat anti-neoliberal dan berpusat pada orang daripada arus modal.Tentu saja , beberapa juga skeptis terhadap peran Baru Media di Gerakan Sosial. Banyak sarjana menunjukkan akses yang tidak setara ke media baru sebagai penghalang bagi gerakan berbasis luas, kadang-kadang bahkan menindas beberapa di dalam gerakan. Lain-lain ragu tentang bagaimana demokratis atau benar-benar berguna untuk gerakan sosial, bahkan bagi mereka yang akses.Ada juga banyak New Media komponen yang aktivis menyebut sebagai alat untuk perubahan yang belum banyak dibahas seperti itu oleh akademisi.

New Media juga menemukan penggunaan dengan gerakan sosial radikal kurang seperti Free Hugs Campaign. Menggunakan situs web, blog, dan video online untuk menunjukkan efektivitas gerakan itu sendiri. Seiring dengan contoh penggunaan blog volume tinggi telah memungkinkan berbagai pandangan dan praktek menjadi lebih luas dan mendapatkan lebih banyak perhatian publik. Contoh lain adalah on-akan Free Tibet Campaign, yang telah dilihat pada website banyak serta memiliki sedikit pertalian dengan band Gorillaz di klip mereka Bitez Gorillaz menampilkan penyanyi utama 2D duduk dengan pengunjuk rasa di Tibet protes. Lain perubahan sosial dilihat berasal dari New Media adalah tren di dunia fashion dan munculnya subkultur seperti Teks Bicara, Cyberpunk, dan lain-lain yang beragam.

Keamanan Nasional New Media baru-baru ini banyak diminati global spionase masyarakat karena mudah diakses secara elektronik dalam database format dan karena itu dapat dengan cepat diambil dan sebaliknya direkayasa oleh nasional pemerintah. Terutama menarik bagi spionase komunitas Facebook dan Twitter, dua situs di mana orang bebas mengungkapkan informasi pribadi yang kemudian dapat disaring melalui dan diarsipkan untuk penciptaan otomatis dari dokumen pada kedua orang kepentingan dan warga rata-rata. 
Contoh dari new media adalah Android. Android adalah sistem operasi untuk telepon seluler yang berbasis Linux. Android menyediakan platform terbuka bagi para pengembang buat menciptakan aplikasi mereka sendiri untuk digunakan oleh bermacam peranti bergerak. Awalnya, Google Inc. membeli Android Inc., pendatang baru yang membuat peranti lunak untuk ponsel. Kemudian untuk mengembangkan Android, dibentuklah Open Handset Alliance, konsorsium dari 34 perusahaan peranti keras, peranti lunak, dan telekomunikasi, termasuk Google, HTC, Intel, Motorola, Qualcomm, T-Mobile, dan Nvidia. Pada saat perilisan perdana Android, 5 November 2007, Android bersama Open Handset Alliance menyatakan mendukung pengembangan standar terbuka pada perangkat seluler. Di lain pihak, Google merilis kode-kode Android di bawah lisensi Apache, sebuah lisensi perangkat lunak dan standar terbuka perangkat seluler.

Di dunia ini terdapat dua jenis distributor sistem operasi Android. Pertama yang mendapat dukungan penuh dari Google atau Google Mail Services (GMS) dan kedua adalah yang benar–benar bebas distribusinya tanpa dukungan langsung Google atau dikenal sebagai Open Handset Distribution (OHD).– Wikipedia
Perkembangan yang pesat pada sistem android karena juga didukung oleh hampir keseluruhan vendor smartphone. hal ini karena sifatnya yang open source sehingga siapa saja bisa mengembangkan OS tersebut untuk diginakan di gadget mereka dan disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan pasar.

Seperti pada Distribusi Linux yang sering berkembang demikian juga dengan Android itu sendiri sejak awal dikembangkan 2009 sampai sekarang (2010) sudah memiliki 5 versi dan ini akan terus berkembang karena pasar yang semakin melirik OS ini dan mudahnya pengembangannya.

Versi-versi android :
Android versi 1.1

Pada 9 Maret 2009, Google merilis Android versi 1.1. Android versi ini dilengkapi dengan pembaruan estetis pada aplikasi, jam alarm, voice search (pencarian suara), pengiriman pesan dengan Gmail, dan pemberitahuan email.

Android versi 1.5 (Cupcake)
Pada pertengahan Mei 2009, Google kembali merilis telepon seluler dengan menggunakan Android dan SDK (Software Development Kit) dengan versi 1.5 (Cupcake). Terdapat beberapa pembaruan termasuk juga penambahan beberapa fitur dalam seluler versi ini yakni kemampuan merekam dan menonton video dengan modus kamera, mengunggah video ke Youtube dan gambar ke Picasa langsung dari telepon, dukungan Bluetooth A2DP, kemampuan terhubung secara otomatis ke headset Bluetooth, animasi layar, dan keyboard pada layar yang dapat disesuaikan dengan sistem.

Android versi 1.6 (Donut)
Donut (versi 1.6) dirilis pada September dengan menampilkan proses pencarian yang lebih baik dibanding sebelumnya, penggunaan baterai indikator dan kontrol applet VPN. Fitur lainnya adalah galeri yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk memilih foto yang akan dihapus; kamera, camcorder dan galeri yang dintegrasikan; CDMA / EVDO, 802.1x, VPN, Gestures, dan Text-to-speech engine; kemampuan dial kontak; teknologi text to change speech (tidak tersedia pada semua ponsel; pengadaan resolusi VWGA.

Android versi 2.0/2.1 (Eclair)
Pada 3 Desember 2009 kembali diluncurkan ponsel Android dengan versi 2.0/2.1 (Eclair), perubahan yang dilakukan adalah pengoptimalan hardware, peningkatan Google Maps 3.1.2, perubahan UI dengan browser baru dan dukungan HTML5, daftar kontak yang baru, dukungan flash untuk kamera 3,2 MP, digital Zoom, dan Bluetooth 2.1.
Untuk bergerak cepat dalam persaingan perangkat generasi berikut, Google melakukan investasi dengan mengadakan kompetisi aplikasi mobile terbaik (killer apps - aplikasi unggulan). Kompetisi ini berhadiah $25,000 bagi setiap pengembang aplikasi terpilih. Kompetisi diadakan selama dua tahap yang tiap tahapnya dipilih 50 aplikasi terbaik.
Dengan semakin berkembangnya dan semakin bertambahnya jumlah handset Android, semakin banyak pihak ketiga yang berminat untuk menyalurkan aplikasi mereka kepada sistem operasi Android. Aplikasi terkenal yang diubah ke dalam sistem operasi Android adalah Shazam, Backgrounds, dan WeatherBug. Sistem operasi Android dalam situs Internet juga dianggap penting untuk menciptakan aplikasi Android asli, contohnya oleh MySpace dan Facebook.

Android versi 2.2 (Froyo: Frozen Yoghurt)
Pada 20 Mei 2010, Android versi 2.2 (Froyo) diluncurkan. Perubahan-perubahan umumnya terhadap versi-versi sebelumnya antara lain dukungan Adobe Flash 10.1, kecepatan kinerja dan aplikasi 2 sampai 5 kali lebih cepat, intergrasi V8 JavaScript engine yang dipakai Google Chrome yang mempercepat kemampuan rendering pada browser, pemasangan aplikasi dalam SD Card, kemampuan WiFi Hotspot portabel, dan kemampuan auto update dalam aplikasi Android Market.

Android versi 2.3 (Gingerbread)
Pada 6 Desember 2010, Android versi 2.3 (Gingerbread) diluncurkan. Perubahan-perubahan umum yang didapat dari Android versi ini antara lain peningkatan kemampuan permainan (gaming), peningkatan fungsi copy paste, layar antar muka (User Interface) didesain ulang, dukungan format video VP8 dan WebM, efek audio baru (reverb, equalization, headphone virtualization, dan bass boost), dukungan kemampuan Near Field Communication (NFC), dan dukungan jumlah kamera yang lebih dari satu.

Android versi 3.0/3.1 (Honeycomb)
Android Honeycomb dirancang khusus untuk tablet. Android versi ini mendukung ukuran layar yang lebih besar. User Interface pada Honeycomb juga berbeda karena sudah didesain untuk tablet. Honeycomb juga mendukung multi prosesor dan juga akselerasi perangkat keras (hardware) untuk grafis. Tablet pertama yang dibuat dengan menjalankan Honeycomb adalah Motorola Xoom. Perangkat tablet dengan platform Android 3.0 akan segera hadir di Indonesia. Perangkat tersebut bernama Eee Pad Transformer produksi dari Asus. Rencana masuk pasar Indonesia pada Mei 2011.

Android versi 4.0 (ICS: Ice Cream Sandwich)
Diumumkan pada tanggal 19 Oktober 2011, membawa fitur Honeycomb untuk smartphone dan menambahkan fitur baru termasuk membuka kunci dengan pengenalan wajah, jaringan data pemantauan penggunaan dan kontrol, terpadu kontak jaringan sosial, perangkat tambahan fotografi, mencari email secara offline, dan berbagi informasi dengan menggunakan NFC. Ponsel pertama yang menggunakan sistem operasi ini adalah Samsung Galaxy Nexus.

Android versi 4.1 (Jelly Bean)
Android Jelly Bean yaang diluncurkan pada acara Google I/O lalu membawa sejumlah keunggulan dan fitur baru. Penambahan baru diantaranya meningkatkan input keyboard, desain baru fitur pencarian, UI yang baru dan pencarian melalui Voice Search yang lebih cepat.
Tak ketinggalan Google Now juga menjadi bagian yang diperbarui. Google Now memberikan informasi yang tepat pada waktu yang tepat pula. Salah satu kemampuannya adalah dapat mengetahui informasi cuaca, lalu-lintas, ataupun hasil pertandingan olahraga. Sistem operasi Android Jelly Bean 4.1 muncul pertama kali dalam produk tablet Asus, yakni Google Nexus 7.
